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150 1849-1999


Cardinal Is Her Color: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Achievement at William Jewell College copyright 1999 by William Jewell College Publications All rights reserved. Printed in the U nited States of America. N o part of this book may be used or reproduced in any m anner w ithout written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews. For inform ation, write William Jewell College Publications, 500 College Hill, Liberty, M issouri 64068. www.jewell.edu Library of Congress C ard Catalog N um ber 98-75075 Book cover and interior design by T im Lynch Book publishing services by BookWorks Publishing, M arketing, Consulting T he William Jewell College Sesquicentennial Publications and Historical Research Com m ittee would like to acknowledge with gratitude the able assistance of Pola Firestone of BookWorks in Overland Park, Kansas. T he success of this publishing project owes m uch to her expertise, patience, persistence, and professionalism.

DEDICATION Frank Hester, 1944-1996 Every great institution owes a m easure o f its

house, dressed in island garb, and

greatness to those who have come before. At

successfully squired every willing

William Jewell College such nam es are legion.

woman on cam pus into a week­

T heir deeds and their spirits have left an indelible

end frenzy o f stylized revelry—or

mark on the cam pus and on the world. T h at bibli­

so we thought. Our envy was

cal “ great cloud o f witnesses” blesses indeed the

palpable. T h e Fijis o f the 1960s

Hill and their lives and accom plishm ents continue

reached a zenith. They were what Frank Hester

to inspire to present greatness. While dedicating

m ade them—sophisticated, enigmatic, charm ing,

this book to one individual, Frank Hester, the aim is

cultured, and m arvelous fun!

to honor all those who have come before and helped make William Jewell the great school it is today. Following a long family tradition, Frank H ester

After leaving William Jewell, Frank and I got on parallel tracks—living in Liberty and teaching in the Liberty school system. H e was

came to William Jewell in 1966 and graduated in

probably one o f the m ost respected educators I

1969. T hroughout the years he remained a loyal

have ever known. Everyone learned in Frank’s

and active alum. Before his untimely death in

social studies classes.

A ugust 1996, he was serving as co-chair o f the

H is students built things, discovered knowl­

sesquicentennial steering committee along with his

edge, learned respect and cultivated im agina­

wife, Juarenne.

tions. Frank H ester gave his life to working with

To really know Frank H ester one m ust know som ething about the Phi G am m a D elta fraternity

children. T here is no higher calling. Only his legendary devotion to and direction

at William Jewell in the 1960s. I was a Sigm a N u.

o f Liberty’s Clayview Country Club shadowed

Like m ost o f my G reek brothers (with our no-non­

his reputation as a teacher. Single-handedly

sense, Cheese W hiz-and-Ritz cracker midwest sensi­

Frank forced the axis o f Liberty’s social universe

bilities) I tried to dism iss Frank and the “ F ijis” with

straight through the Clayview swimming pool.

their convertibles, sleek wardrobes, insufferable wit

N ow a whole city becam e his fraternity.

and posh pretenses. If that was not enough, each

Whatever Frank touched he m ade fun. Entire

spring they built a log wall around their fraternity

generations o f families will tell you that their V

days at Frank’s pool were the best they have ever

first with him. Frank H ester m ade the people and,


in turn, the institutions he touched becom e special.

Yet another great love o f Frank’s life was his

William Jewell College, Liberty Public Schools,

city. As a city councilm an, Frank defined the

Clayview Country C lub, Liberty, M o.—all felt

notion that Liberty could maintain its identity and

F rank’s lasting mark. M ost people are lucky to

heritage despite the suburban sprawl that often

leave one legacy. Frank left four.

turns hometowns into shapeless bedroom housing divisions. Frank dem anded high-quality development, fas­

So many nam es and their accom plishm ents whisper on this hilltop cam pus. As the night breeze hangs on the great colum ns o f Jewell Hall and the

tidious custom er service, and a sense o f community

moonlight rests easily on the J Bench and G ano

spirit from the city council. H is vision earned him

steps, another brother joins the march.

a cherished legacy—“ City Father.” T hough he loved his college, his fraternity and his city mightily, it was always people who came

James W. “Jim” Dunn ’71, Liberty, Mo., 1998

FO R E W O R D As William Jewell College commemorates its sesquicentennial, it is an especially appropriate time to reflect on the tremendous impact this college has had on our region. When I think ofWilliam Jewell, I think of the thousands of

been instrumental in charting a better future for the city and the region. Apart from the contributions of local alumni, the col­ lege plays a role in the lives of thousands of area residents

young minds that have been molded there. I think of the

and helps mold the cultural fabric of the region through its

hundreds of faculty members, administrators and trustees

incomparable Fine Arts series. Each spring and fall, the

who have shown such admirable dedication to die college’s

college presents outstanding performances, ranging from

mission and purposes. I think of the many residents of the

such notables as Luciano Pavarotti and Itzhak Perlman to

greater Kansas City area who have been enriched by the

the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Russian

vitality of its external programs.

National Ballet.

Throughout its history William Jewell College has

In the following chapters of Cardinal Is Her Color,

been an innovator in American education. The college

you will relive the triumphs and challenges of William

and its leadership have always worked diligently to build

Jewell history, with particular emphasis on the post-World

its reputation as one of the best undergraduate liberal arts

War II years. The chapters do not flow chronologically;

institutions in the midwest. Admirably, to complement its

rather, they are organized according to subject matter.

strong liberal arts foundation, William Jewell aims to instill

Each segment is composed in a unique style, featuring a

in each student a sense of leadership, citizenship, ethics

very personal voice by individuals who hold Jewell close to

and spiritual values.

their hearts. You will see important bits and pieces of Jewell

As a businessman and life-long resident of Kansas City, I find that my most indelible impression ofWilliam Jewell College is the interdependent relationship I observe

history through the eyes of those who have been there. As you might expect, the final chapter encourages all college friends and constituents to confront the future and

between college and community. Established a year before

the dawning of a new millennium. Most of us would agree

the incorporation of Kansas City, the college is often

that there is no greater challenge than preparing future gen­

referred to by the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce as

erations to assume their roles in society. I believe William

the oldest “business” in continuous operation in the

Jewell College has the vision and the will, the people and

region. Moreover, it was for many years the only college

the programs, to succeed in this all-important endeavor.

available to educate the citizens of this metropolitan area. Through the years, William Jewell alumni in the Kansas City area (now numbering over 6,000) have

Donald J. Hall, Chairman Hallmark Cards, Inc.



CONTENTS Dedication...................................................................................................................v Foreword.....................................................................................................................vii

A lm a M


Chapter 1 - History of William Jewell..................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 - Christian Heritage..................................................................................17 Chapter 3 - Campus Buildings................................................................................. 28

Cardinal is her color, Jewell is her name, high upon a hill she stands

Chapter 4 - Faculty and Administration..................................................................47

And we will fight to keep her fame.

Chapter 5 - Student Life............................................................................................55

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma M ater true,

Chapter 6 - Academic L ife ......................................*.................................................66

We will love thee, serve thee forever

Chapter 7 - Cardinal Athletics.................................................................................. 87

William Jewell.

Chapter 8 - Fine Arts Program............................................................................. ...101

William Jewell College,

Chapter 9 - Women at William Jewell....................................................................... 109

Far her fam e is known.

Chapter 10 - Greek life .............................................................................................125

D eep within our hearts she dwells

Chapter 11 - Jewell and Community.......................................................................150

And there our love for her has grown. Cardinal team s are warriors,

Chapter 12 - Jewell 2000...........................................................................................163

Bold and brave and true.

About the Authors..................................................................................................... 167

We will love thee, praise thee forever William Jewell. Christian faith and vision By her founders m ade T he cause o f her existence And the bounty for which they prayed. Working, trusting, onward, G od will bless our school. We will love thee, praise thee forever William Jewell.

The Alma Mater T he tune and first stanza o f the Alma Mater beloved by generations o f Jewell students was com ­

When a marching band was instituted at Jewell by Professor E d Lakin in the 1950s, a m ulti-part

posed by John (Jack) Wilkes ’42. Wilkes penned the

instrumental arrangem ent was needed. Professor

melody and lyrics while traveling to Syracuse, New

Lakin, a respected m usic faculty m em ber from

York, for the Christm as holiday break in D ecem ber

1950 to 1977, did a full orchestration and four-part

o f 1938. D avid G rosch, professor o f m usic from

arrangem ent o f the Alma Mater. T h at arrangem ent

1928 to 1955, was enthusiastic about the work

has been featured at countless William Jewell events

Wilkes had created, but believed the song was too

over the past five decades. A coda to the Alma

short to properly sing Jewell’s praises. H e convinced

Mater story was added in the 1980s, when Bush

Wilkes to augm ent the original material, which he

attended an alumni function at which the song was

did with the assistance o f Biron Bush ’40. They

played and realized there was no mention o f the

wrote the son g’s second stanza just before it was

C ollege’s Christian heritage in the lyrics. H e added

presented in chapel in the fall o f 1939. Following

a third stanza which speaks o f the founders’

that well-received perform ance, the Alma Mater was

“ Christian faith and vision.”

adopted by the Student Council as the official song o f W illiam Jewell College.










by D avid O. M oore

j/\/flliam Jewell College resulted from the vision

1847, renewed effort was expended. By 1848,

o f Baptists who lived along the M issouri River, a

S I 6,000 had been raised with great hopes for more.

watery highway across the state. In the late 1830s,

Hence, the General Association (forerunner o f the

four persons set their m inds to

M issouri Baptist Convention)

developing an education institu­

approved a proposal to ask the

tion for the training o f young m in­

state legislature for a charter, and

isters and laymen. They were

a unique one was granted and

T h om as Fristow, Ebinezer Rogers,

signed by the governor on

Fielding Wilhoit, and a young

February 27, 1849. With this, a

physician, late o f Little Bonne

college was born. William Jewell College is the

Fem m e church, nam ed William Jewell. T hese four, like the Four

lengthened shadow o f six persons:

H orsem en o f the Apocalypse,

Dr. William Jewell, its founder;

swept am ong the churches o f the

Alexander D oniphan, its philan­

M issouri River valley encouraging

thropist; T h om as R am baut, its aca­

and proposing “ a college among us.”

dem ician; John Priest Greene, its

T his achievement was slow

father confessor; John Herget, its

and arduous. A decision to estab­ lish a college and accept Dr.

Dr. William Jewell

Jewell’s handsom e grant o f 3,951 acres o f river

solidifier; and Walter Pope Binns, its prophet o f the post-war years. H .I. H ester, the legendary professor o f religion,

bottom land, worth more than S I 0,000, cam e to

has adequately told the early history in two books.

naught for failure to secure other monies. But in

His Jewell Is Her Name covers definitively the first


100 years, and a small m onograph brings the story

lady ever presided at “ the president’s m ansion.”

to 1979. T his present account, therefore, accedes

She spoke gently in her Southern accent while

to these records and emphasizes the last fifty years,

grace, mingled with charm , flowed from her. She


was chosen “ M other o f M issouri” in 1959. President Binns assum ed his role at a propitious


time. H e, with the trustees, m ust see the college through the closing war years, m ust prepare for

T h e person who ushered the college into the W illia m College

Jewell Seal

192 8


post-war years, who gave it the base for its m odern

lay plans also for the second century o f the college’s

achievement as a school o f “ considerable respect

existence. G oals growing out o f plans for the cen­

am ong small institutions o f higher learning,” was

tennial celebration included strengthening the liberal

Walter Pope Binns. He becam e president July 1,

arts program o f the college, stabilizing enrollment

1943, and served the second longest tenure o f any

at 500 students, and raising funds o f $3,870,750

president, nineteen years.

for endowment purposes. A curricular program

Binns was a G eorgian by birth but a Virginian

organized around twelve departm ents was envi­

by dem eanor and style. A tall, stately m an, he had

sioned, each o f which was to be endowed with

eyes which m easured a person keenly, if they saw


the person at all. Buried in reflective thought, he

With the influx o f students from 1946-1949,

might pass a friend on the sidewalk with no m em o­

led mainly by G Is, the enrollment m ushroom ed to

ry o f ever seeing that friend. It soon becam e com ­

700, not the limited 500 set earlier. M aking room

m onplace to say, “ William Jewell is a college o f car­

for students who desired adm ission to the school

dinals and has a pope for a president.” A genteel

always overshadowed enrollment restrictions. By

m an, mild o f m anner until ruffled, Binns cast an

the 1980s, enrollment would rest beyond 1,450

image o f aristocratic aloofness. T his was not so,

full-time day-school students with som e 200-250

however. H e was no aristocrat, but was a Southern

additional evening students. Students were rev­

gentleman, soul and body. H is was a tender heart

enue, and qualified applicants were seldom placed

and he always said it troubled him deeply to have

on waiting lists even when living quarters were full.

to dism iss som e student for disciplinary reasons. “ I have children, too, you know,” he would say. Binns was m arried to Blanche R oberta M allary o f M acon, G a. N o more gracious hostess and first


the return o f war veterans and other students and

T h e goal o f twelve endowed departm ents was B in ns’ hope. It was not reached; but six were fund­ ed as planned. G reat success was achieved in pro­ viding buildings to accom m odate the burgeoning


student body. Jewell’s present cam pus largely took

M inetry Jones, college business m anager, had previ­

shape in these years. Old Ely was dem olished to

ously worked these am ounts out. A teacher would

open the quad aesthetically. T he following new

arrive at the office, be seated and watch Dr. Binns

buildings were constructed: Greene H all, for

scan the listing. Looking up through his pinched-

adm inistration; Jones Hall, a w om en’s residency;

nose spectacles, Dr. Binns would begin.

Luther G reene stadium ; Eaton H all, a m en’s resi­

with us. I hope you have enjoyed it. We appreciate

present library building were set in motion as well.

our fine teachers and because o f your efforts, I’m

adm inistrator, quick o f mind and quick o f decision. H e might step across the hall for a short chat with Dr. H ester but when he returned he often knew his deci­ sion. A spring ritual for all fac­ ulty was the granting o f contracts for the following year. There was no tenure. However, on occa­ sion, when a young prospective teacher raised the issue, Dr. Binns informed him, “ Yes, we have tenure. You all have tenure. If your work is satisfactory, you can rem ain as long as you desire. O f course, unsatisfactory work will always bring term ination.” But Binns was an honorable and just man. H e used a yellow, legal-sized “ lawyer’s p ad ” to list the teachers and the salary offer he proposed for each. H e and



“ Well, M r. R ose, you’ve had a good year here

dency; and Yates College Union. Plans for the Dr. Binns was a forthright


Old Ely

going to pay you $300 more next year. T h at will

you the figure for the professor right under yours.

make you $5,700, paid over ten m onths.” H e would

Please give me back your contract and we’ll correct

pause, pick up the contract and hand it over. Then

it. Your raise is $400.” D ejected, the professor

he would close with, “ What do you think o f that?

handed it over. Crestfallen, and a little bit sore,

T h a t’s good, isn’t it?”

he m ade his way back to his office. Slowly, he

U sually, m atters ended there and the professor

dialed his home and said, “ Honey, I hope you

would take the contracts, sign one for Binns and

haven’t bought that new dress yet. We didn’t get

one for the dean and keep one for himself. T h e

that big raise.”

experience was daunting. An occasion the writer

T hen he just sat in his chair-no rocking, no

rem em bers clearly. H e entered the office, and after

hum m ing, no saying life is fair. T he telephone

the usual banter, President Binns scanned his pad,

rang. “ Binns here,” from the voice on the other

raised his eyes, and began. “ Well, sir, you’ve had

end. “ Bring your contract and please com e back to

an exceptional year-no problem s. (A m ost unusual

my office. I need to see you.” Click! T h e professor

achievement for that professor!) I want to show that

looked down at the sheet o f typed paper. I ’ll be

we appreciate your work and I ’m going to give you

dad-blam ed if I take another whack off my salary,”

a $2,500 raise for next year.”

he exploded. “ T his is too m uch.”

T h e writer caught his breath. Two thousand

Back in B in ns’ office a gracious, alm ost repen­

five hundred dollars, a 33 percent increase in

tant fellow greeted the teacher. “ Sit down, sir, I

salary. H ad the millennium arrived? T h e contracts

owe you an apology. I should not have done to you

were handed over and signed on the spot. Ecstasy

what I did. It was my mistake and I’m just going

reigned on the walk back to Jewell Hall. Having

to stick by my original statement. H ere’s the origi­

called his wife with the news, the professor rocked

nal contract, $2,500 intact. Give me the one you

back and forth in his chair. Life was just, after all.

are holding and I ’ll tear it up. I ’m sorry for what

T hen the phone rang. “ Binns here,” the voice

has happened.” T he professor left the office smiling

said. “ Please com e back to my office and bring

and resolute. H e had m et a good m an, not too

your contract with you.” Click! T h e professor

proud to confess a mistake and set it right.

froze. “ Bring the contract,” he had said. In the president’s office, Binns seem ed quietly

President Binns felt that he, acting by and through trustee authority, led the college. H e pro­

perturbed. H e was uncertain how to proceed. “ I’m

tected, defended, advanced and honored his school.

em barrassed,” he said. “ I m ade a mistake on your

Although professors som etim es felt that Binns was

contract. When I looked down at the pad, I quoted

aloof from them, he always protected them from


outside criticism or unjust attack. But he expected

Association o f Southern Baptist Colleges and

dedicated achievement from each. H e was unswerv­

Schools in 1948. T hey traveled together to national

ing in his expectation that faculty and staff should

m eetings, played R ook together (Binns always

act according to the stated Christian ideals o f the

choosing H ester for partner), m ade visits o f condo­

college. T h ese included a clear realization by all

lences to student families in times o f crisis, and

that Jewell was a Baptist institution, although not a

thought through college problem s together until

narrow, sectarian one.

June 30,1961. H ester then left the college to

Dr. Binns introduced a sum m er study program

Theological Seminary, where M illard Berquest, one

three or more years. H e was the authorizer and

o f H ester’s form er students, was president.

decision-m aker o f these grants. After a religion

On February 28,1962, President Binns

professor had been approved for one o f these

announced his im pending retirement. N ow sixty-

grants, he was in the president’s office shortly

five years old, he judged it time to move on. The

before departure for U nion Theological Sem inary

Kansas City Star said editorially, “ Today, William

in New York City. There the president, with not a

Jewell is one o f the excellent sm aller colleges o f the

hint o f a smile, addressed him. “ I’m glad you’re

M iddle West. U nder the direction o f Dr. Binns its

going to U nion for study. A professor needs to

educational services have been strengthened. It has

keep fresh in his teaching. But listen to me now.

continued its devotion to Christian philosophy. T h e

D o n ’t you go up there to that N orthern school and

growing college at Liberty will always owe him a

get any new ideas. We like you here just the way

special debt o f gratitude.” were bright indeed. Enrollm ent stood at 1,012, a

It m ust not, however, be seen to m ean he was a

peak. N ew buildings surrounded the quad. K ansas

present-day fundam entalist. H e respected others’

City public relations were at an all-time high. A

theological views and granted their right to inde­

grant from the Ford Foundation o f S I 83,500 had

pendent interpretation.

been received, income from which was to be used

eighteen years his vice president, Dr. H. I. H ester, writes o f Binns, “ H is administration was one o f the


William College

Jewell Seal


19 42

At this point in the life o f the school, things

Binns eschewed any taint o f theological liberalism.

H is friend, form er student colleague, and for


becom e vice president o f M idwestern Baptist

for professors after they had been at the school for

you are.” One has to interpret this to m ean that


for improvement o f faculty salaries. But om inous clouds hung across the horizon. Student unrest, national and local, was develop­

m ost fruitful o f any in the long history o f the col­

ing. T h e divisive spirit o f Vietnam affected every­

lege.” T hese two had led in the form ation o f the

one. There was little participation by students or


y e w e 11 i s

n er iv a m e

faculty in policy-making procedures on cam pus. A

in consideration, and who had been pastor at

national trend toward granting faculty tenure as a

Wornall R oad. Browning was a supporter o f

guarantor o f academ ic freedom had not yet reached

M oore, his form er pastor, and in the end M oore

Jewell. Further, faculty had becom e restive about

was chosen. H e was pastor o f Broadway Baptist

denom inational relations with M issouri Baptists,

Church, Ft. Worth, Texas, and had no prior experi­

and a pro-Baptist versus non-denom inational

ence in educational administration. H e assum ed his

schism developed. Against this backdrop, the

role in June, 1962, and served until August 31,1968.

search for a new president was on.

Dr. M oore was a m an with a pastor’s heart who found no zest in day-to-day decisions that required


dism issals or rem onstrances with staff. H e longed for positions and decisions to be worked out in

A trustee nom inating com m ittee was appointed by its president, Charles F. Curry, who was to serve

to that o f Binns. From the beginning, however, the

efforts, two K an sas City

new president was liked by the faculty, which set

churches cam e to the fore.

about strengthening its role in administrative matters

Curry and several strong

that related to academ ic affairs. A restless student

board m em bers were in

body also sought, and secured, more input in college

Calvary Baptist Church,

administration. Progress was m ade on a tenured

while M r. Will Browning

faculty program , and both students and faculty

and an active contingent

becam e more involved with college governance. President M oore put into motion approval for

Church. T he first choice

faculty to elect and develop an effective faculty

for president was the

steering committee (later called Faculty Council).

Reverend Conrad Willard,

T he first m em bers o f this com m ittee were D avid O.

im m ediate past pastor o f

M oore, Wes Forbis, D ouglas H arris, G eorgia

Calvary Baptist. Following an interview with the

Bowm an, and M arvin D ixon. Its role and work for

full faculty at the college, however, Willard withdrew

the college was steadily refined and developed until

his name.

it had a meaningful place in academ ic budget

T his opened the way for the selection o f the Reverend H. G uy M oore, who had previously been


T his style o f decision-making was a marked contrast

as its chairm an. In their

were atW ornall Road

President H. Guy Moore

community fashion where consensus was achieved.

preparation and allocation, selection o f new faculty, evaluation o f faculty for merit pay raises, and con-


sideration for tenure, when this was finally

trustee com m ittee that E. Lee M cL ean had been

Colleges and Secondary Schools, an accrediting

selected to serve as a consultant on establishing a

agency, supported this move.

development program for the college. M cL ean and Olson was elected as executive vice president

the library building was finished in the sum m er o f

and director o f development in O ctober o f 1967. Over time, O lson’s em erging powers overshad­

the Yates College U nion nearly doubled in size.

owed those o f the president, a fact which a N orth

Browning H all, a new residence facility for men,

Central accrediting team pointed out in a site visit

was constructed on a site just west o f Eaton Hall.

in the spring o f 1968. For this and other reasons

In the m idst o f these things, key staff decisions

the college was placed on a three-year private

had to be m ade. T he academ ic dean, G arland

probation, with another review slated at the end

Taylor, left for a similar position at M ercer

o f that period.

University in G eorgia. Dr. Bruce T h om son was

President M oore ultimately left the college at

chosen as replacement. T he esteem ed physical

the end o f A ugust in 1968. H e returned to his first

education departm ent director and head football

love, a pastorate o f the New Plymouth Baptist

coach, Dr. N orris Patterson, took a position at

Church in Alexandria, Va. Olson was nam ed acting

United States International University in San

president, but his administrative style did not prove

D iego, Calif. At one point, student involvement

to be a good fit for William Jewell. By Septem ber

rose to fever pitch when two faculty m em bers were

1969, Olson had sought employment at a school

disciplined for im proper classroom dem eanor. T he

near Chicago and was gone from the cam pus.

trustees subsequently placed them on terminal


later recom m ended B .G . Olson for this position,

building projects were completed. Construction o f 1965. A new wing was added to Sem ple H all, and


On February 20, 1967, it was reported to a

approved. T he N orth Central Association o f

D uring the M oore administration four m ajor


T rustees were busy during 1969 searching out

leave, with pay for one year. M ass student protest,

their next president while Dr. E.W. H olzapfel was

covered by K an sas City television, served to height­

acting president. M r. Will Yates, patriarch o f

en concerns about presidential leadership. When

trustees, used his considerable clout insisting that

student enrollment and institutional fund raising

the president be a respected M issouri Baptist p as­

did not m easure up to trustee expectations, further

tor. In the search, attention turned to Dr. T h om as

dissatisfaction surfaced. As a partial corrective, a

W. Field, past president o f the M issouri Convention

trustee decision to establish a position o f director o f

o f Baptists and pastor o f First Baptist Church in

development was m ade.




recom m ended by their pastor. T h ese grants carried full tuition remission. Thirty-seven were accepted the first fall, 1970. Dr. Field then instituted his

At a board m eeting in K an sas City, M ay 2,

“ Church and C am pus Award” for qualified stu­

1970, Dr. Field was unanim ously chosen. He

dents, each carrying a $1,000 grant toward tuition.

immediately accepted. B ut it was no “ cake walk”

In 1970, 906 students were enrolled, and in 1972

to which he had been called. Fewer than 850 stu­

enrollment had grown to 1,199. By 1972, the col­

dents were expected that fall. A deficit in the oper­

lege was able to close its fiscal year with a surplus

ating budget o f $295,000-^350,000 was projected.

o f $25,000, due primarily to Field’s aggressive action.

Full accreditation had still not been received and

T h e second m ajor issue was accreditation.

faculty morale was low, with som e openly express­

Faculty and students joined in this effort. T he

ing resistance to another “ Baptist preacher-type”

accrediting agency examination would be in the

for president. But Field loved the challenge.

spring o f 1971. Therefore, revision o f curriculum ,

H e cam e with enthusiasm , a salesm an’s person­

strengthening o f organizational structure, with a

ality, the ability to analyze difficult problem s, and a

faculty statem ent o f purpose, all had to be

willingness to delegate responsibility. H e was no

addressed. From these efforts cam e a new curricu­

academ ician and lacked experience working directly

lum, nam ed “ Achievement ’70s: Education for

with faculty. T his he delegated to his academ ic

Individual Achievement.” It featured a new school

dean. When a problem arose with business m anage­

calendar, called a 4-1-4 plan. T h ese were the prod­

ment, he m ade changes that brought “ his team ”

ucts o f Dr. Kingsley’s prolific and creative mind but

together. Dr. Bruce T hom son, who had been aca­

were carried through by earnest faculty.

dem ic dean, was moved to business affairs and the

Because o f the unified effort o f many, the

associate dean, G ordon Kingsley, becam e full dean.

trustee report in May, 1971, docum ented a m ost

Both moves proved strokes o f keen insight.

encouraging team visit by the N orth Central

Prim ary problem s were twofold: to build the

Association. Dr. Bohm , o f that team , com m ended

student enrollment and to regain full accreditation.

“ the instructional organization o f the curriculum ,

President Field attacked the first o f these at the

the unusually high caliber o f teaching techniques”

point o f his greatest strength, his popularity and

and stated that the four science departm ents were

recognition am ong Baptist pastors. H e offered as

“ o f uniquely high caliber and markedly superior to

many as one hundred “ Presidential G ran ts” to

m ost private liberal arts colleges.” President Field

students who could qualify for adm ission and were

was optimistic. H e felt the reaction o f the review


team was positive and in the college’s favor. At

birthday, faculty and others began raising the

officially: T he college had regained a full ten-year

question o f his possible retirement. They were

accreditation. T he sanction o f a form er time had

concerned since the Field tenure had been very

been lifted and one o f F ield ’s best achievements

successful and since securing a new adm inistrator

President Field had m anaged to secure the

always carried a degree o f uncertainty. At this to M ercer University in M acon, G a., where he

som e o f the “ factionalism ” which had existed in

would also serve as dean. Faculty becam e greatly

prior years. Repeatedly, they com m ended their

concerned as to how events might unfold.

president and his staff for growth plus the spirit

President Field had elevated Kingsley to the

o f aggressive change toward better academ ics at

academ ic deanship, had worked cooperatively with

William Jewell. They were pleased with the general

him in developing innovative program s, and was

tranquility that existed. As a result o f this,

genuinely proud o f his accom plishm ents. Faculty

improvement o f physical properties could be

also had very high regard for Kingsley and did not

accom plished. Renovation o f older buildings, the

wish to lose his constructive leadership. In the

erection o f new ones, and the attractive beautifica­

spring o f 1978, when the Kingsley departure was

tion o f the entire cam pus ensued.

imminent, the faculty council met cautiously. They

a close. T he college had m ade provision for study, by selected students and faculty, at H arlaxton


time, D ean Kingsley had accepted an offer to go

enthusiastic support o f the trustees and neutralize

By 1980, the “ D ecade o f Achievement” drew to


In the year preceding Dr. F ield ’s sixty-fifth

the Septem ber meeting o f the trustees, he reported

was secured.


William College




I 9 60

asked whether Kingsley might be a good choice as president ofW illiam Jewell. One m em ber was selected to approach Kingsley

College in G rantham , England. Its Fine Arts Series

first and secured K ingsley’s affirmation that he was

had acquired national recognition. Growth o f the

interested in staying at Jewell. T he next move was

student body was constant and planned. Faculty

to approach the president, who, on being invited,

was steadily engaged in review, development, and

was pleased to have a steak luncheon with the

possible change o f its instructional processes. A

council in the U nion building. H e was told, with

fully integrated program o f sabbatical leaves was in

utter sincerity, o f faculty appreciation for his leader­

force. Students were represented on all im portant

ship at Jewell and o f their deep feeling concerning

administrative and faculty committees. T he first

rum ors that he soon might retire. T h e council

half o f Charles D ickens’ fam ous statem ent applied:

rem inded the president o f how they respected

“ It was the best o f times.”

Kingsley and regretted his plan to move to another


school. Since Field had encouraged, somewhat

duties. Dr. Kingsley was the first president since

groom ed, and always supported Kingsley, they

the 1800s to rise from the ranks o f the teaching

asked if he would consider suggesting to the board

profession. H e had participated in or planned all

that Kingsley be chosen as president-elect, to take

o f the academ ic changes for the last ten years. T he

office when Field had com pleted his tenure. To do

college he inherited was poised for a surge o f new

this would seem to be one

development and he used all o f his imaginative

way o f ensuring continua­

skills, his rem arkable ability as a public speaker,

tion o f the plans, hopes,

and his m astery with words for the advancem ent

and achievements for the

o f the college.

school President Field had com e to love and for which

Britain had com e to Clay County. After a while a

he had done so much.

red double-decker bus cam e to cam pus. T h e presi­

President Field was

Two friends who, as presidents, moved the college forward dramatically: Dr.J. Gordon Kmgsley & Dr. Thomas S. Field

Everywhere on cam pus it becam e evident that

dent was seen in a black London taxi shipped in

gracious and open to the

from the Isles. A red telephone kiosk appeared at

proposal. H e considered

the front o f Brown Hall. British decorative flags

the im plications and report­

hung from special m asts and “ British speak” was

ed soon to the council his

the norm . One o f the new president’s masterful serm ons was built around his spiritual epiphany

decision to approach the trustees suggesting that ^ mutually work on the proposal. T his they did J J y y _ and on M ay 1, 1978, the trustees m ade Kingsley

while viewing the massive and moving interior o f

president-elect. H e continued to serve as academ ic

loved it. G reater K an sas City was im pressed. It

dean until President F ield ’s retirement, which

was still “ the best o f times.”

occurred June 30, 1979. A gala retirement affair was planned and exe­

D urham cathedral in N orth England. T he college

Kingsley inherited a student body o f 1,450 and a faculty o f eighty-three. A second ten-year

cuted for the Fields, who were celebrated for their

extension o f full accreditation by N orth Central

significant achievements at William Jewell. July 1

had just been received. It gave glowing praise for

m arked the beginning o f the Kingsley era.

faculty, saluted the spirit o f the student body, and spoke highly o f both staff and the board o f trustees.


There was a slight caution that “ much work rem ained for the board in the area o f develop­

T he new president moved easily into his official


m ent.” Arises that ‘cursed sprite,’ the financial


development aspect again. It would not go away. T he new president pressed ahead, through his taught, interdisciplinary program o f general educa­

White Science Center now stands

tion called “ Foundations for the Fu tu re” cam e off

east o f M arston connected to it

the drawing board. What was called an Oxbridge

by walkway and elevator. T he old

Tutorial Program , nam ed for both Oxford and

M arston Hall was reconfigured

Cam bridge universities in Britain, was proposed,

for classroom s and offices for fac­

m odified, and finally instituted in 1983. Efforts

ulty and staff. In this rem arkable decade,

by the Hall Fam ily Foundations dedicated to sup­

1980-1990, Luciano Pavarotti

porting this highly individualized program o f study,

received an honorary degree from

a year o f which was to be spent in Britain.

Jewell and sang a brilliant gala benefit concert at the M usic Hall,

G ym nasium was completely rebuilt on the inside

K an sas City. Other notables followed in the Fine

with a challenge grant from the M abee Foundation

Arts Series. U.S. News & World Report gave William

o f $450,000. It becam e a com bination office and

Jewell positive rankings in its editions o f “ A m erica’s

teaching com plex for art and psychology plus a

Best Colleges.”

small theater for fine arts. A Center for Baptist

Athens on the M issouri, a H arvard o f the midwest,

special collections section o f the library. Kingsley,

an Oxford in the New World. H e closed a report to

him self a Ph.D. in religious history, pushed for this

the trustees once by saying this may be the “ year o f

program , which received financial aid from the

transition from being a good college to becom ing a

M issouri Baptists and a sizable bequest from

great one.” Indeed, he pushed relentlessly toward

William Partee o f H annibal, M o.

that goal. Six task forces, com prised o f K an sas City area com m unity leaders, faculty, staff and students,

for building a new science com plex as well as

had been at work on a C om m ission On the Future,

rebuilding the interior o f M arston Hall was planned

which was ultimately to recom m end an “ Agenda

and executed. T his project was aided by a hand­

for Excellence, 2000.”

som e gift given by M r. and M rs. John White o f M assachusetts. Both were form er students at

President Kingsley, center, joined by A dele and Don Hall, good friends of William Jewell.

Kingsley may have dream ed o f his college as an

Historical Studies was created and housed in the

A cam paign for enlarging the endowment and


o f the trustees. T h e cam paign was a m agnificent success. M ore than $27 million was raised.

There was activity on all sides. Brown


William Jewell and John White later becam e chair

faculty dean, with his academ ic dreams. A team-

were rewarded. A grant o f $ 1,050,000 was given


Always the faculty’s friend, Kingsley worked constantly for increased com pensation, while he


dem anded steady development o f teaching skills.

alumni affairs. By 1988, a com plete reorganization

A study o f salary structures conducted by independ­

o f staff positions occurred, fueled by concern about

ent researchers Dr. T hom as Em m et and Dr. John

fund raising.

M inter gave praise to William Jewell for progress in this area. T h e president envisioned a Hall o f Fam e

tions, alumni and adm issions supervisor; Suzanne

for faculty, which came to pass, and was added, in

Patterson assum ed the development position; E d

portraiture, to the Yates College Union.

Leonard, alumni affairs; E d N orris, adm issions; and

Student enrollment

team , but other opportunities beckoned. By 1995,

throughout the years 1987

all o f these adm inistrators had left the college.

to 1994, reaching 1,477 in

President Binns, in another time, began

1991. Kingsley praised the

Achievement Day in K ansas City by asking the

adm ission staff for its

question: “ What is a college?” H is reply to his own

achievements. Everywhere

question was unduly simplistic, but the question

on cam pus, students were

was o f utm ost im portance. As the Kingsley era at

directly involved in m atters

Jewell approached its end, som e o f the answer to

o f college life, serving on

B in ns’ question was being offered.

istrative and staff study seminar in English Literature.

Charlotte L egg, public relations. They were a good

remained relatively steady

faculty com m ittees, adm in­ President Kingsley teaches a

Larry Stone becam e development, public rela­

Colleges thrive, grow, and survive on zeal-stir­ ring tradition and alumni loyalty. T h e Jewell kind o f school depended also on its denom inational com ­

reviews, and in their own student senate efforts. T h e president wrote, in a

mitment. To be a Baptist college was desirable.

trustee report, “ It is my 20th year o f service with

Colleges also succeed on account o f the fertile

William Jewell College in som e capacity and it is a

m inds o f faculty, their teaching skill and, in this

fine little school I have com e to love very m uch.”

case, their enthusiasm for com bining Christian

But the director o f development position was

ideals and liberal arts. Dr. Earl M cG rath, consult­

vacant again. It had been a continuing problem

ant to the college in the early Kingsley period,

ever since the Olson fiasco. In 1986, Dr. Richard

m ade clear that small colleges rem ain good, or

B. Lancaster, lately o f Sim pson, Beloit and Earlham

becom e excellent, through clear perceptions and

Colleges, resigned his responsibility in this area o f

statem ents o f their mission. They had to rigorously

development after slightly more than one year.

hold to these.

T here was constant shuffling o f the director o f

T h e legacy o f the Kingsley administration was a


strong one. T he endowment had been significantly

served on the faculty, as acting presi­

enhanced as a result o f the successful $27 million

dent, dean, and librarian, at South

Leadership 2000 cam paign. T he physical plant was

G eorgia College, in addition to service

renewed with construction o f the new $7.5 million

at Florida State University and the

White Science Center and a completely refurbished

University o f N orth Carolina. Earned

M arston Hall. Programmatically, Kingsley’s inspired

degrees o f P h.D ., B .D ., M .L .S ., and

vision o f com bining the British tutorial system with

B.A. each prepared him for the task at

the Am erican approach to higher education may be

hand. H is administrative skills were

his m ost enduring legacy. T he Oxbridge H onors

honed during additional study at the

Program which he conceived continues to attract

Institute for Educational M anagem ent

som e o f the country’s best and brightest college

o f H arvard University.

students to W illiam Jewell. As Dr. Ann M arie Shannon, the first senior is the person who im agined Oxbridge into being.

students and faculty access to the vast

It’s an example o f what I think o f as his creative

resources o f the information superhigh­

imagination. William Jewell is a different, stronger,

way. In his inaugural address, Sizemore

better college because o f him.”

noted: “ William Jewell acknowledges that technology is increasingly im portant

ences with the president over leadership and

to our present and our future. Institutions o f

administrative philosophy, Dr. Kingsley retired

quality cannot ignore and m ust incorporate the

from the college in O ctober 1993. Following the

tools o f technology and com m unications in order

interim presidency o f D ean Jim E. Tanner during

to m eet the challenges o f our rapidly changing

the 1993-94 academ ic year, Dr. W. Christian

global com m unity.”

president. “ C h ris” Sizem ore was well prepared for his


Sizem ore’s presidency was the installa­ tion o f a com puter network to allow

Sizem ore was nam ed the institution’s thirteenth


A m ong the first priorities o f

tutor o f the Oxbridge program , put it: “ Dr. Kingsley

After the board o f trustees began to have differ­


When Sizem ore took office in the fall o f 1994, com puter use on the Jewell cam pus was spotty at best, with only about 10 percent o f the college

Jewell presidential role. H e had spent eleven years

community receiving institutional support for access

as president o f A lderson-Broaddus College in West

to the burgeoning field o f information technology.

Virginia, in addition to a stint as a teaching faculty

Within a year, the college was fully networked,

m em ber at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. H e had

linked by m ore than 1,600 com puter access points.

William Jewell has achieved much broader recognition and visibility during the tenure of Chris and Anne Sizemore. Both are heavily involved in civic and charitable activities in Liberty and Kansas City. Also, both are well respected for their service to church and educational associations at the state and national level.

Internet access brought with it the ability to

com m ittee, which included trustees, faculty,

connect with national and international databases,

adm in istrators, staff, studen ts, alum ni, and com ­

transforming the way students and faculty approached

munity m em bers.

research and learning. With the introduction o f

Dr. Ann M arie Shannon was recruited to guide

e-mail addresses, faculty and staff could com m uni­

the strategic planning process internally. T h e steer­

cate m ore effectively on cam pus as well. T he col­

ing com m ittee engaged in an extensive data-gather-

lege’s web site went on-line in January o f 1996,

ing process drawing from both internal and exter­

providing alumni, friends, and prospective students

nal sources to learn how Jewell was perceived by

with worldwide access to current information.

various groups. Based on those findings, the com ­

With the successful networking project behind him, Sizem ore moved to other initiatives. T h e board o f trustees was strengthened and diversified with

mittee identified an institutional core o f values and then assessed “ opportunities” and “ threats.” M arket research revealed that the community

the addition o f K ansas City civic leaders and alumni,

perceived W illiam Jewell to be an institution posi­

as well as business and professional leaders from

tioned to prepare leaders who are able to work in

outside the B aptist denom ination. T he board wel­

team s; who are self-directed and adaptable to

com ed its first African-Am erican m em ber, and

change; and who possess skills sharpened in an

faculty and student representatives were added

environment that purposefully connects the liberal

to various trustee committees.

arts with professional capabilities. T h e data-gather-

In the arena o f strategic planning, Sizem ore initiated the m ost extensive self-study in the history

ing process allowed the com m ittee to reaffirm the three basic tenets ofW illiam Jewell’s mission:

o f the college and began charting a course that would take W illiam Jewell into the next millennium. Strategic planning becam e the m ajor college initia­

To provide students a liberal arts education of superior quality;

tive o f both the 1995-96 and 1996-97 academ ic years. Sizem ore’s charge was to connect the strengths o f the past with the possibilities o f the future, always adapting to the changing circum ­ stances o f a technology-driven society. “ We m ust have a thoughtful plan in order to succeed, even to survive as a quality institution,” Sizem ore told the strategic planning steering

To serve communities beyond the campus educationally, culturally, and socially; To be an institution loyal to the ideals of Christ, demonstrating a Christian philosophy for the whole of life, and expressing the Missouri Baptist heritage ■which is the foundation of the college.



Additional outgrowths o f the strategic planning

dem ic chairs were added-tw o in biology and one

process included the initiation o f an integrated

each in m athem atics, religion and physics-at $ 1

marketing and com m unications program . A new,

million each. T h e Service Learning Program insti­

cabinet-level position was created at the college to

tutionalized Jewell’s long-standing service ethic,

oversee new initiatives in this area. Efforts to sharp­

thanks to the generosity o f an anonymous donor

en Jewell’s institutional identity were enhanced by

who provided a $1.5 million gift. Also, an estate

m eans o f a redesigned logo and a comprehensive

bequest from alumni Van and Vernalee Pearson

graphic standards program that enabled all college

provided more than $2 million for academ ic schol­

com m unications to speak with a clear and consis­

arships and support o f tennis. Jewell’s overall athletic

tent voice. Public relations and marketing efforts

program received a m ajor infusion o f support to

were directed to a m uch broader audience. T he

allow expanded opportunities for female student-

planning and budgeting process was revised and

athletes, and a completely restructured general

strengthened, with spending decisions tied to prior­

education program brought an interdisciplinary

ities established through broad consensus.

approach to the liberal arts curriculum.

Other highlights o f the Sizemore adm inistration included the following: • T h e development office was stabilized and

In term s o f bricks and m ortar, the Sizemore

years were active as well. A new entrance provided

William Jewell Co ll ege Logo of 1 9 71

W illiam Jewell Colleger'

a more welcoming gateway to the cam pus. A multi­

energized under the guidance o f vice president for

million dollar Greek residential com plex offered

institutional advancem ent T h ad Henry. Henry

an innovative partnership between the college

brought in a staff with strong professional creden­

and its Greek-letter organizations. A new, Olympic-

tials and restructured the office to give greater

caliber track was constructed around Patterson

focus to annual giving, planned giving, corporate-

Field, bearing the name o f principal donor G arnett

foundation support, and m ajor gifts. U nder his

Peters III. T he President’s H om e underwent a

leadership the “ N ew Century” cam paign was initi­

m ajor renovation that allows the residence to

ated, representing the m ost am bitious capital fund-

serve more effectively as the “ front door” o f the

raising effort in college history.

cam pus in entertaining alumni and guests.

• Large endowment gifts supported continued

Is H e r N a m e

William Jewell C o ll e g e Logo of 19 80

Preliminary plans were com pleted for renovation

excellence in academ ics. T h e Pryor Leadership

o f Jewell H all, G ano Chapel, and Yates College

Studies Program received start-up funding and

U nion as part o f the aforementioned N ew Century

then a generous $1.2 million endowment from

cam paign, whose kickoff coincided with the sesqui-

alumni Fred and Shirley Pryor. Five endowed aca­

centennial celebration.





V b










Jewell Logo


199 7

Dr. W Christian Sizemore

“ Our research results are clear,” Sizem ore told

With a renewed com m itm ent to the college’s

the cam pus community following the 1997 report

m ission, the William Jewell community stands ready

o f the strategic planning committee. “ William

to build on the strengths o f the past and move

Jewell is currently known regionally as an outstand­

forcefully into the twenty-first century. To para­

ing liberal arts college. Building on that reputation

phrase the words o f historian L .M . D aw son writing

and the resources at hand, I believe that the college

about Jewell for the M issouri Baptist Historical

is positioned to move into the national arena o f

Society: “ With such powerful advocates, with so

liberal arts colleges. It is toward this end that our

grand a cause, and with so receptive a community,

resources m ust be directed.”

failure hardly seem s possible.”







and Vision

Fa i t h


by D oran M cC arty

7 h e heritage o f an institution gives it soul.

T hese divisions rem ained long after the war’s end

T he Christian heritage o f William Jewell College

in 1865, especially am ong Baptists who maintained

is a great part o f her distinguished history and a

ties to both the N orthern and Southern Baptist

vibrant part o f her continuing mission.

Conventions. As a result, M issouri Baptist church­

William Jewell’s history is deeply rooted in the

es adopted the “ M issouri Plan” which divided

Baptist tradition. An understanding o f how this

church offerings between the m ission organizations

relationship first began, and then developed

o f the two national conventions. T his plan originat­

through the years, is vital to understanding the

ed in the T hird Baptist Church o f St. L ouis during

Jewell story.

the 1880s under the leadership o f their pastor, John

Soon after the form ation o f a statewide Baptist organization in 1834, a handful o f laymen began to

Priest Greene. In 1919, the state convention considered and

see the need for a Baptist college to provide a high­

approved single alignment status with the Southern

er level o f training for church ministers and lay

Baptist Convention. Individual churches were

leaders. Their prim ary concern was to ensure the

allowed to maintain a dual alignment with both

progress o f the new state organization. It took

conventions and several chose to do so. T h e presi­

som e time, but as more and more Baptists around

dent ofW illiam Jewell encouraged a policy o f dual

the state stepped forward to pledge support for a

alignment for the college. T h at president was John

new college, Jewell’s form al and lasting affiliation

Priest Greene.

with M issouri Baptists began. Through the years, this affiliation has becom e

College seal in stained glass at Gano Chapel

Today, the college retains its formal denom ina­ tional affiliations with Am erican Baptist Churches,

ever more sharply defined. As citizens o f a Civil

U S A (formerly the N orthern Baptist Convention),

War border state, M issourians were divided in their

and the M issouri Baptist Convention. It is the only

sympathies between the N orth and the South.

Baptist college in the country to be so aligned. T he


college works very

Louis, M o; John F. H erget from Ninth Street

hard to maintain and

Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walter Pope

strengthen its historic

Binns from First Baptist Church, Roanoke, Va; H.

ties to both organiza­

G uy M oore from Broadway Baptist Church, Ft.

tions. T h e college

Worth, Texas; and T h om as S. Field from First

receives m odest but

Baptist Church, Springfield, M o.

growing financial sup­

Dr. John Priest Greene in his college office about 1899. He served as president of William Jewell for thirty years.

T he presidents have also brought impressive

port from individual

leadership credentials from prior denom inational

A B C churches, and

work within state and national Baptist circles and

substantial financial

other Protestant organizations. Between 1890 and

support (approximately SI million annually) from

1908, John Priest Greene had received honorary

the M issouri Baptist Convention.

degrees for church leadership from William Jewell

Throughout history, Jew ell’s expression o f

College, Colgate University, Wake Forest College

church heritage has been m olded and strengthened

and Washington University. Walter Pope Binns was

by a succession o f presidents, faculty, trustees,

a prom inent m em ber and leader o f national

alumni, and students.

Protestant organizations including Am ericans U nited, which addressed church-state issues.


Before becom ing president o f William Jewell, T h om as Field had been president o f the board o f

William Jewell College has indeed m ade the presidency o f the college a prim ary symbol o f

University). H e also served two years as president

Christian heritage. While lay leaders could be as

o f the M issouri Baptist Convention.

com m itted and as effective in maintaining this her­

G ordon Kingsley provided service to the

itage, the board o f trustees has consistently elected

M issouri Baptist Convention by writing its sesqui-

ordained ministers as presidents.

centennial history in 1984, Frontiers: The Story of

Fortunately, these ministers have contributed

Missouri Baptists. W. Christian Sizem ore cam e to

much more than “ sym bolism ” to the college’s

William Jewell from the presidency o f Alderson-

Christian development. Several brought to the

Broaddus College in Phillipi, W.Va., where he pro­

office o f president a record o f distinguished leader­

vided leadership to num erous projects and causes

ship as pastors o f highly regarded churches-John

associated with the American Baptist Churches, U SA .

Priest Greene from T hird Baptist Church, St.


trustees o f Southwest Baptist College (now

All William Jewell presidents have dem onstrated


a high regard for Christian education. T h is has

acquaintances in area churches. U pon

resulted in a strong em phasis on academ ic quality,

his death in 1983, he was eulogized by

while rem aining, in the words o f the college m ission

J. G ordon Kingsley with these words,

statem ent, “ loyal to the ideals o f Christ and dem on­

“ H ubert Inm an H ester was a sage, a

strating a Christian philosophy for the whole o f life.”

statesm an, a saint. H e was an eagle in


and Vision

dove’s clothing, a giant who masqueraded


as a leprechaun, a great man who eschewed the trappings o f greatness. He was ‘D oc,’

Alumni can attest to the spiritual enrichment provided by college instructors. Study o f the Bible

the one, the only, the original, himself.” Another example o f a devoted

and religion courses have always been a required

Christian teacher is D avid O. M oore.

part o f the curriculum.

H e cam e to the college in 1956 as pro­

H ubert Inm an H ester is a superb exam ple o f

fessor o f Bible and retired as chairm an

Christian com m itm ent in the faculty ranks. D uring

o f the religion departm ent in 1986. A

his fifty-seven-year association with the college, he

significant controversy surrounded Dr.

served as professor o f Bible, head o f the Bible

M oore in the late 1970s, involving his

departm ent, financial aid officer, vice president and

efforts to maintain academ ic freedom in the presen­

interim president. H e wrote twenty-three books.

tation o f various theological interpretations.

The Heart of the Hebrew History and The Heart of the

Baptists from around the state and the adm inistra­

New Testament sold millions o f copies and were used

tion o f the college supported him in this matter.

as college textbooks throughout the U nited States

Dr. M oore is fondly remembered by former students

and around the world. H ester was revered by

as a teacher who challenged students to think and

students and faculty alike, who regularly filled his

develop their own personal theological views.

classroom to overflowing for an annual lecture on the crucifixion and the resurrection. H is com m itm ent to the college and its students

Hubert Inman Hester is remembered for his unusually long tenure at William Jewell and his accomplishments as a teacher, administrator, author, and counselor.

Tom Bray ’49 came to the college in 1957 as the first full-time director o f religious activities. T his was a relatively new venture on college cam ­

was evidenced during the D epression and war years

puses around the nation. T he program was initiated

by large num bers o f students who often found

to provide career information and opportunities for

themselves in financial difficulty. Dr. H ester would

students preparing for the ministry. T he initial

somehow find extra money for their tuition-often

focus o f the program was to send students to lead

through the quiet contributions o f his friends and

church revivals. Jewell continues to send both indi-


Ministry students gather in the library for their annual picture.

Each o f these individual faculty m em bers, along with others who have served as religion professors, deans o f the chapel and cam pus m inisters, has pro­ m oted one o f Jewell’s m ost important early purposes: vidual students and stu­ Ministry students Jason Moore and Matt Jackson lead a weekend project in a local church.

dent team s to provide

career preparation for ministry and service. T he Christian heritage o f the college is in no

service to churches as a form o f career preparation.

way limited to faculty and staff m em bers responsi­

Jerry Cain cam e to William Jewell in 1978 as

ble for religious study and program m ing. Alumni

director o f student ministries. H e directed student

o f all generations can point to the high percentage

program m ing and coordinated weekly chapel.

o f faculty who have provided strong exam ples o f

C ain ’s positions were elevated during his tenure,

Christian service, both on the cam pus and in the

first to college chaplain and later to collegiate vice

community. Since the founding o f the college, stu­

president. In 1992 the college awarded him a doc­

dents have worshipped in Liberty churches along­

tor o f sacred theology degree (honoris causa). Cain

side faculty, and been inspired by the faculty model

had a trem endous im pact upon students in spiritual

o f spiritual commitment.

matters., particularly those involving ministerial career decisions and preparation. H e becam e the


college’s de facto am bassador-of-good-w ill to churches throughout the region. H e has spoken in nearly every Baptist church in M issouri, led youth

heritage through individual service to the college,

retreats and youth cam ps. H e was instrumental in

their churches and in religious affairs. John B.

the form ation ofW illiam Jewell’s Service Learning

Wornall was an active m em ber o f the Westport

Program , placing students in hands-on service and

Baptist Church (now First Calvary) in K an sas City.

mission experiences.

H e served two years as m oderator o f the M issouri

U pon his resignation in 1998 to becom e presi­

Students paint a water tank black to help warm the water during a service project in Guadalajara, Mexico.


M any trustees have contributed to Christian

Baptist General Association (now the M issouri

dent o f Judson College in Elgin, 111., the college

Baptist Convention) and eleven years as m oderator

announced its intention to establish the Jerry Cain

o f the Blue River Baptist Association. When he

Endowed Chaplaincy. T his endowment will provide

died in 1892, he had served twenty-five years as the

perpetual support for the work o f the college chap­

president o f the Jewell board o f trustees.

lain and for other religious activities.

T he H onorable Charles H ardin, brother-in-law


o f Dr. William Jewell, served twenty years as a

Baptist Church,

trustee until his death in 1892. H e was a dedicated

Richm ond, M o. Curry

m em ber o f his church and a m oderator o f the

was a distinguished

M issouri Baptist General Association. In 1875,

m em ber o f the board

while a trustee, he was elected governor o f M issouri.

who served for an

Another early trustee o f note was Rev. Xerxes

dent. H e was a trustee

Boonville and later o f the Second Baptist Church

o f Baptist M em orial

in Liberty. In 1867 he was elected to the board as

H ospital and a loyal

its president. T he years following the Civil War

m em ber o f Calvary (now

proved to be a difficult financial period for the col­

First Calvary) Baptist

lege. As financial agent, he was effective in the cre­

Church, K an sas City, Mo.

financial contributions himself. Lewis Bell Ely was also appointed to the board



extended period as presi­

X . Buckner. H e served as pastor in Colum bia and

ation o f endowment funds and m ade significant


Service learning students assist with Luis Palau Crusade in Kansas City.

A good representation o f current board m em ­ bers have served as an officer o f the state and national Baptist conventions. Currently, eight

in 1867 and served as financial agent from 1877

m em bers o f the Board are church pastors, while

until his election as president o f the board in 1892.

others on the board serve in leadership roles at

For twenty-five years he was Sunday School super­

many levels, ranging from the local church to state

intendent o f First Baptist Church, Carrollton, M o.

and national denom inational work.

H is fund-raising efforts resulted in Jewell’s first dor­ mitory in 1880, which was nam ed in his honor. H e


was so highly regarded that after his death in 1897 another dorm itory (built in 1911) was nam ed after

T hrough the decades, William Jewell has had an

him. T his one was called “ New Ely” and is the

excellent record o f turning out successful pastors,

current Ely Hall on cam pus.

college and seminary professors, lay church leaders,

There are well-known exam ples o f m odern-day trustees who have been devoted lay leaders in their

m issionaries, chaplains and denom inational leaders. T h e Citation for Achievement provides ample

churches and denomination. T hese include William

evidence o f this success. Citation recipients have

F. Yates ’98 and Charles F. Curry. Yates served on

included: H arold Sanders ’32, form er executive

the board from 1943 until his death in 1979. H e

director o f the Kentucky Baptist Convention; Ruth

was a life-long m em ber and benefactor o f the First

Everley Hayes ’43; form er m issionary to China;


Vernon Elm ore ’43, form er

’66 in Wyoming. Tom Clifton ’64 serves as presi­

pastor o f the First Baptist

dent o f Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Lee

Church, C orpus Christi;

Porter ’53 served for an extended period o f time as

M illard Berquist ’32, for­

recording secretary o f the Southern Baptist

mer president of

Convention. Wally Buckner ’75 has served as assis­

M idwestern Baptist

tant vice president with the H om e M ission Board

Theological Sem inary;

o f the Southern Baptist Convention, and M artha

Claude Rhea ’50, form er

Barr ’60 has served as the executive director o f

president o f Palm Beach

Am erican Baptist Women.

Atlantic College; Fred Young ’47, retired dean Student Ministries and William Jewell throughout the midwest,

o f Central B aptist Theological Sem inary and renowned D ead Sea Scrolls scholar; H arlan

According to early student records, the college

Spurgeon ’53, executive o f the H om e M ission

was serving ministerial students from its very

Board and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship; Paul

beginning. H istorical records indicate that in 1870-

Eppinger ’55, executive director o f the Arizona

71 there were 152 students and forty-six were stu­

Ecum enical Council; D avid Keith ’71, professor

dents preparing for ministry. In 1872-73 there

o f m usic at Southwestern Baptist Theological

were 109 students and fifty-four were ministerial.

Sem inary; and Shirley W illiams ’60, director o f

There were 250 students in 1891-92 and ninety-

the collegiate ministries departm ent o f the M issouri

three were in the then-existing school o f theology.

Baptist Convention.

According to the report for 1924, there were 420

M any other alumni have served or are currently serving in administrative or executive denom ina­



students and sixty were ministerial students. M issouri Baptists established a Board o f

tional positions. Two serve as executive directors

M inisterial Education in 1858 to assist ministerial

o f Baptist state conventions: Dr. D avid T. Bunch

students at William Jewell College and collected

’53 is executive director/treasurer o f the Colorado

money for a num ber o f years to assist them. While

Baptist General Convention and Dr. Jim Earl

the group had in mind the building o f a dorm itory

H arding ’69 serves as executive director o f the

for ministerial students, funds were insufficient for

U tah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention. Two

that venture. However, in 1873 a M inisterial

others serve as state convention directors o f student

Student’s Boarding Club was established, which

ministries: Loy Reed ’70 in Florida, and Ben Early

was instrumental in keeping a large num ber o f


young prospective ministers in the college. Currently the college provides two types o f m iniste­

Fa ith




rial scholarships each year: scholarships for stu­ dents pursuing Christian-related vocations and H .I. H ester ministerial scholarships. In 1857, M issouri Baptists agreed to establish a

D r. H .I. H ester once wrote, “ It may be said with complete honesty that at William Jewell it has been the purpose o f the faculty to

school o f theology at William Jewell College and by

m inister to the students.” While

1869 had raised $40,000 as an endowment. A spe­

this has been obvious in religion

cial board o f visitors was appointed to give general

classes, professors in other courses

oversight. T he school was nam ed the Jeremiah

have also integrated faith and

Vardeman School ofT h eology (nam ed after the

knowledge. T he faculty, through

first m oderator o f the M issouri Baptist General

their teaching, counsel and rela­

A ssociation and a trustee o f the college). President

tionships, have always had a funda­

T h om as R am baut served as its first professor with

mental role in ministering to all

three other professors teaching in the school. In


Jewell Is Her Name, H .I. H ester observed that “ the

T he Christian heritage o f the

school o f theology was never intended to take the

college was m anifest early on, and

place o f graduate-level training given to college

is evident in the rules outlined in

graduates in a theological seminary.” However, few

Jewell’s very first catalog (dated

ministerial students at the time had the opportunity

1850-51). Rule num ber 7 reads:

to attend a seminary. T he school also served nonministerial students who wanted to take religion courses. Early on in college history, students form ed a

A 1979 Christian Student Union group heads for Glorieta, New Mexico.

Students are required to attend punctually morning and evening prayers in college, and conduct themselves with decorum; and also to attend public worship, at

Baptist Evangelical Society. Later a M inisterial

some church, every Sabbath, in the forenoon-the church

Association served religious vocational students.

to be selected by themselves-and report on Monday.

Today’s counterpart organization is called Sigm a

And their attendance at any church shall be considered

Epsilon Pi. T here were sixty-two Christian voca­

a failure if they enter the church after the services have

tion students in the fall o f 1997.

begun, or leave before they close.



1896). In Jewell’s early days, chapel services were held four days a week and attendance was required.

Since 1926, the John G ano M em orial Chapel

D uring the days o f com pulsory chapel, students

has stood as an architectural sym bol o f Christian

were assigned to seats in alphabetical order while

heritage. M inor renovations have taken place in the

faculty m em bers took roll in assigned sections.

chapel in recent years and another renovation will

While many students did not want to attend chapel

be part o f the sesquicentennial capital cam paign.

at the time, and devised creative ways to m iss and

T he addition o f a bell and

still be counted in attendance,

clock tower on the southeast

these alumni now look back

corner o f the building will be

upon chapel as a meaningful

nam ed to honor the service o f

time which fostered com m uni­

President Walter Pope Binns.

ty bonding. Chapel services

T he auditorium o f the chapel

are now held one m orning per

will be nam ed the T h om as and

week, with attendance volun­

Virginia Field Convocation

tary. Attendance averages

and Worship Center. A n e w

about 300-to-400 weekly, out

pipe organ will be an added

o f a student body o f approxi­

feature. A small addition to

mately 1,200. Chapel is in fact

the side o f the chapel will

the m ost highly attended cam ­

house the W illiam E. Partee

pus event outside football

Center for Baptist Historical

gam es.

Studies and provide “ green

Recently, the G rand River

room ” space for perform ers

Baptist Church, Jam eson, M o.,

and program participants.

disbanded and donated its

Chapel services in G ano have been a vital part

building to William Jewell College. In 1992, the

o f student life ever since the chapel was built.

college moved the building to cam pus as a visible

Faculty, adm inistrators, area clergy, special visitors

rem inder o f the im portant role o f small rural

and students have all taken turns leading these

churches in feeding prospective students to Jewell.

services. Before the building o f G ano, chapel serv­

T h e chapel is used for small religious services, as

ices were held in M arston Hall (1915-1926),

well as many weddings. Beautifully restored and

Wornall H all (1896-1913) and Jewell Hall (1850-

handsom ely appointed with period furnishings and


new stained glass, the chapel is open twenty-four hours a day for student prayer and meditation.


and Vision


STUDENT PROGRAMMING William Jewell D uring 1946-47 interest developed in the work

has always had a

o f the Baptist Student U nion, sponsored by the

strong influence on

Southern Baptist Convention. As a result, the

Christian activities

college began holding a Religious Focus Week each

in surrounding

year. A special speaker conducted the chapel serv­

communities. For

ices and spoke in classes. Special sem inars were

example, during its

held in the evenings. Now, the college sponsors

early days the college m aintained a branch o f the

a similar program , “ Christian Celebration Week.”

Young M en ’s Christian Association.

Christian Student M inistries (C S M ) serves the

T he tradition o f community service continues

students in place o f the Baptist Student Union.

today with “ Serve and Celebrate Day.” Prior to

T h e C S M Servant Council is an umbrella

H om ecom ing, students and faculty do service proj­

organization m ade up o f students who help

ects in the community. D uring a recent “ Serve and

coordinate the various student religious program s.

Celebrate Day,” 200 students participated in six­

Often students involved in C S M serve as sum m er

teen community projects.

missionaries. T he Shepherd Program meets the spiritual

Executive council of B. S. U. in 1955. From left, seated— Diane Adams, Joy Bergman, Paul Eppinger, Bill Jackson, Betsy Morgan, Lila Wyss. Standing—Mary Ann Nance, Carolyn White, Fred Pryor, Ron Richmond, Lois Jacobson.

Other exam ples o f service include sport cam ps for inner-city youth, sponsored by the Fellowship o f

needs o f students by placing a student as a peer

Christian Athletes, and the active hom ebuilding

“ chaplain” on floors o f residence halls. T hese

ministry o f H abitat for Humanity, one o f the first

students attend a retreat for training in pastoral

college-affiliated chapters in the country.

skills, evangelism and Bible study leadership. Also,

In 1982, the college began a Christm as tradi­

student groups such as “ Greek Council for C h rist”

tion in downtown K an sas City. “ T h e City Com e

serve in fraternities and sororities. Alpha Om ega

A gain” takes place at G race and Holy Trinity

is a Christian sorority that provides spiritual disci-

Cathedral. T h e program , offering holiday choral

pling for William Jewell College women. “ Freshm an

and handbell m usic and a homily by the president,

Share G ro u p ” provides nurture and care for fresh­

is offered annually as William Jewell’s Christm as

man students.

gift to K an sas City.


Each year students participate in “ service

G rand River College, Gallatin, M o., were not able

learning.” They take classes and then do an over­

to continue operation during the early part o f the

seas m ission trip. Students have been to Haiti,

twentieth century because o f financial difficulties.

the D om inican Republic, M exico, Brazil,

William Jewell operated both o f these institutions

G uatem ala, N icaragua, M ali and Jam aica. Other

for awhile. Southwest Baptist College finally was

service opportunities occur closer to home, with

able to secure adequate finances to resum e inde­

students ministering to the needs o f inner city

pendent operation but G rand River College suc­

residents in K an sas City.

cum bed. T h e M issouri Baptist H istorical Society began


in 1885 through the efforts o f a William Jewell fac­ ulty m em ber, Jam es R. Eaton, and others. As the Society collected articles that needed an archive,

Dr. H .I. H ester observed, “ William Jewell has

the William Jewell library provided space. In 1962

always been a denom inational college,” and so the

the M issouri Baptist Convention created an histori­

college has always participated in the life o f the

cal com m ission and voted that its archives be per­

Baptist community.

manently housed at William Jewell. As caretaker o f

Second Baptist Church o f Liberty has always

the archives, the college entered into an agreement

been a sister institution to William Jewell. Within a

with the M issouri Baptist Convention in 1981 to

year o f founding, Jewell rented the basem ent o f the

create and support a center for Baptist historical

church to conduct classes. In return, the president

studies in the midwest.

and other faculty m em bers provided full-time

T h e center’s first director was Dr. Adrian

preaching at the church, an uncom m on occurrence

Lam kin, who left the college in 1997. In 1985, the

in the mid-nineteenth century. T h e college contin­

center was endowed with a m ajor gift from William

ues its relationship with the church as many adm in­

E. Partee ’25, an attorney from H annibal, M o.,

istrators, faculty m em bers, students, and trustees

who died in A ugust 1998. Today, Dr. D onald V.

attend services there. Since the founding o f the

W ideman is executive director while Angela Stiffler

college, the church has provided its sanctuary for

‘90 serves as the archivist o f the William E. Partee

the annual spring baccalaureate service.

Center for Baptist Historical Studies.

William Jewell College also extended its hand

William Jewell College purchased the library o f

to sister Baptist institutions in M issouri. Southwest

the fam ed London preacher, Charles H addon

Baptist College (now University), Bolivar, M o., and

Spurgeon, in 1905. It included 6,618 volumes.


When the college officially opened the Charles F.

Fa ith




Curry Library in 1965, a special room replicating Spurgeon’s study was created to house his collec­

Everyone associated with

tion. It has been the focus o f many researchers o f

William Jewell knows that

Spurgeon and Puritan Christianity.

Christian heritage has been fun­

When John Priest Greene was a student in

dam ental to the history and life

Germ any, he began to copy by hand the works o f

o f the institution. Since the

the Anabaptist Balthasar Hubm aier. Unfortunately,

presidency o f John Priest G reene

these notes were lost whenW ornall Hall burned in

the college community has been

1913. However, Dr. Greene was determ ined to

able to point to this heritage

obtain copies o f H ubm aier’s works. Later he was

through the college m otto, Deo

able to get photographic copies o f all o f H ubm aier’s

Fisus Labora —T rust in G od, and

extant works. Dr. G eorge D avidson, a William

Work. T he m otto is displayed in

Jewell professor, translated them. Both the photo­

college seals around cam pus, in

graphic copies and the translations are housed in

the stained glass windows o f

the Jewelliana collection o f the college library. T his

G ano Chapel, and now on the William Jewell colle­

is one o f A m erica’s finest links with B aptists’

giate license plate in M issouri. It serves as a

Anabaptist heritage.

rem inder o f educational heritage and the collegiate

A more recent role in the life o f the Baptist

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

philosophy that faith and work are vital in life.

community has been established by church-college

G enerations o f alumni can attest that the William

consultants. Dr. Field developed the idea during

Jewell experience provides quality preparation—both

his presidency so that the college could strengthen

spiritually and academ ically—to be contributing

its relationship with M issouri Baptist churches. Dr.

m em bers o f the local and global community.

Loren G oings ’32 was the first person in this posi­

Deo Fisus Labora!

tion and continues in this role today. Today, there are many consultants who represent the college at a wide variety o f Baptist-related m eetings, conven­ tions, retreats and other functions. T he consultants are often retired ministers and lay leaders who have provided distinguished service to the denomination.


n /\ r i c



C A M P U S High



a Hill


Stands by Jerry Cain


the Septem ber 1996 edition of Atlantic

Jewell College are a holy history o f who we are,

Monthly, Jam es Howard Kunstler m ade the follow­

where we cam e from and where we are going.

ing observation:

T h u s, this recitation o f the structures now seen on

“ The buildings our predecessors constructed paid

cam pus will em body more than a listing o f nam es,

homage to history in their

dates, places, square

design, including elegant

footages, and construction

solutions to age old problems

costs. It will be a story o f

posed by the cycles of

the people who studied,

weather and light, and they

taught, led, dream ed, and

paid respect to the future in the sheer expectation that

gave their lives and for­

they would endure through

to the Hill.

tunes to those yet com ing

the lifetimes of the people who built them. They there­


fore embodied a sense of chronological connectivity,

As the Parthenon

which lends meaning and

crowns the Acropolis o f

dignity to our little lives. It puts us in touch with the

ancient Athens, Jewell Hall crowns the highest hill

ages and with the eternities, suggesting that we are part

in Clay County as the oldest building and center­

of a larger and more significant organism. It even sug­

piece facility ofW illiam Jewell College. T his out­

gests that the larger organism we are part of cares about

standing example o f classic G reek revival architec­

us and puts us in touch with the holy.”

ture was begun in 1850, occupied in 1852, but not

If Kunstler is correct, the buildings at William


com pleted until 1858. Jewell Hall originally housed

the entire college including offices, classroom s, resi­

first college, which they accepted, receiving the

dence hall, library and societies. Twice during the

charter for the college on February 27, 1849.

Civil War it also served as quarters for U nion sol­ diers in the area. T he building is nam ed for Dr. William Jewell,

On A ugust 21, 1849, representatives o f six com m unities arrived in Boonville to subm it proposals for the location o f the new educational

the nam esake o f the college and one o f the m ost

enterprise. T he bid from Liberty, extended by

influential persons in M issouri life during the first

Col. Alexander D oniphan, was accepted over

thirty years o f statehood. Born on New Year’s Day

proposals from Palmyra, Boonville, and Fulton.

1789 in Virginia, he moved with his family to

To ensure the gift o f Dr. Jewell, who had originally

Kentucky where he studied medicine at Transylvania

supported the Boonville location for the college,

University, which was founded in 1780 by John

D oniphan suggested the school be nam ed William

G ano, the nam esake o f the chapel at William Jewell

Jewell College in honor o f its first benefactor and

College. Jewell eventually cam e to M issouri in

founding philanthropist.

1821, the year o f statehood, and set up a m edical

Jewell literally gave his life superintending the

practice in Colum bia. H e was known as a good

construction o f the building that bears his name.

physician who expected integrity and quality from

H e expected good workmanship from his contrac­

his peers and payment from his patients. As a civic

tors and on one occasion required them to tear

leader, Jewell was instrumental in the founding o f

down a 15’ x 6 0 ’ section o f wall because it was not

Colum bia, M o. H e also served in the state legisla­

built on a good foundation. On August 6, 1852,

ture where he fought for the abolition o f the whip­

Jewell suffered a heat stroke while working on the

ping post and pillory and used his influence to help

building and died a day later. L ast refurbished in

establish Colum bia College, which later becam e the

1949 during the centennial o f William Jewell

University o f M issouri. H e em ancipated som e o f

College, Jewell Hall now serves as a classroom

his slaves in 1836, but did not free all o f them until

facility and houses offices o f the departm ents o f

his death.

language, business, and English.

As a religious leader, Jewell served as a m em ber o f the Little Bonne Fem m e Baptist Church. H e


was also one o f the founders o f the First Baptist Church o f Colum bia where a Sunday School class

In 1892 Dr. John Priest G reene left his p as­

still bears his name. Jewell offered the M issouri

torate at the T hird Baptist Church in St. Louis to

Baptist General Association S I 0,000 to begin their

becom e president ofW illiam Jewell College. When


i g n

Kjp u n



i l i

n c

Mr. A .D . Brown, owner o f Brown Shoe Com pany

colum ns on the south portico and a porte cochere

in St. Louis, visited his form er pastor in Liberty,

on the east side o f the building. In 1995 the house

he was d istressed to see what he con sidered

underwent massive reconstruction as it was

in ad equ ate h o u sin g for G reen e and his family.

replum bed, reroofed, rewired, repaired, and

Subsequently, Brown donated $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 to the col­

repainted. Bathroom s and the kitchen were

lege for the building o f a spacious, beautiful home

updated, the original floors uncovered and refin-

for the president, which would also serve as a gath­

ished, and a forced-air heating and air conditioning

ering place and social center for the cam pus. T he

system was installed to replace the hot water heat­

trustees pledged an additional $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 to furnish

ing system. President W. Christian Sizem ore and

the home and construction began in 1904.

First Lady Anne Sizem ore serve as gracious hosts

Since it was opened in 1905, eight college presi­

to thousands o f students, teachers, alumni, trustees,

dents have lived in this

and visitors who frequent the President’s H om e

home, though they have


not been the sole occu­ pants. D uring World War II (1942-44), the house


was used as a dorm itory

The President's Home, 1905

for women so the Navy

At age thirteen, Lewis B. Ely moved with his

cadets in school on the

family from Frankfort, Ky. (where John G ano is

cam pus could occupy

buried), to M issouri, beginning his long connection

the w om en’s residence

with the First Baptist Church o f Carrollton and

halls. Later, from 1946

eventually with William Jewell College. As m er­

to 1948, the house was

chant and businessm an, he began working for

used for classroom s and

C aptain William Hill at H ill’s Landing on the

faculty offices while

M issouri River, purchasing the business in 1862

Jewell Hall was being

when the owner died. Ely served as a trustee o f

renovated for the college’s centennial. In 1949 the

William Jewell College from 1867 until 1897 and

house was reconditioned to becom e again the home

as chairm an o f the board from 1892 until his death

o f the president.

five years later. Form ally retiring from business in

T he President’s H om e is constructed in a m odified G eorgian style o f red brick with white


1875, Ely dedicated the rest o f his life to William Jewell College as a financial agent.


Ely had a great love for children and considered

as a dorm itory for men and a dining hall for the

his work at William Jewell College only an exten­

entire college. It was constructed approximately

sion o f his Sunday School work in Carrollton,

fifty feet north o f Jewell Hall where the present

where he was superintendent for twenty-five years

flagpole stands. In 1910 the original Ely Hall

at First Baptist Church. H e provided leadership in

becam e known as Old Ely because a new $100,000

Christian education societies, served three term s as

building was constructed. T he new fireproof Ely

m oderator o f the M issouri Baptist General

Hall, the first o f its kind in M issouri, was construct­

A ssociation (now M issouri Baptist Convention),

ed as additional residential space and occupied by

and was elected vice president o f the Southern

men in the fall o f 1911. Old Ely continued to serve

Baptist Convention.

as a residence hall, dining hall, and college union

In twenty years o f service to the college, Ely

until 1958 when it was torn down and its functions

quadrupled the endowment from $50,000 to over

were assum ed by the new Yates College U nion and

$200,000. H e raised $40,000 to build Wornall Hall

Browning Hall.

(1896) and $11,000 for the first residence hall on

N ew Ely H all, fully air-conditioned and recon­

cam pus, the one that would bear his nam e, Ely

ditioned in 1995, now houses first-year and sopho­

Hall. Built in 1880, the building was initially used

more women in its top three floors while the base-


ment serves as the offices

T h e building was nam ed for Dr. Sylvester W.

for facilities m anagem ent,

M arston, a native o f M aine who moved to M issouri

housekeeping, security,

to begin his ministry in 1865. After serving as

and the college infirmary.

president o f the Boonville Institute for three years, M arston spent the next five years in Christian


education across the state increasing the num ber o f Sunday Schools. In 1873 he became superintendent o f state m issions for M issouri Baptists, leaving that position in 1876 to accept an appointm ent from President U lysses S. G rant to becom e U nited

M arston Hall was built Marston Hall, 1914

States Agent for the civilized tribes o f the Indian

in 1914 as a quick

Territory. H is final ministry role was with the

response to the fire that

Am erican Baptist H om e M ission Society where he

destroyed Wornall H all, the first science building on

served as superintendent o f Freedm en’s M issions.

cam pus, in A ugust o f 1913. All o f the scientific

President John Priest G reene persuaded his friend

equipm ent o f the college, as well as many long­

E dgar L . M arston, a prom inent N ew York business­

term research projects, were destroyed in the

m an and son o f Sylvester M arston, to provide the

Wornall Hall disaster. T hough M arston Hall was

funds for the building in honor o f his father.

begun promptly, the bankruptcy o f the contractor caused the building effort to cease before the proj­


ect was com pleted. D esperate professors and eager students installed the plum bing and wiring them­

T h e headline in the Septem ber 25, 1917,

selves in an attem pt to make the shell usable for

Student announced a new experiment in education

classroom facilities. T he chemistry and physics

at W illiam Jewell College, “ Girls, G irls and G irls.”

departm ents moved into the building before it was

On D ecem ber 9, 1920, the trustees voted to admit

finished. M arston Hall was rem odeled and upgrad­

women on the sam e term s as men, thus creating

ed in 1953 and again in 1993 when the sciences

the need for w om en’s housing and M elrose Hall.

moved to the new White Science Center to be

M r. C .M . Treat o f Pasadena, C alif., offered

replaced by the departm ents o f nursing education,

$50,000 to the college for the construction o f

political science, history, the Fine Arts Program ,

M elrose Hall on the condition that a chapel and

and the advancem ent team o f the college.

gym nasium be built also. T h e trustees accepted his







offer and by January 1, 1925, announced that funds had been secured for all three structures. T he m odern, four-story residence hall

Melrose Hall, 1925

was placed on the northwest corner o f the cam pus, north o f the President’s H om e. N am ed M elrose Hall at the request o f Treat, it was occupied in the fall o f 1926. T he stately residence hall, completely airconditioned and renovated in 1994, serves as home to first-year women at William Jewell College. G en. Jam es Clinton and


Gen. G eorge Washington. At the war’s end,

John G ano, a descendent o f French H uguenots

Washington asked G ano to

tracing a lineage back through Etienne G ayneau,

lead the troops in prayer

was born in New Jersey in 1727. T hough his

during the cessation of

father, Daniel G ano, was a Presbyterian, he gave his

hostilities. There is also

son perm ission to join the Baptist Church in

questionable, though sig­

Hopewell, N .J., the church o f his mother. G ano

nificant evidence that

was an early m issionary in the South, where he

G ano im m ersed

m ade evangelistic tours to Virginia and the

W ashington for an adult baptism during the war.

Carolinas on behalf o f the Philadelphia Association.

At the conclusion o f the war, G ano moved to

He was ordained in M ay o f 1754 and becam e p as­

Frankfort, Ky., where he was elected chaplain o f

tor for the Baptist Church in M orristown, N .J., and

the Kentucky Senate and was ultimately buried

later for the Baptist Church in Yadkin, N .C . In 1762

with his wife, Sarah. Always an advocate o f educa­

he becam e pastor o f the First Baptist Church o f

tion, G ano was one o f the founders o f Rhode

New York where he ministered for twenty-six years.

Island College (now Brown University) and served

D uring the war for independence, he joined the Continental Army and served as a chaplain for

as a trustee o f Colum bia University in New York. While in Frankfort, he helped to establish

John Gano Memorial Chapel, 1926

1 1

L g




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L b


1 1/ L/

V \As I V KA/ s j

Transylvania University in Lexington (in 1780), the

the last seventy-five years, the building has housed

college from which a young m edical student nam ed

the William Jewell Press, the m usic departm ent, the

William Jewell would graduate in 1820.

cam pus snack bar, dram a departm ent, electrical

In 1924 W illiam Jewell College President H arry

shop, student ministries, the New H orizons lounge

Wayman announced the imminent construction o f

and religion departm ent offices. T h e balcony

a new chapel where Wornall Hall had previously

offices were renovated in 1986 through a gift from

stood. In the fall o f 1925, excavation began for the

the Allen J. N eth family to hold offices for the reli­

new building which would serve as the school’s

gion departm ent, cam pus ministries, and chaplain.

central assem bly hall. U pon com pletion on

Six years later, the front o f the stage was rebuilt and new seating was placed in the auditorium sec­

N ovem ber 22, 1925, the 112’

tion, reducing the capacity o f the John G ano

x 6 7 ’ building had a seating

M em orial Chapel to just over 800.

capacity o f 1,100 and housed


administrative offices such as the college president, dean, registrar, cashier, and secre­ tary on the balcony level.

New Brown Gymnasium, 1929

THE BROWN GYMNASIUMS AND BROWN HALL (1893, 1929) Though he served as a trustee only from 1909

There was also room for two

until his death in 1913, M r. Alanson D. Brown

assem bly room s for literary

played a significant role in the development o f

societies and a basem ent

William Jewell College. H e was the power behind

that would serve num erous

the President’s H om e and the first gym nasium at

purposes over the next

the college. In the 1870s Brown becam e founding

seventy years. In connection

partner and president o f H am ilton-Brown Shoe

with the laying o f the cornerstone, it was announced

Company. H e started the firm without any outside

that Elizabeth Price Johnson o f K an sas City had

capital and helped it grow to be one o f the largest

given a significant donation to the chapel in honor

shoe com panies in the world. Brown was a m em ­

o f her great grandfather, Rev. John G ano. T h u s, on

ber o f the T hird Baptist Church in St. Louis, where

Septem ber 26, 1926, John G ano M em orial Chapel

he was befriended by longtime pastor John Priest

was dedicated. T h e chapel was the founding venue

Greene. Brown and Greene toured Europe together

o f the W illiam Jewell College Fine Arts Program

in the sum m er o f 1912, one year before Brown died

and rem ains the worship center o f the cam pus. In

o f leukemia in San Antonio, Texas.




T he first Brown G ym nasium , 4 0 ’ x 100’, was


courts, classroom space, and a faculty locker room

main floor, and gallery level. L ocated at the site o f

and gym. Thursday, January 2, 1930, with the form al address

M ississippi.” Brown G ym nasium was the first

delivered by Lt. Gov. Edw ard J. Winter. After addi­

building at the college to be used solely as a gym­

tional preliminary remarks, the first basketball

nasium and was lighted by electricity and ventilated

gam e in the new building was played between the

by 240 windows. T he original running gallery

William Jewell Cardinals and the University o f

around the inside o f the facility had to be removed

M issouri T igers, the Cardinals losing 22-38. With the construction o f the M abee Center for

sport, and by 1925 the basketball crowds had out­

Physical Education in 1980, Brown G ym nasium

grown Brown G ym nasium so that gam es were

underwent a renovation in 1983 and was renam ed

being played at Liberty High School. Brown

Brown Hall. D r. Harvey T h om as, trustee, was

G ym nasium mysteriously burned to the ground on

director o f the Brown renovation cam paign, which

January 30, 1928, with sparks from the fire threat­

helped raise the $3,500,000 necessary to accom ­

ening venerable Jewell Hall.

plish the task. Part o f the new renovation included

With the com bination o f approximately


T h e new Brown G ym nasium was dedicated on

the “ best, m ost com plete facility west o f the

about 1900 when basketball becam e a popular


Brown Gym . T h e third floor served as handball

constructed in 1896 for S I 2,300 with a basem ent, the present faculty parking lot, it was deem ed as

a Hill

Peters T heater, nam ed for alum and insurance

S I 0,000 the students had raised and $26,000 from

agent G arnett M . Peters whose monetary gift m ade

the insurance company, there was enough capital to

the theater possible. Its opening perform ance in

begin the construction o f the New Brown

O ctober o f 1983 was a special recognition o f

G ym nasium in April o f 1928. J.P. Reynolds, presi­

Virginia D. Rice, longtime professor o f com m unica­

dent o f K an sas City Life Insurance Com pany, and

tion and dram a at the college. T h e Brown Hall

W.D. Johnson, vice president o f Fidelity T rust

renovation was com pleted in the early spring o f

Com pany, subscribed $20,000 to rebuild the struc­

1984 and now houses the radio station (K W JC ),

ture. Finished in D ecem ber o f 1928, the new

student newspaper (.Hilltop Monitor), com m unica­

building was a three-story structure, 101’ x 155’,

tion departm ent, art departm ent, psychology

including three basketball courts and a balcony

departm ent as well as the adm ission offices. T h e

with total seating o f 1,300. A swimming pool-

third floor o f the building which formerly had

which had been excluded from the first gymnasi-

handball courts and classroom s, now contains the

um-was included in the basem ent level o f the new

Ruth E. Stocksdale Gallery o f Art. A conference


room nam ed for the M exican War hero, Liberty

W.D. Johnson, also honored in Greene Hall,

resident, and co-founder o f William Jewell College,

had moved to K an sas City from Texas near the turn

Alexander D oniphan, occupies the southwest cor­

o f the century. H e served as a trustee from 1909

ner o f the third floor. T his building also includes

until 1949 and was elected chairm an each year

the Evening D ivision office complex. To the south

from 1925 until 1949. Johnson was a m em ber o f

o f the entrance is a courtyard dedicated to the

the (First) Calvary Baptist Church in K an sas City

m em ory o f Bruce T hom son, formerly a professor

and spent his life as a farm er, merchant, banker,

o f sociology, dean, and executive vice president of

insurance executive, rancher, and cattleman.

the college.

D uring his tenure on the board, he worked with five college presidents. Because he was a man o f


quiet conviction and deep devotion, his gifts came to the college without public acclaim. D uring the G reat D epression, Johnson would check with

Com pleted in the centennial year o f the college, 1949, the adm inistration building honors the lead­

make a gift large enough to pay whatever bills

ership o f John Priest Greene, president o f the col­

could not be paid through the regular income o f

lege from 1892 to 1920 and from 1921 to 1923.

the school. It is conservatively estim ated that his

G reene was a native

total gifts am ounted to at least $1.5 million before

M issourian, born in 1849

his death on April 13, 1951.

and educated at M em phis

John Priest Greene Memorial Hall, 1949


President H erget at the end o f each month and

U nder the leadership o f President Walter Pope

Academy, LaG range

Binns, Johnson pledged a gift o f $200,000 to build

College, Southern Baptist

an administration building in honor o f his friend,

Seminary, and the

John Priest Greene. T h e advent o f World War II

University o f Leipzig. He

prevented the construction and, thus, the building

pastored in Louisville,

was not begun until after the war was over.

Ky., before com ing to

Johnson pledged the gift at Com m encem ent in

pastor the T hird Baptist

1942, the sam e year that he gave $250,000 to the

Church o f St. Louis,

college for the endowment o f the departm ent o f

which experienced phe­

religion and philosophy. Com pleted in 1949, the

nomenal growth under his leadership from 1882

centennial o f the college and the anniversary o f Dr.

until he becam e president o f the college in 1892.

G reene’s birth, Greene Hall was dedicated on


D ecem ber 1 in conjunction with the annual

when he was appoint­

Achievement D ay activities under Dr. B in ns’ lead­

ed assistant to the

ership. Included on the program were Elizabeth

president and later

Ann Johnson and N ancy Jane G reen, both grand­

administrative vice

children o f Johnson and President Greene. (By a

president. In July o f

strange coincidence, M rs. G reene, the widow o f Dr.

1962 he served as

Greene, passed away at their home in California the

interim president

very hour the building was dedicated.)

between the adm inis­

T h e three stories o f the facility are designed in colonial fashion and house the administrative


trations ofW alter





Jones Hall, 1954

Pope Binns and H. G uy M oore.

offices o f the president, provost and academ ic vice president, marketing and com m unications, overseas studies, registrar, student financial planning, busi­


ness office and mail room. When football started at William Jewell College


in 1888, there were only eleven players. One o f those few was Luther D. Greene o f Richm ond,

After World War II, the w om en’s enrollment at

M o., who served not only as halfback but also as

William Jewell College increased as rapidly as the

m anager o f the team with responsibility for raising

m en’s enrollment. M elrose Hall had served as the

funds and running the team. H e was present when

only residence hall for women since 1926, though

G reene Stadium was dedicated on Septem ber 17,

three off-cam pus houses had been purchased to

1955, in his honor as William Jewell defeated

handle the residential needs o f women during the

Ottawa, 28-13. T h e ceremonies o f the day included

war when the dorm itories were occupied by the

the living captains o f all the Cardinal team s since

Navy School. A second w om en’s residence hall,

1888. Greene brought honor to W illiam Jewell

costing $ 121,000, was built to accom m odate fifty-

College through a career as a physician and state

four women to meet the additional dem ands o f

legislator from his hometown.

increased enrollment. O ccupied in 1954, the new

Com pleted in 1955 at a cost o f $95,200,

residence hall was nam ed for M inetry Jones, Jr., a

Greene Stadium boasts a concession stand, ticket

1914 graduate o f William Jewell College. Jones

windows, restroom s, press room s, storage, and

served as trustee o f the college from 1932 to 1938

thirty-two rows o f seats that can hold up to 5,000


ti i g n



n 111

^ ne lianas

football fans. In 1992 the football field inside


Greene Stadium was nam ed for legendary coach N orris Patterson. A native o f O dessa, M o.,

D edicated at H om ecom ing on N ovem ber 9,

Patterson studied at M issouri Valley College before

1957, along with Yates College U nion, Sem ple Hall

joining the coaching staff o f William Jewell in 1950.

becam e the third wom en’s residence. Located

In his eighteen years at Jewell the Cardinals had an

behind M elrose Hall (1926) and Jones Hall (1954),

overall record o f 134-33-9, including thirteen

the building was nam ed for Dr. R obert Baylor

cham pionships and five second-place finishes.

Sem ple who taught at the college for forty years,

P atterson’s honors also include being elected to the

1868-1908. Sem ple was born in Virginia in 1842

N A IA Football Hall o f Fam e, N A C D A Athletic

and converted under the ministry o f Rev. John A.

D irectors Hall o f Fam e, M issouri Valley College

Broadus in 1859. T he Rev. Dr. William F.

Hall o f Fam e, and in 1989 the William Jewell Hall

B roaddus, an uncle by whom the orphaned Sem ple

o f D istinguished Teachers.

was reared, directed his early education. After graduating from the University ofV irginia and serving in the Confederate Army, Sem ple came to W illiam Jewell College in 1868. As head o f the departm ent o f ancient languages, he had profes­ sional duties which included teaching Latin, G erm an, G reek and R om an history. Students fondly rem em bered Sem ple’s heroes as Socrates, the apostle Paul and Stonewall Jackson and thus nicknamed him “ Old Soc.”

H e served twice as

president o f the American Association o f University Professors. After he died in 1909, Sem ple was buried in Fairview Cem etery in Liberty. R .B. Sem ple’s son, Dr. William T. Sem ple ’00, was a distinguished businessm an in Cincinnati who

■ I ....* ...,,,;;

Semple Hall, 1957

served as trustee at the college from 1937 until his death in 1962. From 1943 to 1949, he was a m em ­ ber o f the Centennial C am paign Com m ittee and endowed the departm ents o f Latin and G reek with


a gift o f $250,000.

Hi gh


a Hill



Begun in 1956, Sem ple Hall was finished a year later, at a cost o f $436,000, and occupied by 121 women. A wing was added in 1966 to house an additional seventy women. T h e build­ ing currently houses the four sororities o f the college as well as non-Greek students.

YATES COLLEGE UNION (1958) Yates College U nion, the first structure built on cam pus to specifically accom m odate student activities, was dedicated on H om ecom ing Day on N ovem ber 9, 1957, along with Sem ple Hall. T h e first section ofYates College U nion was fin­ ished in 1958 at a cost o f $500,000. T h e origi­ nal structure included 25,000 square feet and pro­

school in Ray County, Will Yates arrived in Liberty

vided space for the dining needs o f 500 resident

in the fall o f 1893 at age sixteen to begin his rela­

students and the extracurricular activities o f an

tionship with William Jewell College. U pon gradu­

enrollment o f 1,000. Previously, som e extracurric­

ation he had hoped to spend his career teaching but

ular activities were located in the basem ent o f G ano

could only find a job in a bank. In 1901 he was

Chapel. T h e new air-conditioned structure encom ­

hired by the Exchange Bank o f Richm ond where he

passed a cafeteria, the bookstore, and conference

worked for seventy-one years and becam e chairm an

room s, offices for students and staff, and lockers

o f the board o f directors. O f the four banks in

and storage areas.

Richm ond during the D epression, his Exchange

T h e building was nam ed in honor o f M r. Will

Bank was the only one to survive. H e was proud o f

F. Yates, class o f 1898, and prominent businessm an

not having to foreclose on Ray County and area

and trustee o f the college. Yates had given

farm ers. In 1942 Yates joined the board o f trustees

$250,000 to endow the departm ent o f chemistry in

at William Jewell College where he served until his

m em ory o f his son, Jam es Andrew Yates, who had

death at age 101 in February o f 1979.

graduated in 1927 with a chemistry m ajor but died soon after graduation. Educated in a country

Yates College Union, 1958

In 1966 a new three-level wing o f 21,285 square feet was adjoined to the existing building at


(now Colgate) University in Ham ilton, N.Y., from which he was awarded bachelor’s, m aster’s, and doctoral degrees. H e was a m em ber o f Phi Beta K app a Society and a fellow o f the Am erican Association for the Advancem ent o f Science. His classroom m otto was, “ What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” Eaton was one o f the first in Am erica to combine the study o f theology and sci­ ence. A story in an 1881 edition o f the Student Eaton Hall, 1958

a cost o f $900,000. T he enlarged structure was to

says, “ H e is in full sympathy with the progress o f

facilitate the activities o f 1,500 students with a food

science but does not place it above the Bible,

service capacity o f 1,200. T he new addition also

believing, as he does, that true science and religion

featured a second cafeteria, lounge, snack bar, and

are in perfect accord with one another.” In an

m eeting room s. T he U nion was expanded in antic­

attem pt to regain his failing health, Eaton

ipation o f two m ajor residence halls, Eaton and

em barked on a tour o f the M editerranean only to

Browning, to be built in the future.

die in Cairo, Egypt, in M arch o f 1897, where he was buried.


H is son, H ubert Eaton, served faithfully on the board o f trustees from 1938 until 1958. T he

As Yates College U nion neared com pletion and

founder o f Forest Lawn M ortuary and G ardens in

Old Ely Hall continued to deteriorate, the trustees

G lendale, C alif., H ubert Eaton served on search

authorized a plan for a new cam pus residence hall

com m ittees for two presidents and helped fund the

in response to the ever-changing needs o f the col­

Balthasar H ubm aier Collection in Curry Library.

lege and the continued growth o f the student popu­

H e gave more than $200,000 to the college.

lation. T h u s, in the fall o f 1958, 124 men moved into the newly com pleted and fully air-conditioned $461,000 Eaton H all, the second cam pus facility to


be nam ed for a professor. Jam es R. Eaton taught natural science at the

In the 1950s, Ray Johnson, ’ 13, was concerned

college from 1869 until 1896. H e was the second

that the m arried students at William Jewell College,

son o f G eorge W. Eaton, president o f M adison

unlike their single peers, were left to fend for them-



selves when it cam e to housing arrangem ents.

tion were kept in several locations in Jewell Hall.

Until the post-war years, this was not a m ajor prob­

T he library staff varied throughout those years as

lem as small houses or basem ent apartm ents could

did the rules outlining the use o f m aterials in the

be rented in Liberty for reasonable rates. However,

library. In 1906 the purchase o f the private library

the num ber o f m arried students grew significantly

o f L o n d o n ’s Puritan preacher, Charles H addon

in the 1950s creating a housing shortage for this

Spurgeon, necessitated the construction o f the first

segm ent o f the student body.

library building at William Jewell College.

T h us, construction began in 1961 on the north





Carnegie Library, 1908

A gift o f $30,000 from Andrew Carnegie was

side o f the cam pus facing D oniphan Street o f three

secured toward the construction o f the $61,000

buildings with twelve apartm ents each. T he two-

facility, which was finished in 1908. N am ed for

story brick buildings were nam ed in honor o f

Carnegie, the library contained over 17,000 vol-

Johnson’s wife, M arguerite. One o f the buildings was specifically reserved for the use o f m arried ministerial students. On Sunday afternoon, O ctober 21, 1962, the apartm ents were dedicated with the final cost tallied at $48,471. All o f the apartm ents have two bedroom s with bathroom , kitchen and living room. Besides providing housing for married couples, som e units are used by visiting scholars, the m issionary in residence or even single students. In 1987 the parking areas around the M arguerite Apartm ents as well as the playground and other facilities were named Regent’s Quadrangle in appreciation o f Jewell’s overseas ties with Regent’s Park, the Baptist college o f Oxford University.

Charles F. Curry Library, 1965

um es, which were moved by students from Jewell


Hall to the new facility in less than half a day, that day being declared a holiday by the college adm in­ istration. T he movement to the new building was so

From the founding o f the college in 1849 until 1908, the necessary books for a liberal arts educa­

carefully planned that not one o f the volumes was lost and only a small num ber o f books were out o f


In 1970 the trustees voted unanim ously to name the building for Charles F. Curry, who served on the board o f trustees from 1948 until 1968 and was chairm an from 1954 to 1968. A m em ber of (First) Calvary Baptist Church, Curry was a wellknown real estate developer in K an sas City, con­ tributing not only to William Jewell College but also to Baptist M em orial H ospital and M idwestern Seminary. When presenting him with a Distinguished Citizen Award in 1961, fellow

Browning Hall, 1967

place once the transfer was com pleted. In addition to the C .H . Spurgeon collection, the new Carnegie Library contained the M ertins’ collection o f auto­

D em ocrat H arry T rum an said, “ Charlie Curry is a great citizen o f our community, who has helped many, including the one you’re looking at.”

graphs and holographs; the only com plete collec­ tion o f the writings o f Anabaptist martyr Balthasar H ubm aier; the Ted M alone collection o f poem s used in his radio program “ Between the B ooken ds;” and the federal government publica­ tions deposited with the library. T h at building also proved inadequate and a new library facility was constructed in 1964 on the site o f the original Carnegie Library. History repeated itself when more than 450 William Jewell students were provided a steak dinner to move the 87,000 volumes into the new four-story library with over 58,000 feet o f floor space. New collections added to the facility included the M issouri Baptist H istorical Collection, which details the history o f M issouri Baptists, and the Jewell Heritage Collection, which chronicles the history ofW illiam Jewell College. T he facility, costing $ 1,250,000, was opened in August o f 1965.

THE LEGACY OF WILLIAM P. BROWNING (1967) T he son o f a M issouri cattleman, William P. Browning was born in 1885 on a farm near M exico, M o., where he lived until age thirteen when his family moved to K an sas City. H e gradu­ ated from Central High School where he studied Latin and G reek before com ing to William Jewell College to m ajor in m odern languages. H e was a m em ber o f the Sigm a N u fraternity and one o f the founders o f Aeons, a senior honorary for men. Browning was an avid tennis player, football fan, worked on the first Tatler yearbook, and occasionally subm itted articles and artwork for the Student. In 1929 he joined William Jewell’s board o f trustees, serving as president from 1950-54 and vice presi-

Hi gh

dent from 1962-66 before retiring from the board

structure o f G eorgian style,

in 1977. In 1947, during the Centennial C am paign

originally opened on

o f the college, Browning gave the college 341 acres

H om ecom ing Day, O ctober 27,

to the north side o f the cam pus in m em ory o f his

1974, though not formally

parents. T he contribution is still called “ the

nam ed until N ovem ber 15,

Browning C am pus,” and was noted in 1964 when

1980, in honor o f the Pillsbury

the theater on the ground floor o f the Curry

Foundation and the prominent

Library was nam ed in his honor. T his quiet and

St. Louis family which has

efficient m an, a charter m em ber o f the Wornall

given generously to the college.

Road Baptist Church in K ansas City, gave addition­

Three generations o f the

al acreage to the college upon his death in 1977.

Pillsbury family have served on

In 1967 a new four-level m en’s residence hall


a Hi ll



the board o f trustees at William

was constructed and nam ed for Browning. T his

Jewell College, including E .S .

building o f 28,620 square feet was to house 180

Pillsbury, Fred Pillsbury, and

men and was com pleted at a cost o f $800,000.

Linda Pillsbury R oos. T he

With renovations in 1994, Browning Hall becam e

building, constructed at a cost

the first residence hall to have single room s

o f $1.4 million, includes a

reserved for upper-class students and the first resi­

choral suite with a capacity o f

dence hall to house both fem ales and m ales, with

120 and a recital hall that seats

men on the first three levels and women on the

125. T h e recital hall is nam ed for Wes Forbis, for­

fourth floor.

mer chairm an o f the departm ent and national edi­

Pillsbury Music Center, 1974

tor o f the 1991 Baptist Hymnal.

PILLSBURY MUSIC CENTER (1974) T he m usic building had been a priority for the


trustees and adm inistration since 1961. In the fall o f 1971 procedures were set in motion to construct

On D ecem ber 11, 1980, the aging Brown

the new building, but the official ground breaking

G ym nasium was officially replaced by the M abee

was not until Founder’s D ay on M arch 6, 1973,

Center for Physical Education with the dedicatory

also the 125th anniversary o f the college.

address presented by veteran sports broadcaster

T he Pillsbury M usic Center is a four-level

C u rt Gowdy. It was deem ed “ one o f the finest ath-


letic facilities to

rounded by a six-lane running track. An indoor

be found in the

Olympic-size swimming pool graces the south end

U nited States.”

o f the building. H andball courts, lockers, showers,

T h e project, which

training room s, fitness room s, and weight room s

had been launched in

accentuate the flexibility o f the building, which can

April o f 1979, includ­

seat up to 1,600 spectators for a sporting event.

ed not only the con­

T he facility also is the site o f college com m ence­

struction o f the

ment ceremonies.

M abee Center but also the development Grand River Chapel, 1918,1991

o f the Elliot C . Spratt outdoor sports com plex on the Browning cam pus. Because the center was constructed on the form er

A project o f the Alumni C om m ission for

site o f the college baseball diam ond, it was neces­

Religious Life 1988-1992, the G rand River Chapel

sary to relocate the diam ond to the north cam pus.

stands as a m onum ent to the roots ofW illiam

Softball and soccer fields were added as well as a

Jewell College. It began with the founding o f the

road through the cam pus nam ed for patriarchal

G rand River Baptist Church in D ecem ber, 1833, in

coach R .E . “ D a d ” Bowles. T h e total cost o f the

the northern section o f what was then called Ray

M abee Center and the outdoor sports com plex

County and now is incorporated into southern

reached $4,500,000.

D aviess County. Their third building, constructed

T h e M abee Center bears the name o f John and Lottie M abee, whose T ulsa-based foundation m ade the project a reality. T heir lead gift o f $750,000

in 1918, stands on the cam pus ofW illiam Jewell College as the G rand River Chapel. T h e G rand River Baptist Church had estab­

prom pted other gifts, including one from the

lished several churches and associations, and pro­

K an sas City Chiefs professional football team

vided regular gifts to the M inisterial Education

which held their sum m er training cam p at William

fund at William Jewell College during its 158-year

Jewell College from 1963 to 1990.

history. When their building was given to the col­

T he facility was built to further heighten the



lege, the project was accepted by the Alumni

college’s tradition o f athletic excellence. Encompassing

C om m ission to move the well-constructed 4 5 ’ x 4 5 ’

over 90,000 square feet, the gym has a clear-span

building to the cam pus as a rem inder that the col­

arena that includes three basketball courts sur­

lege was founded and supported by small rural



Baptist congregations throughout its history. T he

ous fund-raising program in the history ofW illiam

structure was dism antled piece by piece and board

Jewell College. T h e center, costing $7,500,000,

by board, moved to the cam pus by the Billings

was the m ajor capital project in a cam paign that

Construction Com pany and rebuilt under their

netted over $27 million toward capital and endow­


ment functions o f the college. T h e building

To finance the project, the Alumni C om m ission

a Hill



replaced historic M arston H all, built in 1914 as the

for Religious Life dedicated parts o f the building to

science center o f the cam pus, and provided neces­

friends o f families and alumni who wanted to pur­

sary resources for the rem odeling o f M arston Hall.

chase a m emorial for their family m em bers. Over

T h e new 66,000-square-foot science center is a

seventy people are honored in the pews, windows,

state-of-the-art facility planned by faculty m em bers

and accoutrem ents o f the G rand River Chapel.

involved in teaching the sciences. Its brick con-

O utstanding features o f the building include the William Jewell stained glass window created by alum s Charlie ’56 and Adelle ’57 New lon depicting logos and m ottoes o f the college throughout its history. T h is 16’ x 9 ’ stained glass edifice serves as a backdrop for weddings, graduations and other rites o f passage at the college. T he G rand River G ardens that surround the building, a gift o f M r. and M rs. Jim Ferrell, feature a fountain and flag­ stone patio. T hree historical m arkers on the grounds note Civil War activities in Liberty and on the Hill. T h e building is used by num erous cam pus groups, including Sigm a Epsilon Pi, a cam pus organization for m inistry students, and for com m unity weddings. White Science Center, 1992


struction is com patible with the rem ainder o f the cam pus, including historic Jewell H all, its neighbor.

On O ctober 11, 1992, the White Science Center was formally dedicated, capping off the m ost vigor­

Features o f the building include twenty-three sepa­ rate dedicated laboratories, a sem inar conference


room on the third floor, a two-tiered lecture hall,

M urray H unt, professor o f philosophy, 1953-66;

and an observatory at the highest point in Clay

Dr. Elm an Morrow, professor o f m athem atics and

County and one o f the highest points in M issouri.

physics, 1947-68; and Dr. K erm it Watkins, professor

T h e departm ents o f physics, chemistry, biology,

o f econom ics, 1956-78. A plaque o f dedication is

com puter studies, and m athem atics use the facility.

located near the quad entrance o f the new building.

T he center was nam ed for John and Penny

John F. White was born on April 4, 1944, and

White, alumni o f the college, whose generous gift

reared in the M aryland Baptist Children’s H om e in

enabled the construction o f the building. They

Bethesda. H e attended William Jewell College at

reluctantly allowed their nam es to grace the struc­

the suggestion o f a Jewell graduate who directed

ture if it would honor outstanding professors

the H om e and took a special interest in young

encountered during their studies at

Joh n ’s education. At William Jewell, White served

William Jewell College: Dr.

as a student assistant in the math departm ent and an officer in Phi G am m a Delta. D uring his years at the college, he met Independence native Penny K ern, the Tatler Revue Queen, who becam e his wife and the mother o f their five children. Their son, Jason, graduated from William Jewell in 1996. White was president o f Haem onetics Corporation in Braintree, M ass. from 1983-1998. H e joined the board o f trustees in 1989 and assum ed the chairm anship in 1993.

Jewell Hall, 1852





We W i l l







by M yra U nger

Jna speech to Williams College alumni on

lege curricula; taught classes in

D ecem ber 28, 1871, Jam es Garfield, then leader o f

which he encouraged students to

the Republican Party in C ongress and later presi­

think independently; and spon­

dent o f the U nited States, m ade this m uch-quoted

sored teacher and administrative

statem ent about Am erican higher education:

training workshops. G arfield

“I am not willing that this discussion should close without mention of the value of a true teacher. Give me

cared about good teaching and knew it when he saw it.

a log hut, with only a simple bench, Mark Hopkins on

By the time o f W illiams’

one end and I on the other, and you may have all the

speech William Jewell’s faculty,

buildings, apparatus and libraries without him ”

adm inistration, trustees, and stu­

When G arfield said this, M ark H opkins had

dents had been struggling to

been president o f Williams College and professor o f

shape the college for over twenty years. Lack o f

philosophy for thirty-five years. Jam es G arfield was

money and the Civil War had kept the college

one o f his form er students.

closed for nine o f those years. We can only imagine

One o f the nineteenth century’s greatest ora­

the energy (not to mention the odor) when stu­

tors, G arfield had graduated from W illiams College

dents and faculty together shoveled out Jewell H all,

with honors. One year after his graduation, at the

a hospital for federal troops as well as quarters for

age o f twenty-six, G arfield was elected president o f

soldiers and horses during the war, so that classes

Western Reserve Eclectic Institute (now H iram

could resum e on Septem ber 29, 1868.

College), having com peted with one o f his own for­ mer teachers for the post.

Eager to improve the

Professor Thurston F. lsley, Dr. Frank G. Edson, Miss Virginia D. Rice, and Dr. U. R. Pugh celebrating a total of 142 years of teaching at William Jewell, 1965

Since then the heart o f William Jewell College, as that o f any other college that m atters, has been

quality o f teaching in Am erican colleges, Garfield

its faculty, aided by the administration and staff

lectured on Am erican history, a new subject to col­

who support and com plem ent classroom teaching.


Phil Posey conducts the orchestra, 1974

Changes in teaching techniques, philosophies,

ofW estern Europe and Japan. Faculties have

styles, and technologies may not be readily appar­

worked together in interdisciplinary program s,

ent to first-year students. They tend to think o f a

including the relatively new general education core

faculty m em ber as open­

curriculum . Faculty and adm inistration m em bers

ing a hinged student

grow and evolve just as students do.

head and putting in an ice-cream scoop o f math

“ There is no teaching until the pupil is brought into

or French, then moving

the same state or principle in which you are; a transfu­

on to the next student to

sion takes place; he is you and you are he; then is a teaching, and by no unfriendly chance or bad company

repeat the operation. In the prize-winning docum entary, Why Man

can he ever quite lose the benefit ” -R alp h Waldo Em erson

Creates, a hand opens such a head and yells into its em ptiness, “ Hello

reunion or alumni function, and am ong the old

down there.” T he greet­

tales o f m arbles rolling down the aisle in G ano

ing echoes, but there is no response. O pening a head and opening a mind

Georgia B. Bowman, communication, 1974

Listen to the conversation at any college class

Chapel or midnight rendez-vous in the cemetery will be talk o f faculty m em bers who m ade a differ­

have little in com m on, though. Opening a

ence in the way students learned and looked at

m ind requires constant intellectual growth

their world after graduation. Ruth E dw ards’ and

and adaptation from a faculty member. T he

Jeanne John son’s advising; Katherine and Antonio

art o f teaching has changed dramatically

Vera’s teaching o f Spanish via the lively D anforth

over the last fifty years, the period this dis­

M ethod; N ano N o re’s teaching o f painting or

cussion focuses on. Fem ales are no longer

D avid John son’s dem onstrations o f calligraphy;

a tiny minority but a dynamic presence in

Sally Powers’ patience in teaching learning skills;

the faculty and administration. T he cam pus

Phil Posey’s encouraging students to participate in

abounds with workshops, m eetings, and

com m unity m usic; Sandra E m ig’s dozens o f m usic

sem inars designed to enhance teaching skills as

departm ent-related projects; G ordon Kingsley’s

increasing em phasis is placed on assessm ent and

teaching o f Irish poetry and dram a; Lois Anne and

outcom e. G lobal teaching and learning are a reali­

K im H arris’ labors in journalism and dram a: these

ty due to the ease o f travel and the relative security

are a few out o f many possible examples.

We W i l l L o v e

Listen to the conversations o f faculty m em bers


castoffs—som e physics principle. H e alm ost

when the mind o f teacher and student met and

danced around the equipm ent as he dem onstrat­

connected in what Dr. Ann M arie Shannon calls

ed principles o f gravity, inertia, or torque. H is

the “ intimacy o f shared experience—the opportunity

delight was com pounded

to open up a world and begin to inhabit it together.”

when his students’ hands went


up for further information.

inhabit their worlds, such as Dr. Shannon’s world

A m ong those hands were

o f K in g Lear and John D on ne’s sonnets. In her

those o f his successor-to-be,

Survey o f British Literature classes Dr. Shannon

Dr. D on Geilker, whose own

used to give “ forced decision” quizzes. H er class

delight in “ shared experi­

writings were returned with com m ents m eant to

ences” brings community

evoke dialogue and, often, office conferences. Her

m em bers, as well as students,

philosophy was as follows: “ Inhabiting” a work o f

to the Pillsbury Observatory

literature requires careful reading skills. T he class

atop the White Science Center

discussion grows directly out o f this focused think­

to view com ets, eclipses, or

ing the students had done on paper. Every aspect

Satu rn ’s rings.

o f class is part o f a carefully structured whole, every

Lifelong joy o f learning is

part reinforcing every other part so that class m em ­

the result o f the “ intimacy o f

bers find themselves inside the text. They grow

shared experiences” fostered

confident in their own skills.

by great teachers. T he oppor­

Professor Charles Newlon, “ Charlie” to the

tunity for students and faculty

cam pus, taught the skills necessary to “ inhabit” the

to spend intense, focused time

natural environment. M any graduates fondly recall

together on an ongoing basis is virtually unique to

crawling around m uddy creek bottom s with

the college world, and a benefit not sufficiently

Professor New lon looking for frogs. “ H is enthusi­

stressed in college catalogs.

asm for the natural world was so infectious,” a for­


on equipm ent he had m ade from donated

and you will som etim es hear about those m om ents

G reat teachers work hard at helping students


Reynolds, history, ng in 1988

If teacher and student have shared experiences,

mer student said, “ I felt touched with wonder, and

they are both learners, one from the other. T he

I’ve never gotten over it.”

teacher learns from the taught.

Mark Walters, Professor of the Year, 1994

Students in Dr. Wallace H ilton’s physics courses also felt wonder as Dr. Hilton dem onstrated—often


H.I. Hester off to golf, 1948

Dr. Frank E dson, longtime chair o f the chem­

the essence o f critical thinking. H er insistence on

istry departm ent, was once chagrined when the

practicing those skills until they were perfected pro­

two highest grades on an organic chemistry exam

duced scores o f formidable public speakers and

were 52 and 60 (out o f 100). “ I ’ll give you two

clear thinkers.

weeks to review these chapters and prepare for

Com m itted to clear thinking and writing, Dr.

another test on the sam e m aterial,” he told the

H erm an P. W ilson taught students to explicate

class. Know ing D r. E d so n ’s rigor, the students

M ilton’s Paradise Lost and Jam es’ The Ambassadors.

reviewed and quaked fearfully for two weeks. On

H e wanted students to read the words as they were

the day o f the make-up exam Dr. E dson walked

written in context, and not to begin interpreting

into the room just as the bell rang, placed two

until they understood perfectly what was literally

ream s o f paper on the front desk, and said, “ Tell

happening on that page. “ What do the words on

me everything you know about these chapters.”

the page say?” he would ask, more than once, if

Twenty-five years later one o f those students said, “ I ’ve always wondered: What was Dr. Edson really thinking? Was he cackling under­ neath his breath? Once I got over my

necessary—and wait patiently for the response. T he habit o f close reading thus learned carried over into the study o f other subjects as well. A graduate sum s up the education that sur­

shock (for a m om ent I forgot everything I

vives: “ I never felt that I was totally isolated in my

knew), I began pulling material together in

discipline. M y teachers were always interested in

ways I never had before. T he tests came

holistic problem solving. It has served me well

back with com m ents from Dr. E dson writ­

throughout life.”

ten all over them, as if he had taken our tries at synthesis very seriously. T he expe­ rience m ade me think differently about the Bruce Thompson at work, 1966

way pieces o f knowledge go together to

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence ends ” -H en ry Brooks A dam s

form a whole after that.” L on g before there was m uch talk o f “ critical


Dr. H .I. H ester was a little m an with a huge

thinking” on cam pus, Dr. G eorgia Bessie Bowm an

soul and spirit, prodigious energy, a ready wit and

was teaching her debate squads and com m unica­

only m inor vices, a friend o f half the people in

tion classes to distinguish the clear from the gar­

Liberty, and the writer o f m ore than twenty books

bled and to analyze and synthesize efficiently. She

(am ong them two William Jewell histories on which

taught a whole collection o f skills now considered

the writers o f the present book have relied heavily).

We W i l l

He was a seminary trustee, a co-founder (with Dr. Walter Pope Binns) o f the A ssociation o f Southern



professor o f religion, as well as college vice presi­

or Professor Terri Teal direct the Fine Arts

dent and interim president.

Chorale o f K an sas City; • in the rich nationwide influence on college

adm inistrator, Dr. H ester considered him self mere­

science teaching o f Project K aleidoscope, in

ly a steward on earth o f the prodigious gifts G od

which Dr. Judy Dilts has long been involved; • in the audiences for the books and

Lectureships, the H .I. H ester Alumni H ouse, and

articles o f faculty m em bers across the

num erous scholarships and other bequests continue

disciplines from history and religion,

the legacy o f one often described by those who

English and communication, psychology

knew him as “ a Christian gentlem an,” a m an o f

and m athem atics, to biology, physics,

towering character whose mere presence in a room

languages, and m usic;

raised the level o f both integrity and laughter.


• in the K an sas City com m unity’s hearing Dr. Arnold Epley direct the K .C . Sym phony Chorus

had given him. H e believed in quiet charity.


Busters or Earl W haley’s tours and ethnic m eals;

Baptist Colleges and Universities, and a longtime

Like M ark Hopkins, both faculty m em ber and


• in those encouraged by the Pryor Leadership Studies Program , directed

The past, the present, and the future overlap in a college:

by Dr. Sylvia N adler, to develop com ­ munity problem -solving techniques; in com m unity m em bers who, attend­

• in generations o f school children taught by teachers

ing a William Jewell College sporting

taught at William Jewell College by M iss Lutie

event, catch som ething o f the spirit o f

Chiles and M iss Ella D avidson and successive

the place from coaches and encourage

m em bers o f the education departm ent; • in Liberty residents watching Dr. BurtWagenknecht bicycling to collect cans on Saturday m orning,

Wallace Hilton, physics, 1973

earning money to be turned into cash for a biology departm ent project; • in eager audiences o f children as Dr. M arvin D ixon gave his many perform ances or taught Saturday m orning classes to fourth graders; • in the wider community o f Dr. Ed Chasteen’s Hate

The biology department— (from left) Nelson Scottgale, Judy Dilts, Gwen Scottgale, Burt Wagenknecht, Charles Nezvlon, 1991



u v a i n e a , o a r -v e ± n e v i - u r e v c r

their children to “ check out” the college when it is time to apply for college adm ission; • in those who, hearing a presentation at a confer­

• in churches near and far to whom Jerry Cain and religion and m usic faculty have ministered; • in faculty m em bers and adm inistrators whose col­

ence on m edical ethics by Dr. Keith D avid,

lective stewardship o f time, talent, and resources

decide to sign organ donor cards;

provides an inspiring legacy.

• in voters in surrounding com m unities to which Dr. Will A d am s’ Institute for Social Research reached out in assessing voting trends;

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”

• in K an sas City, where Dr. Cecelia R obinson’s let­

-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

ter-writing projects, uniting inner-city children with those in the su burbs, build bridges o f friendship;

“In the space age the most important space is between the ears ”

• in clinics and assessm ents run by m em bers o f the Lydia Lovan at the organ, 1963

-A nne Arm strong

N ursing D epartm ent for the long-term health benefits o f the community; • in England, Europe, Japan and other locations

Like all viable organism s, a college and its fac­ ulty and administration evolve if they are to survive.

where the overseas study program s (and

T hey grow to meet the challenges. When Jam es

Oxbridge) extend the connections with different

G arfield said, “ Give me a log hut, with only a

m odes o f learning and new aspects o f culture;

sim ple bench, M ark H opkins on one end and I on

• in generations o f students, com m unity m em bers,

the other,” G arfield was not suggesting that a col­

and school groups who caught the contagion o f

lege can do without “ buildings, apparatus, and

good dram a from Professor Virginia D. Rice and

libraries” (or stadium s, all-purpose tracks, snack

kept this exuberance throughout life;

bars, art galleries, and heating plants, as well as all

• in people from “ all over” who cam e to know the

o f the folks who make these work). M ark Hopkins,

college because ofW illiam Jewell C ollege’s count­

in his dual role, was teaching students, while helping

less m usic contests and m usical productions;

administer the “ buildings, apparatus, and libraries.” Garfield was simply rem inding colleges to look to the essential: the M ark H o p k in s’ in dialogue with stud en ts. T h e results o f such d ialogue are a co llege’s legacy.


The Twentieth-Century Academician, Dr. Kingsley, 1980-1993

THE “ACADEMI CI ANS ” Two o f the presidents who have served the college in the past 150 years have been notably im portant in articulating Jewell’s liberal arts identity. One is Dr. T h om as R am baut, who came to Jewell when it reopened after the Civil War. H e gave the “ C ourse o f Study” a form al struc­ ture which shaped academ ics for nearly a century. T h e first chapter o f this sesquicentennial history aptly nam es him William Jewell’s

The Nineteenth-Century Academician, Dr. Rambaut, 1867-1873

“ A cadem ician.” A hundred years later, one o f his successors, Dr. J. G ordon Kingsley, initiated a revital­ ization o f Dr. R am baut’s structure

academ ic life com ­ prised the study o f hum anities, social sci­

which could earn him the designation as Jewell’s “ Twentieth-Century Academ ician.”

ence, science and m athem at­ ics, and religion. T h u s, the first


Catalogue established a pattern o f study that has persisted throughout every period o f the college’s

Dr. H .I. H ester’s history, Jewell Is Her Name,

life and is reaffirm ed by the current Catalog. T his

admirably traces Dr. R am baut’s achievement.

inclusive pattern o f study identified William Jewell

Identifying a wide range o f subjects to be studied

as what today is called a “ liberal arts college” and

and organizing them into groups, he produced a

defined its place on the academ ic landscape. Sm all

coherent, if overly am bitious, curriculum m odeled

colleges like Jewell represent A m erica’s unique con­

after that o f the University o f Virginia. H e pro­

tribution to higher education.

posed eight “ schools” : Latin, Greek, m athem atics, m odern languages, English literature and history,

Cadets march to class

natural sciences, moral philosophy, and theology. Each school was to be independent o f the others. G raduation was to depend on exam inations, not any given period o f study. T he strength shown in Dr. R am baut’s academ ic plan was not educational im agination or originality. Aircraft engines class for naval cadets

It was, rather, recognition and vigorous adaptation o f the best educational practice o f the time. A ppropriating it for William Jewell, he gave the college a framework around which it could build

framework, new subjects appeared

its academ ic progress. T h at framework supported

steadily in the Catalogs which fol­

Jewell’s expanded and enriched academ ic life from

lowed Dr. R am baut’s retirement in

the Civil War until World War II dramatically

1873. They provided specialization

changed Am erican life, including higher education.

and elaboration within the broad

Over the years these original courses were

fields o f knowledge his plan identi­

regrouped and the graduation requirements m odi­

fied. Further expansion brought

fied. Progressive regrouping through the decades

lively activities such as debate, dra­

ultimately produced the now fam iliar twentieth-

m atics, and m usical perform ance

century categories.

into the form al curriculum.

Even these progressive changes, however, were m odifications o f D r. R am baut’s original m odel. Jewell, in com m on with m ost other Am erican insti­


tutions, later rejected the exam ination-based system for earning degrees and abandoned R am baut’s pro­

T h e im pact o f another conflict ended the long

vision for the m aster’s degree. However, the subdi­

period o f grow th which D r. R am b au t initiated in

vision o f courses o f study, the grouping o f subjects,

the years follow ing the Civil War. A fter the

and the requirement for study o f a range o f subjects

U n ited States entered World War II in D ecem ber,

from different groups established the liberal arts

1941, and m en o f traditional college age went into

framework. T h e organization o f groups into inde­

m ilitary service, the college continued to offer its

pendent “ schools” paved the way for academ ic

regular academ ic program to a student body

departm ents as we know them today.

m ade up increasingly o f young wom en. In add i­

Within this firmly established departm ental

tion, however, cadets from two naval aviation pro-

Physical training for naval cadets

gram s brought a military presence to the cam pus.

Dr. Frank Edson (right), chair, department of chemistry

From 1942 to 1945, 2,980 men o f the Naval

“ William Jewell College and Veterans,” reporting

Flight Preparatory School marched in form ation to

that at the beginning o f the period veterans m ade

classes preparing them for flight training. Jewell

up approximately half o f the student body. Their

faculty m em bers were am ong

enrollment in significant proportions continued

their civilian instructors. In

through the ’50s, when G I benefits were extended

1944, Jewell becam e one o f eight

to veterans o f the K orean conflict.

sites for a N aval Academ ic

T h ese Catalogs also detail the generous efforts

Refresher U nit (V 5). Seven

o f the college to help veterans make the transition

hundred men preparing to be

to academ ic life, including a Veterans Advisory

pilots reported to M arston Hall

Com m ittee and the offer o f “ reasonable” credit

for courses in m athem atics,

for experiences in the service. In other words, they

physics, English, and history

testify to William Jewell’s energetic participation in

taught by a special faculty

an im portant enlargem ent o f higher education.

employed by the college. When the war ended and the thousands o f military veterans

Physics, 1972

1945-46 through the 1950s included sections on

T he vets’ invasion lent a concretely hum an dim ension to the powerful movements which renewed Am erican college life in the time of

returned to civilian life, the U .S. C ongress

rebuilding after World War II. T he influential 1945

expressed national gratitude for their service by

report o f the H arvard Com m ittee, General

enacting the legislation popularly nam ed the “ G I

Education in a Free Society, signaled these changes

Bill” to provide benefits to men and women honor­

as it gave a specific name to “ graduation require­

ably discharged from the arm ed forces. Im portant

m ents” and coherently defined their purpose. “ T he

educational benefits provided not only for job train­

H arvard R eport” inaugurated a period o f increasing

ing but also for college study. Tuition grants, which

em phasis on general education, especially interdis­

were substantial for their time, and m odest monthly

ciplinary learning and core curricula. T h e idea that

living allowances m ade higher education or

education was a weapon in the C old War encour­

advanced professional study available to people

aged experimental projects. T he turmoil o f the

who before the war could never have dream ed of

1960s provoked debate about the proper role o f

“ going to college.”

students in determining their educational experi­

Enrollm ents soared in schools across America as the returning vets invaded. Jewell Catalogs from

ences. But before and through those years o f unrest, innovation in both curriculum and instruc­ tional m ethods characterized Am erican colleges.






THE ACADEMI C CRISIS T hough William Jewell shared the veterans’ return, it was largely unaffected by the movements o f curricular and instructional change. Alum ni o f the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s rem em ber with gratitude the vital learning they experienced with individual teachers in particular courses. However, there was little attention to the curriculum as a whole. By the end o f the 1960s, the result was an academ ic crisis clearly outlined in the reports o f the accrediting organization, the N orth Central Association o f Colleges and Secondary Schools. William Jewell was first accredited by N orth Central in 1915, shortly after that body was estab­ lished. T he college is justifiably proud o f having m aintained its accreditation consistently since, with the only qualification being a three-year period o f private probation from 1968-1971. After institu­ tion o f the current system o f self-study followed by formal review, Jewell went through the process in 1959, 1968, 1971, 1981, and 1991. T h e next review is scheduled for 2001. T he 1959 reviewers found Jewell a “ good col­ lege” and continued accreditation for the m axim um period. They expressed som e academ ic concerns, however, especially that the “ academ ic side o f life at William Jewell appears to be controlled largely if not entirely by the various departm ents without much coordinating effort or action.” They were

especially troubled by the effect on general education. N orth Central intensified these concerns, with others, in the 1968 review, which resulted in private probation—that is, probation without public announcem ent by the association. As explained in the first chapter o f this history, the reviewers’ heavi­ est indictment fell on the college’s administrative structure, but they also detailed serious academ ic weaknesses. T hese included a low percentage o f faculty doctorates, a small instructional budget, heavy teaching and advisory loads, and low faculty salaries. Reviewers quoted student complaints about lecture as the prim ary instructional method and absence o f “ meaningful discussion, even in the smaller classes.” T heir criticism o f the general curriculum was especially severe. They em phasized that “ there are not college-wide curricular studies underway and no long-range studies have been projected.”

Pryor Leadership Fellows: Outward Bound trip—high ropes course, 1995

1 h, e L/ a u s e o j

u u r n x i s tenet Natural history II field trip

T he president o f Jewell’s

esting educational paradox” : spokesm en for the

board o f trustees left a candid

college “ proffer great interest in ‘making certain the

m em orandum o f his meeting

college is preparing citizens for today’s world’-an d

with N orth Central officials in

sim ultaneously they try to accom plish this task

hopes “ o f getting som e less

within the patterns o f a disappearing educational

devastating word or w ords”


than “ probation” for “ our

T h e report thus pointed toward the end o f the

time o f testing.” H e reported

long period when Dr. R am baut’s structure would

that the officials were “ hos­

be adequate for William Jewell’s educational needs.

pitable and cordial” but unre­

In addition, however, it pointed toward a new

lenting in the opinion that the

model for the future. In concluding that “ William

review had been “ charitable.”

Jewell is basically a good college” with a focus

H e concluded ruefully that it was “ nothing

“ which augurs well for its future,” the reviewers

new” for accreditors “ to see trustees writhe

based strong hopes on the newly appointed

in discom fort.”

“ Achievement ’7 0 s” committee m ade up o f ten fac­

Even today, it is difficult not to writhe

ulty m em bers, three students, and three adm inistra­

at the forthright language used in the

tors, and chaired by “ a very able and energetic

meeting to describe “ academ ic deficiencies

young professor o f English.”

at W illiam Jewell.” According to the m em o, the officials noted that the “ cur­ Dr. Wallace A. Hilton, physics


riculum appears to be too fragm ented and static-it m ust be dynamic and under constant

T h is committee o f som e o f the strongest m em ­

scrutiny.” They concluded: “ Looks like . . . a good

bers o f the cam pus community set to work on a

sales program but we fear . . . not a very good

task that was nothing less than examining the whole

product to sell.”

educational program o f the college. T he young

At the end o f the three-year probationary peri­

English professor who chaired them was Dr. J.

od, a rigorous 1971 review restored Jewell to nor­

G ordon Kingsley, shortly to becom e associate dean,

mal accreditation. However, the reviewers pointed

then later dean o f the college and eventually presi­

out that because their report recorded results o f a

dent. Bringing to the project a powerfully creative

special review, “ it necessarily focused on negative

educational imagination, he led in designing the

aspects.” Their sternest words defined “ An inter­

program known as “ Achievement ’70s: Education



for Individual Achievement.” After thorough

them access to the Centre for M edieval and

debate, the faculty approved the program as a

Renaissance Studies affiliated with K eble College.

whole in 1972.

An exchange program with Seinan Gakuin

According to the self-study report prepared

University in Japan began in

before the next N orth Central review, “ Achievement

1975. By the end o f the 1970s,

’7 0 s” “ had a large symbolic im pact on cam pus,

overseas opportunities also

bringing with it a spirit o f renewal and a sense o f

included Jewell’s own sum m er

academ ic purpose somewhat larger than the actual

program in Spain, cooperative

changes effected in daily operations.” T h ose

arrangem ents in Europe, and

changes were notable, however, many o f them

agreem ents with colleges o f

assim ilating innovations which had renewed post­

C am bridge University, first

war Am erican education. Changes included a

Wolfson and then H om erton.

revised academ ic calendar with a short “ W interim”

Jewell students have opportuni­

encouragem ent o f independent study, honors proj­

ty to study in som e two dozen

ects, and self-designed m ajors; overseas study; and

overseas program s in England,

a revitalized advisory process stressing the individual

France, Germany, Austria, Italy,

educational goals o f the student and making advis­

Spain, India, Israel, Australia,

ing a formal obligation in each faculty contract.

Southeast Asia, Japan, the

the extension o f Jewell’s hilltop into a world cam ­ pus. As a result, the first Jewell students went in


Exisle nce

World, Campus: Harlaxton

Nearly thirty years later,

term in January for creative experimental courses;

Dr. Kingsley personally traveled abroad to lead


C aribbean, and Central and South America. One unique relative o f this

1973 to Harlaxton, the British cam pus o f the

rich international enterprise is the Oxbridge

University o f Evansville, to be succeeded every year

H onors Program o f Tutorial M ajors, begun in 1984

since by Jewell students and faculty who have lived,

after four years o f discussion and planning.

studied, and taught in the ornate m anor house.

O xbridge, which gets its name from the colloquial

Also in 1973, the first students went to R egent’s

British fusion o f Oxford and C am bridge, em bodies

Park, the Baptist College o f Oxford University.

Dr. Kingsley’s long-dream ed-of design o f British-

T he next years extended opportunities in Oxford

style tutorial instruction on an Am erican cam pus.

through a private program , the Oxford Overseas

Endowed by a grant o f $ 1,050,000 from the Hall

Study C ourse, and the m ost recent addition allows

Family Foundations, Oxbridge allows a few carefully

World Campus: Paris


selected students to pursue specially

1993 in conjunction with the Pryor Foundation,

designed tutorial m ajors while doing

headed by alumni Fred and Shirley Pryor.

the rest o f their work in traditional Am erican classes. They spend the junior

program was the m ost controversial and difficult

year in one o f Jewell’s programs in Oxford

to accom plish-the move toward a contem porary

or Cam bridge, returning to cam pus for

interdisciplinary core for general education. The

senior comprehensive examinations.

“ Achievement ’7 0 s” committee wearily reported in

Ju st as Dr. R am baut’s structural

tion program ” than on any other matter, but could

developm ents, so “ Achievement ’7 0 s”

reach no agreement. They recom m ended further

created a curricular environment open

“ experim entation and d eliberation ” to develop

to new, often untraditional program s.

an interdisciplinary pilot by fall 1972 “ or as

Recent products o f this environment

soon thereafter as po ssib le.” T h o u gh the faculty

have emphasized leadership and humani­

approved the proposal, no specific program gained

tarian service and, like Oxbridge, have


For example, the Service Learning

In 1978, Dr. Kingsley, then dean, appointed a new faculty general education committee. After

Program allows a student to earn a cer­

nineteen months o f intense work, in constant con­

tificate by combining theoretical courses

sultation with the faculty, it designed the “ Foundations

with service projects and internships in

for the F uture” core for introduction into the cur­

community organizations. A recent gift

riculum in 1981. A consultant/reviewer from the

o f $ 1 ,5 00,000 from an anonym ous donor will sup­

N ational Endow m ent for the Hum anities observed,

port the program and make possible establishm ent

“ I know o f no com parable effort accom plished so

o f a Service Learning Center especially concerned

methodically, so thoroughly, or so well.”

with issues im portant to women. T h e Pryor Leadership Studies Program also


1972 that they “ labored more on the general educa­

plan served as a framework for further

attracted outside funding.

William Jewell students try their hand at crew in Oxford, England.

T h e m ost encom passing “ Achievement ’7 0 s”

In catalog language, Foundations provided “ an integrated value-based study o f public and private

combines theory with practical experience to develop

decision making, relating Christian heritage and

“ personal, vocational and civic leadership.” The

cultural past to contem porary problem s,” including

Certificate program for Pryor Leadership

social and scientific issues. T he rigorous core o f six

Fellows-which includes classes, internships, and a

team -taught courses was offered to approximately

rigorous Outward Bound trip-w as established in

sixty new students each year as a voluntary alterna-



tive to the traditional distribution system o f depart­

preparation for careers. Jewell has had to battle an

mental courses. With developments and changes,

ethic that rejects learning for its own sake, and for

this “ two-track” system has been durable to the

personal development, as an im practical luxury.

present. It will be phased out by the turn o f the

the founders who published Jewell’s first “ Course

curriculum for all students.

o f Study.” They would not have used the term

students began taking first-year courses in written and oral com m unication, m athematical model

also benefiting the practical intelligence needed to

building, foreign language or an equivalent, and

cope with frontier life. However, as twentieth-cen­

physical education. Their com m on interdiscipli­

tury Catalogs began to publish statem ents articulat­

nary course is “ T h e Responsible Self,” a hum anities

ing the college’s “ aim s,” they contrasted

course in which they wrestle with questions o f

liberal education as personal development

responsibility from different cultural and ideological

with practical application in professional

perspectives. At level two, they choose from a vari­

study. T he contrast was between “ making

ety o f interdisciplinary courses in “ Culture and

a living” and “ m aking a life.” They typi­

Traditions” (hum anities), “ Power and Justice in

cally m ade a connection, however, by

Society” (social sciences), “ Science, Technology

describing the liberal arts as good prepa­

and the H um an Experience” (science, including

ration for postgraduate professional work. T he contrast was also evident in the

As juniors or seniors they bring their general edu­

curriculum . Catalogs from the 1930s

cation experience together in a capstone course.

onward outline ways courses could best

They will thus extend the influence o f “ Achievement

be selected to provide good preparation

’7 0 s” into a new century.

for m edical or law school. Cooperative

“ Achievement ’7 0 s” affirmed the com m itm ent


“ liberal arts,” o f course, but they assum ed that classical learning brought personal fulfillment while

lab), and “ Sacred and Secular” (religious studies).


T h e dichotomy would have seem ed strange to

century, however, to be supplanted by a new core Beginning with the entering class o f 1996,


“ three-two” program s were established

o f the college’s m ission statem ent to “ provide

to allow students to com bine three years

sound liberal arts education.” However, in the

o f study at Jewell with two years o f engi­

understanding o f “ liberal arts,” an ambiguity

neering or forestry at schools such as

remained which increasingly required clarification.

Washington University or Duke. Early

T his was the tendency o f more and more

Catalogs included journalism courses or listed

Am ericans to regard higher education primarily as

K an sas City-Western D ental College as an exten-

Art, 1994


sion departm ent. Teacher education courses

strong professional program s. A faculty “ straw

appeared in the World War I era and a “ com posite”

poll” favored the form er, but the issue continued to

econom ics-business m ajor was announced for

be debated after President Kingsley appointed a

1946-47. N ursing was added in 1970 and computer

new planning committee to prepare the college for

studies in the 1980s. Deliberately focused profes­

the next millennium. T h at committee proposed

sional education, however, was m ost strongly facili­

“ som e bold initiatives” in the report which it issued

tated by the first offering o f the Bachelor o f Science

in A ugust o f 1993, Leadership 2000: Choices. T he

degree in 1968.

report expressed strong com m itm ent to the liberal After the 1981 review, the N orth

Central report succinctly sum m arized

the liberal arts in career developm ent,” primarily as

the cum ulating effect o f these develop­

preparation for postgraduate study. Actions pro­

ments on Jewell’s academ ic life. T he

posed included elimination o f the Bachelor of

report noted “ a significant drop” in

Science degree; encouragem ent o f all students

liberal arts m ajors and corresponding

m ajoring in professional areas to obtain second

increase in B .S . professional areas.

m ajors in traditional liberal arts subjects; and

“ While these facts indicate that the

limitation o f the m axim um num ber o f hours in

college is meeting the career needs of

any m ajor, which would in practice curtail or even

its students,” it concluded, “ the situa­

eliminate som e professional program s.

tion should be re-assessed as the insti­ Nursing, 1976

arts, “ with a practical understanding o f the role o f

Following Dr. Kingsley’s retirement in the

tution plans for the future” and “ an

fall o f 1993, the trustees did not take action on

im portant element o f future long range

Leadership 2000. T he questions it had raised

planning should be concern for the liberal arts

about professional studies in a liberal arts college

com ponent.”

rem ained unanswered.

Reflecting on the relation o f professional studies to the liberal arts did becom e a focus o f the next


planning activity. In 1989, Dr. Kingsley appointed an “ Achievement ’9 0 s” com m ittee to survey the

Answering those questions-along with others

whole educational effort o f the college. It articulat­

about the relation o f liberal arts, religious faith,

ed the significant academ ic decision facing the col­

and Baptist heritage-was an essential task o f the

lege as a choice between being a liberal arts college

strategic planning steering com m ittee appointed by

or a “ com prehensive” institution “ starring” a few

President W. Christian Sizem ore in 1995, at the



of Our


Dr. David O. Moore, religion

close o f his first year in office. D iscussions with many constituencies within the college community, the m ost thorough market research ever undertaken by the college, and careful analysis o f both experi­ ence and philosophy by a subcom m ittee o f the planning group produced the conclusions offered in

The Strategic Plan: 1997. T his plan was endorsed by the trustees at their 1997 June meeting. T his im portant docum ent clarifies Jewell’s posi­ tion as a liberal arts college which can incorporate professional studies because it connects them to liberal arts program s and “ connects liberal learning

T his strategy returns

with preparation for work.” It goes further to state

William Jewell’s academ ­

Jewell’s willingness “ to undertake study o f the pos­

ic life to the spirit o f the

sibility o f offering . . . a few m aster’s program s in

first Catalogue. T he

professional areas which can be closely connected

vision statem ent o f the

to the liberal arts.” T h e plan makes clear, however,

1997 plan describes

that such program s will never be instituted if they

Jewell as “ the college

com prom ise the college’s essential com m itm ent to

founded one hundred

undergraduate liberal arts education.

and fifty years ago on the

T his liberal arts identity issue settled in The

m id-continent’s western

Strategic Plan is articulated in the competitive

frontier . . . a . . . liberal arts college . . . com m itted

strategy developed through the planning process

to connecting education which enhances a person ’s

and approved by the board o f trustees in February,

intellectual and spiritual life with practical applica­

1997: “ William Jewell will seek a preeminent posi­

tion in work and service.” T h e academ ic life o f the

tion in the M idwest for academ ic program s, curric­

hilltop cam pus thus rem ains located on the intellec­

ula, and learning opportunities distinguished by the

tual landscape o f its origins.

Dr. Robert Trotter, philosophy

connections they make, particularly between liberal learning and professional com petence, for students’ holistic developm ent.”


Aeons Select Outstanding Senior Men

T h is self-perpetuating organization for senior men uses G PA and cam pus service as selection criteria. M em bers are tapped at the end o f their junior year. T he honor is a silent one, with activities known only to mem bers. Their existence was announced in 1905-06 in the first Tatler: Aeons

Senior Society; Founded in the class of 1906. Purpose: Best interest of William Jewell. Top Women Named by Panaegis

Founded in 1928, the m em bers have dedicated themselves to serve in the best interest ofW illiam 1969 Who’s Who. Seated: Carol Calvin, Buck Robinson, Lyndia Massey. Standing: Catherine Winfrey, Larry Ward, Gregg Hagg, Phyllis Newman, Scott Armstrong, Stan Hixson, Chris Herring, Annette McGinnis, Larry Stone, Bob York, Paula Wallace, Richard Reiff.

Jewell. Seven junior women were selected each year on the basis o f outstanding leadership, personality, w om en’s honorary later affiliated with Alpha

scholarship, and character and were expected to

L am bd a D elta. In the 1980s, along with the nation­

exemplify the highest qualities o f wom anhood

al organization, it opened its ranks to men, thus

throughout life.

also supplanting N u Zeta Sigm a freshman honorary for men. Its purpose is to encourage superior scholastic

Panaegis Affiliates with Mortarboard

In 1978, the Panaegis chapter o f M ortarboard

achievement during the freshman year, to prom ote

was instituted at William Jewell, thus making it

intelligent living and a high standard o f learning,

coeducational. Criteria for M ortarboard include

and to assist young men and women in recognizing

leadership, scholarship, service, and a G PA o f at

and developing meaningful goals for their roles in

least 3.2.

society. To be eligible, students m ust carry twelve or m ore hours and earn a 3.5 average by the end of


Many Selected for Who's Who

Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges

their first sem ester or maintain that cumulative

and Universities selects thirty to forty students

average. Typically, 10 to fifteen percent o f the fresh­

annually from am ong the top twenty-five percent in

man class (thirty to sixty students) are invited to join.

term s o f academ ic and extracurricular activities.

De e p Wi t h i n

Our H e a r t s

For many years, P. Caspar Harvey tracked

seven finalists and selects those who dem onstrate

graduates recognized in Who's Who in America

the highest ideals o f a liberal arts education: aca­

and concluded that, on a percentage basis, William

dem ic achievement, service, leadership, and

Jewell fared better than any of the Ivy League schools.

Christian com m itm ent. Recipients receive a m odest


Dwel l s

cash gift, their name on a plaque, and D iscip lin e -R e late d H o n o ra rie s A ctive Eleven national honor societies on cam pus are

rousing recognition during the H onors Convocation. Prior to 1980,

F a c u lty A w a rd W in n ers

associated with a m ajor or discipline: Alpha Psi

academ ic recognition was based on

O m ega, dram atics; Beta Beta Beta, biology; D elta

GPA, often with more than one senior


Andrew L. Pratt

M u D elta, business administration; K ap p a M u

achieving an overall 4.0.


Jeannie Hirsch Steve Sites

Epsilon, m athem atics; Lam bd a N u Sigm a, law; Phi Alpha T heta, history; Phi Sigm a Tau, philosophy; Pi

C o lo n e l/G en eral A le x an d e r


Christine Palacas

K app a D elta, forensics; Psi Chi, psychology; Sigm a

D o n ip h an an d F ir st L a d y N a m e d


Daniel H. Jones


Andrea S. Eddy

ed its own version o f “ m ost likely to


succeed.” T h e military title harks back

Tim Thompson Paul F. Paulter Jr.

to Alexander D oniphan, a war hero

1986-87 1987-88

James E. Wooldridge

Derwacter, Phi Epsilon has becom e William Jewell’s

and legislator and clearly the m ost


Deborah Ward

academ ic achievement award for seniors. Each year,

celebrated and best-known name


M ary McCormick

the top 10 percent o f graduating seniors are

associated with William Jewell. While

Mark Hoffman

tapped, based on their overall GPA.

D oniphan was elected a colonel in the

1990-91 1991-92

U .S. Army by his regiment, he earned


Daniel Pearson

the rank o f brigadier general in the


Allison McLaren

M issouri State M ilitia. Consequently,


Kristin (Casey) Smith

standing student to receive the Faculty Award, the

som e years saw the recipients desig­


Holly Flora

highest non-degree award given to an undergradu­

nated as colonel and other years,


Agata Bednarz

ate. To be eligible, a student m ust have com pleted

general. Both D oniphan and First


Paul Cernin

all undergraduate work at William Jewell and have a

Lady o f the C am pus titles designate

G PA o f at least 3.75.

qualities o f outstanding leadership

Pi Sigm a, physics; Sigm a T heta Tau, nursing. S e n io rs E le c te d to P h i E p silo n Begun in the 1930s by Dr. and M rs. F.M .

F a cu lty C o n fe rs C o v ete d A w ard Since 1980, the faculty has selected an out­

Evaluating applications and personal essays, a faculty committee narrows the field to three to

Since 1940, the cam pus has select­

Philip Pietroburgo

and a potential to excel. In 1996, recognition for the First Lady was


changed to the Leona K resse Award in honor o f the

Y ear C ol./G en. A lex an d er D o n ip h an

first woman graduate ofW illiam Jewell. Heather Wiley was the first to receive the new title.

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Gene Hollman Dick Quick Jack Wilkes Bob Shornick Jim Stem Kermit Whiteaker Bill Nelson John Truex Charles Woodford Rixey Dick Bowles Don Ellenberger A. C. McKinney Bill Burkhardt John Gordon Barth Bert Adams William V Miller Richard Byrne Earle Dale Jack Armstrong Jerry Curnutt George Arthur Carder David D. Burhans Arthur Cunningham Denny Lambert John Clizbe Tom Trotter Michael Scroggin Lawrence Russell Holley II James Lyle Martin John Davis

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Tom Dunn Ja y Maddox Carl Fuller Charles Lederer Don Frey Ollie Malone Larry Dickerson Greg Leibold Charles Rainbolt Jerald L. Hill Bob Kirkland Mark Blaylock Brian Richards James Bailey Mark Mundell Brad Banning Vernon Howard Mark Bross Greg Duncan Craig Zahnd David Carder Alan Kuykendall John David Roberts Shane Davolt Chad Jolly Harry Cook Ryan O ’Hara Rick Hankins Dan Kellermeyer

Over the years, four couples who later m arried have been selected jointly for this honor. Additionally, three couples received the awards in sequential years: M adeline Parrott and D ick Quick; John Barth and Joan Pryor; M ark Blaylock and Jeannie Hirsch. T h e one father-son pair to be nam ed as Alexander D oniphan was the late Art Carder and D avid Carder. Additionally, one brother-sister pair, D ick and Polly Quick, and one sister-sister pair, M adeline and Ella M ae Parrott, received recognition.

STUDENT AC TI VI T IE S/C O LLE G E UNION THRIVE AT jEWELL O ld E ly W as the H ub In early years, the Student Activities Com m ittee assum ed a variety o f responsibilities, including overseeing student resources in the C o-op and later the Hub. T h e Co-op, begun in 1917 and initially housed in the basem ent o f G ano Chapel, sold books as well as candy and pop. It also served as the student gathering place and provided employment for a very professional student staff. In the late ’40s, the C o-op was moved to the H ub on the first floor o f Old Ely, located in the center o f the Q uad. T he H ub offered students a snack bar, m odest recre-

c o y


I L rI I rI

K J LI /

1 1 C LI I



1~J U J C l i o

1979-80 CUA Committee Members: Front row: Lori Burnham, Don Glidewell, Colleen Winquist, Cathy Johnson, Gretchen Metz, Robin Hollrah, Pam Meyer, Karen Allen, Mary Jo Becvar. Second row: Mark Manglese, Mike Wilcox, Mike Parrot, Alecia Craft, Mailyn Summers, Joni Crabill, Jane Ann Goodson, Lisa Adkins, Pam Kleikamp, Lionnel Fleming, Laurie Brown, Ann Deerson.

Student Senate Leads Campus

CUA members Amy Brown and Kathy Sheppard with President Jimmy Carter, 1986.

Student Senate is the governing organization o f the student body. Before 1931, senators elected their own officers. Today, the student body, follow­ ing vigorous cam paigning, elects the student body president and vice president. Student Senate com prises class officers, repre­ sentatives o f recognized student organizations and, since 1980, four senators, one elected from each class. Currently, it addresses a broad array o f stu­ dent concerns from philosophy to politics to stu­ dent grievances. 1992-93: Christmas memories include the Hanging of the Green and the Lighting of the Quad.

Since the early 1950s, an annual encam pm ent has provided opportunity for creative planning and relationship building which, in addition to the Senate, has included many m em bers o f the adm in­ istration as well as faculty leaders. For many years, bright red vests, donned on m eeting day, provided visibility for the senators and thus easier access by their constituents. An early ’50s dream o f the Senate was a student







Y ear Stu d en t B o d y Presid en ts

1989-90 Student Senate officers at Governor John Ashcroft's desk during the Governor’s Leadership Forum: President Kelly Skaggs (seated); (standing from left) Secretary Joy McClellan; Brian Etting; Governor Ashcroft; Kevin Tanner; and Vice President Jon Booze.

handbook, now an essential resource for the entire cam pus. In recent years, the Senate has taken the lead in making the U nion and other cam pus build­ ings smoke-free and in initiating a successful recy­ cling program . T h e Senate president now attends the board o f trustee meetings.

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Herbert Zach T. L. Noel George Gates Joe Lyon Howard Smith Beverly Carmichael Douglas Rae Scott Conway Lowell Ditzen Bruce Summers Melvin Thompson Burnett Magruder Joe Amery Walter Sharp Jim Scott Merritt Wiley Thorne Dick Quick Carl Kenagy Bob Shornick Clayborn Landers Kermit Whiteaker Bill Nelson John Truex Bill Overton Tom Bray Bob Shumaker Bill Bowman Bill Burkhardt Ted Harris Bill Miller Bill Jackson Sam Wallace Jack Armstrong Jerry Curnutt Don Herrick David Burhans John Brunner Denny Lambert

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Bob Moore Jim Rodewald Mike Scrogin Jim Simmons Jim Phillips Mark Stuart Tom Dunn George Flanagan Richard Miller Paul Duncan Hazel Oblesby Don Frey John Shank Larry Dickerson Steve Krause Chuck Rainbolt Jerry Hill Jeff Nodell Robba Addison Brad Gans Rob Nigh Mike Smith Mike Smith Karen Edison Doug Brasel David Porter Guy Boyer Craig Zahnd Kelly Skaggs Eric Zahnd Jon Booze Jenny Buffa Ryan O ’Hara Rick Hankins Rick Hankins Ernesto Herrera-Brito Quintin Conway


C a rd in e lle s an d C a m p u s H o sts S e rv e C a m p u s In 1968, a small group o f women were selected to serve as cam pus hosts. T his program was strongly em braced and shaped by First Lady Virginia Field. In the early years, Cardinelles were trained at the TWA academy for flight attendants in Overland Park. Since the early 1980s, men have joined their ranks as C am pus H osts, and now fourteen to twenty 1931 senior class president Everett Webdell supervises appropriate buttoning procedure.

students are selected each year on the basis o f social adeptness, good character, responsiveness, Senate Unbuttons Beanies

For over a century, freshmen survived a fall

and knowledge o f the cam pus. They serve as guides and information sources

sem ester rite o f passage known as “ buttoning.”

at m ajo r college functions includin g O pening

T h e Seventeen Rules created by the senior class o f

C on v ocatio n , H o m eco m in g, P arents D ay,

1942, and announced through a form al proclam a­

Achievement Day, and G raduation. They frequently

tion, advised that “ Each m em ber o f this flotsam

assist current First Lady Anne Sizem ore with the

and jetsam o f hum an degradation shall have pro­

many events at the President’s Hom e.

cured from the Alumni Office ... a protective head covering in the colors o f William Jewell which shall proclaim his or her allegiance to said institution.”

A visit to the N ew H orizons Lo u n ge in the

Freshm en were to wear this beanie at all times on

basem ent o f G an o C hapel reveals the face o f the

cam pus until Jewell won its first gam e, until

future in higher education: a dram atic increase in

H om ecom ing, or until Thanksgiving. (In obeisance

re-entry students—those twenty-five and older.

to a senior’s com m and they were “ to button” —to

F oun d ed in 1983 by dean o f students Johnnie

position the thumb on the button and bend the

H u m an as a recruitm ent tool, support group, and,


through its lounge, as a sanctuary, N ew H orizons

In 1946, with a large veteran presence on cam ­ pus, the seniors wisely decided not to invoke but­


R e-e n try S tu d e n ts E m b r a c e N ew H o rizo n s

has grown significantly over the years. M em bership is open to full-time day students.

toning. And in 1969, the Senate ended this

T h ou gh many more re-entry students attend classes

dem eaning activity. (But at least we knew who the

at Jewell, particularly in the Evening D ivision, typi­

other freshmen were.)

cally around sixty students m eet these criteria.

Deep Wi t hi n





T h e New H orizons Lounge is well equipped with a kitchen, com puter room , study area, and locker facilities.


An early student newspaper, the Jewell, began publication in the 1870s. T h e Student, which first appeared in 1875, was published by the Excelsior and Philomathic societies. In 1880, it becam e a monthly paper focusing on literature, science, morals, and general college news. A subscription

Central Inter-Scholastic Press Association for all

cost 50 cents per year.

class B colleges (300 to 700 enrollment).

M any will rem em ber the annual April Fools

Members of the 1959-60 journalism class publish weekly Student.

From the 1927 Tatler. “ T he Tatler is the annual

issue o f the Yellow Student begun in the 1930s.

publication o f the students o f W JC and its purpose

In 1960, under editor Charles D urbin and

is to chronicle the many events o f the school year in

advisor G eorgia Bowm an, the Student becam e a

order that they may endure on the pages o f this

weekly publication focusing primarily on cam pus

book and in the m em ory o f the sons and daughters

news. In 1986, the name was changed to the Hilltop

o f the Old H ill”

Monitor and the publication increasingly em braced off-cam pus issues

Tatler Revue Draws Crowds

Tatler Yearbook Published

book during the D epression, 1932 yearbook editor

To help finance publication o f the Tatler year­ T he annual Tatler yearbook was first published

W. Edw ard Sharp and business m anager Lowell

in 1905 under the leadership o f M anley O. H udson,

Ditzen, encouraged by Ray Barr, introduced the

editor and founder, who later becam e a teacher,

cam pus to Tatler Revue. C om prising queen and skit

lawyer, and renowned authority on international law.

com petitions along with a variety o f other enter­

In 1925 and 1926, the Tatler won national recognition with the highest award from the

tainment, the Tatler Revue was a rousing success. D uring its zenith, it drew a full house for three


In 1927, Virginia D. Rice won a coveted queen designation.

Candidates for 1970 Tatler Revue Queen: Front row—Daphne Koga, Sandy Payne, Patty Fisher, Pam White, Patty Manzco, Susan Parkmen. Back row— Queen Glenda Knutter, Diane Wilson, Linda Pace, Kay Poppenhagen.

evenings, in good part because of the originality, talent, and pushing-the-envelope style o f the skits. Originally, each G reek organization com ­

selected the top five queen candidates for 1932. By the 1970s, competition had evolved to include personality, charm , beauty, poise, talent, and appropriateness o f dress. Queen candidates

peted independently in the Tatler Revue skits.

nom inated by a sorority, the Non-Affiliated Student

By the 1960s, sorority-fraternity team s vied for

Association, the Association o f Independent

honors along with Non-Affiliated Student

Students, or the Black Student A ssociation m od­

Association, Association o f Independent Students,

eled both street and formal wear.

and Black Student Association. Criteria were

By the 1980s, the com petition included both a

extensive and awards were granted over the

talent segm ent and a dem onstration o f social skills.

years for original m usic and lyrics, staging,

In the 1990s, a changing perspective on the

choreography, and staying within the time lim­

appropriateness o f college women com peting in a

its, plus the Ray Barr award for best actor and

beauty contest drew the curtain on a long history o f

the Virginia D. Rice award for best actress.

Tatler Revue queens. And now, Tatler Revue has run its course: 1995

In 1929, Helen Early was selected for one of five queen honors.

Famous Judges Select Tatler Revue Queens

was its final year.

In 1925, thirty candidates, selected through a student election based on beauty and popularity, competed for five queen designations. From photos of the five, Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. provided a final ranking. G ary C ooper, Frederic M arch, and Clive Brook

KWJC Enlarges Campus Reach

In 1974, William Jewell began broadcasting on F M 91.9 with a ten-watt transmitter. Because the call letters K W JC were in use, the station selected






66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

Penny Kern Susan Correll Lana Jo Farmer Lynda Owen Glenda Knutter Kay Poppenhagen Charlene Shepard Lynn Lifritz Liz Ginn Dee Ann Henry Janet M aag Lisa Guerrant Tylie Turner Carolyn Crews JoNel Dayen Joey Staton Emily Geilker Diana Nash Lori Greenfield Beth Dreyer Lori Andersen Tammy Mann Luanna Webb Amy Adams Roxanne Grant Elizabeth Bowers Jenny Lynn Wall Jennifer Opincarne Hilary Harrington Cynthia Shows


Year T atler R e vu e Q ueen K W PB (for Walter Pope Binns, form er president). In 1981, the power increased to 240 watts. Program m ing included a mix o f adult contem po­ rary m usic with contem porary Christian m usic, news, sports, and a community calendar. In 1985, the call letters K W JC becam e available and at the sam e time the station switched from m ono to stereo. As an affiliate o f M orningstar, pro­ gram s are now broadcast twenty-four hours a day. T h e station looks forward to becom ing a digital m ultim edia telecom m unication service. In addition to announcing, students enjoy a variety o f positions including program m ing, m usic, sports, development, production, prom otion, and public affairs. Key faculty m em bers guiding the development o f the station have been Dr. G eorgia Bow m an and Dr. Philip T hom psen. Alum nus volunteer Everett T ruex announces many program s. Instructor Kelly M arsh brought new energy and expanded program ­ ming to K W JC in 1997.

HOMECOMI NG ENLIVENS HILL In many ways, H om ecom ing is an alumni event-class reunions, an alumni bash sponsored by

27 29

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Virginia D. Rice, one of 5 queens Helen Early, one of 5 queens Virginia Hessel Margaret Ruth Lynn Virginia McNabb Madeline Parrott Audrey Adams Lucy Lee Truesdell Ruth Sword Shirley Vardeman Marilyn Ashley Eunice Todd Jean Beagle Alice Ann Gallagher Judith Borchers Beverly McCormick Gwen Moncrief Jam ie Dillmon Donna Radke Jean Winkler Dorothy Alice Luebeck Francine Coffey Pat Cadwallader Cara Rodenbach Linda Long Donna Holmes Claire Taylor Diane Isley Linda Hanks Judy Hall Esther Thornton

the board o f governors, tailgate parties before the gam e, and, increasingly, reunions for affinity groups

for students. Begun during post-D epression years,

including golfers, lawyers, nurses, athletes, m usi­

H om ecom ing slowly built to all that it encom passes

cians, and Greeks.

today. In 1933, a parade with floats along with ban­

But H om ecom ing has also been a special time

ners and Greek house decorations appeared. By


Year H om eco m ing Q ueen Today, H om ecom ing is a busy time on the Hill:

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

M ary Lynn Pinkerton Margaret Broaddus Dorothy Lowry Beverly Amery Jeanette Ormsby Helen Prince Betty Welker Penny Paynter Sally Miller Clara Jones Laura Tapp Polly Quick Jane Bainbridge & Shirley Landers Billie Page Jody Allen Judith Borchers Joan Sherrill Judith Taylor Sally Sue Boucher Joyce Allmon Francine Coffey Cynthia Hirni Sally Lackey Kaye Cokely Claire Taylor Judy Miller Linda Hanks Sue James Sue Ellen Williams Marcia Love Susie Williams

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

M ary Fife Sally Adkisson Roberta Keen Linda Pace Beth Dunlop Jorine Butterfield Kathi Schirner Jenna Foster Dawn Webb Linda Rozenbaugh Dee Ann Henry Robba Addison Kathy Cummings Karen Isaac Dee Dee Jensen Jenny Maynard Sibby Bruere Jodi Jensen Lori Andersen Valerie Donnelly Stacy Hobelman Lori Orr Colleen Courtney Julie Engelhart M ary Frazier Nikki LaBeth Diane Zuo Lisa Pettijohn Heather Wiley Shauna Coffee Jill McCrea

the Stocksdale Com petition Q uad G am es, C am pus Sing, floats and banner contests, H om ecom ing con­ cert sponsored by the m usic departm ent, a grand parade through town, an open house at the President’s H om e, crowning o f the H om ecom ing queen, student open houses for alumni, and, o f course, the big gam e with exciting half-time enter­ tainment.

PERFORMING ARTS FLOURISH “Jewell Debaters Win H onors” T h e above debate headline from the 1960 Tatler reflects the outstanding quality o f forensics and debate over the years. T h e D ebating Society was established in 1851. M eetings were held in the college classroom o f the original Second Baptist Church o f Liberty and every m em ber was required to furnish a candle. In 1881, the Excelsior Society debated the question, “ Which exerts the greater influence on the happi­ ness o f mankind, the male or fem ale m ind?” In the 1890s, Jewell and Park College set up a debate program traveling between colleges on the train. In 1922, Pi K ap p a D elta, the national hon­ orary forensics fraternity, was established, and debate coach P. C aspar Harvey led team s to out­

1934, there were pep speeches and the first victory over Baker in years. T h e first H om ecom ing queen


was crowned in 1936.

standing national success. T h e 1930s saw William Jewell’s first direct con­ tact with Oxford University: a tight debate with

Deep Wi t hi n





After a successful debate trip to California, the 1941 debate team enjoyed the hospitality of film star Eddie Cantor, (from left) Audrey Adams, Madeline Parrott, P. Caspar Harvey, Cantor, and Harry Grassick.

Oxford enjoying a narrow win. From 1928 through 1930, Jewell pro­ duced three consecutive national winners in Pi K app a D elta com petitions: Alden Russell, national extem poraneous title; L ex K ing Souter, national oratorical title; and Charles

Students Embrace

Hackler, national extem poraneous title.


In 1947, G eorgia Bowm an becam e coach to

From m odest efforts by

students from many disciplines who em braced the

the literary societies during

opportunity to debate under her direction. By

the late 1800s and early 1900s, theater becam e

1949, Jewell had won her seventh national first in

firmly established at William Jewell in 1924 with

ten tournam ents and covered many miles in a gray

the advent o f the J.P. Fruit D ram atics C lub, under

Buick to achieve it.

the sponsorship o f John Phelps (D addy) Fruit.

Jewell debaters have rem ained faithful to this

G uided by Virginia D. Rice, whose forty-four-year

legacy o f success. On any given weekend, a van o f

tenure began in 1930, the William Jewell Players

Jewell students travels to intercollegiate debate

were born.

tournam ents where they com pete against an array

In 1932, the Beta Pi chapter o f Alpha Psi

o f colleges and universities. T he squad regularly fin­

Om ega N ational H onorary D ram atic Fraternity

ishes in the Top 100 Sweepstakes ranking o f the

was established on cam pus with G eorgia Bowman

C ross Exam ination D ebate Association (the nation­

as the first president.

al organization for collegiate debate) and has

1949 debate team, from left: A. C. MacKinney, Teri Voisey, Norma Ruth Rosendale, Suzie Clark, Joe Taylor, Kenneth Taylor, Wylla Ruth Decker, Judith Borchers, Ella Massey, Georgia Bowman, Dean Lewis, Mary Helen Kennedy, Henry McCanna.

Star perform ers in cam pus productions whose

received awards at ten o f the last fifteen national

interest in the arts has continued to im pact audi­

tournam ents.

ences include the late M arlin (Jim) D avis o f


“ D allas” fame,

which they play a m ajor role. For many senior


shows, the audition is open to all students.

H arrim an as Polonius in

Leads in the 1955 production of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, directed by Virginia D. Rice, include Bill Jackson, Karyl Unruh, Dick Willoughby, Shirlee Wille, and Stewart Carson.

Music Program Holds High Note

M usic has enriched the Jewell cam pus from its

Hamlet, and D ick Brown as Creon

founding. Today, nearly 40 percent o f the student

in Antigone.

body participates in som e form o f m usical class,

Howard Jones,

ensem ble, or private instruction.

a technical set

O pportunities for instrumental ensembles

designer for cam pus productions, continues as a

include the Sym phonic Band, the Cham ber

highly acclaim ed creative scene designer.

Orchestra, the Flute Choir, the Jazz Band, the

In 1983, after decades o f perform ing in G ano

Percussion Ensem ble, the Cardinal B rass, and three

Chapel, students reveled in the facilities o f the new

Handbell Choirs. Vocal m usic opportunities include

G arnett M . Peters Theater.

the Cham ber Singers, Chapel Choir, Concert

Today, student theater perform ances include an all-cam pus fall and spring production as well as a senior show that they design and direct, and in

Choir, and the opera workshop. A W illiam Jewell orchestra was form ed in 1903; the William Jewell Band was perform ing by 1908, and the Glee Club by 1912. U nder the direc­ tion o f David G rosch, students in the late 1940s and early 1950s produced an elegantly staged series o f operas including Carmen,

Mignon, and Cavalier Rusticana. In 1952, the com bined m en’s and w om en’s glee clubs enjoyed their greatest year highlighted with a cast o f over one hun­ dred in a repeat perform ance o f the oratorio,

Elijah , first perform ed in the ’30s. E d L akin’s revival o f the M arching Band in the 1950s and early ’60s ensured enthusi­ astic band music at each home football game 1975 Concert Choir in performance under the leadership of Wes Forbis.


as well as during the H om ecom ing parade.

Deep Wi t hi n

U nder the leadership ofW es Forbis in the


im portant, if uneven, role on cam pus. At times

departm ent provided the opportunity for greater

virtually inactive, the organization has periodically

student participation in the expanding choral activi­

enjoyed resurgence as students have sought to par­

ties. Since the m id-1960s, D on Brown has contin­

ticipate in H om ecom ing and Tatler Revue.

with Chapel Choir and handbells. In 1971, the Liberty Symphony began under

Society enjoyed a m em bership o f 200 students. T h e year 1952 saw the society claim many hon­

cians, including virtually all the string section o f

ors: First Lady, H om ecom ing

this outstanding group, are William Jewell students,

queen, second place in the

faculty, or alumni.

H om ecom ing float, and third in the Tatler Revue skit.

the C oncert Choir began an every-three-years tour

In 1970, the Independent

o f Scotland and England, where the choir has per­

Society took first place with their

form ed in a variety o f venues, including many o f

Tatler Revue skit for the first

the great cathedrals, an expansion o f the overseas

time in twenty-two years. And in

tours introduced by Wes Forbis.

1978, A IS joined with B S A to

In 1997, the Cham ber Orchestra, under the

take first place in skit com petition as well as

direction o f Penny K ruse, was selected by a blind

Q ueen, Tyler Turner; First Princess and Best Talent,

audition tape as the first small college orchestra

Jane M cC rary; and Second Princess, Gwen

invited to perform before 3,000 M issouri M usic

D eLoach.

E ducators at their annual meeting.

From 1985 through 1989, A IS won first place in five consecutive Tatler Revue skit com petitions,


black lights, and synthesizers.

AIS/NASA Connect Students

BSA Serves Special Roles

With over half o f the student body non-affiliat-


In 1948-49, the Independent

director Phil Posey. Eighty percent o f the m usi­

In 1985, under the direction o f Arnold Epley,


Affiliated Student Association) has played an

1960s and ’70s, dram atic growth in the m usic

ued increasing m usic perform ance opportunities


in part for being the first to use rented backdrops,

Begun in 1970-71, the Black Student

ed, the Association o f Independent Students (also

Association is open to all students on cam pus. It

organized as the Independent Society and the N on-

encourages W illiam Jewell students to work toward

BSA members Shanice Watson, Fola Akande, and Dr. Cecilia Robinson use Black History Week 1993 to celebrate their heritage.

harmony in a world o f difference. In the early ’70s, H arum ba H ouse, the gather­ ing place, was opened in the lower level ofYates

sponsoring the Cutie Pan/Ugly M an (later, Studly M an) competition at H om ecom ing. M arvin Dixon has served as sponsor o f the group since 1966.

College Union. In 1996-97, the Center for Educational Diversity was established in the form er Oxford H ouse on E ast K an sas where it has becom e

Students Benefit from Mentoring

Begun in 1985 by Judy Rychlewski, director o f

a m eeting center for B S A as well as for other diver­

career services, and alumni M ark Bredem eier,

sity events. A highlight o f B S A history was the 1978

Barney W illiams, and Sue Heath, the M entoring

sponsorship o f Ralph Abernathy on cam pus for

program team s students one-on-one with a profes­

Black H istory Week.

sional in their chosen field. C om prising primarily alumni, but including

Big Sister Council Smoothed Entry

other local professionals, m entors typically meet

From the 1950s through the m id-’90s, each

with their students several times a year, often at the

entering freshm an woman was assigned a Big Sister

m entor’s place o f business. T his networking oppor­

who introduced her to cam pus, participated in social

tunity has involved twenty to thirty students per

events with her, and kept in touch during the year.

sem ester with a total o f 365 mentees and 303 m en­

M any strong ties remain from those relationships.

tors benefiting from the program .

APO Members Serve Campus


T h e Alpha M u chapter o f Alpha Phi Om ega (APO) began as a national honorary fraternity o f form er Boy Scouts com m itted to serving cam pus and community. T he Alpha M u chapter was

Sons of Rest

One early organization, Ye Sons o f Rest, has

installed in 1934 by H . Roe Bartle, national APO

continued to re-emerge over the years. Begun in the

president, Boy Scout executive, form er mayor o f

1890s by Dr. John Phelps (D addy) Fruit, beloved

K an sas City, and strong supporter ofW illiam

professor o f English and philosophy, a small group

Jewell. Activities have included serving as flag and

o f senior men claimed a day in the spring to loll on

banner bearers at all formal convocations, sponsor­

cam pus and thus formalize their need to slack off.

ing a donkey basketball gam e to help raise money

R esting was strictly required in their fam ous yawn:

for the new m usic building, and through the 1980s,

De e p Wi t h i n

Our H e a r t s


Dwel l s

Raw-buck, Saw Buck Malum labor est. Live ever. Work never. Sons of Rest. Ah-h-h-men. One Tatler issue enjoyed identifying these cam pus leaders as Not honorary, but ornery. R A s an d R D s A ssist in D o r m s Before the 1970s, housem others and houseparents provided a sense o f in loco parentis to dorm life,

Try to avoid sitting at tables with jocks . ..Although

soothing hurts and offering advice. D uring that era,

the cooks intend that each person enjoy an adequate

women students had strict curfews and were

meal, receiving the community meat platter after

required to sign in and out.

hungry athletes serve themselves may turn you into an unwilling vegetarian ... Remember to dress up for

Changes have included the employment o f resi­ dent directors and the use o f trained resident assis­

Wednesday night and Sunday noon meals—not only is it

tants prepared to deal with day-to-day student

required, it also offers an interesting opportunity to see

problem s. M em orable R D s have included Dr. and

and be seen in your best outfit... Stay on the good side

M rs. H .I. H ester, Steve Hemphill, G ary Phelps,

of the waiter assigned to your table—waiters have power

Jerry Hill, and D avid Fulk.

and have devised creative ways to reward or punish you

T h e 1970s and 1980s saw increasing use o f offcam pus honors houses along with flexibility in per­

... Mind your manners; others are noting your sense of

mitting upper-class students to live off-cam pus.

etiquette. So, when someone requests the salt, pass the pepper also.

D in in g in N ew E ly an A d ven tu re

J-B e n c h Is E n d ow ed S e a t

Learning the appropriate way to survive the family-style m eals at tables o f eight in the New Ely D ining Hall m eant listening to the sage advice o f upper-class students:

1910 Sons of Rest contemplate life.

A gift o f President Herget in 1929 to honor his graduating class o f 1895, the J-Bench was located east o f G ano Chapel to provide easy access to cus­ tom ers o f the Co-op, then located in the basem ent o f Gano.


Recollections o f such m ischief are often reported to the Alumni Office and often rem em bered with more detail than is merited.

The 1920s: Having honored the five-minute wait for a late professor, the G erm an students began to file out only to discover the professor leaning against the door visiting with a colleague. N o problem . T h e men quietly exited via a first-floor classroom window, gallantly assisting the lone female. 1923: An excited freshman with a new crystal set was testing his antenna, which dangled outside Since 1929, the J-Bench has been a Students find it a pleasant place to study or popular gathering spot on the . . . , * „ visit. Alum ni rem em ber earlier days when only Jewell campus.

another dorm room. T h ose occupants attached their antenna to his, hooked up a m icrophone, and

athletes wearing letter jackets were perm itted to sit

im pressed him with his range by providing a

there. Later, freshmen wearing their required bean­

G erm an broadcast.

ies were denied access. Over the years, the J-Bench has also served as a rom antic m eeting place. Now it is fronted by the marble sculpture creat­

T his ruse was so successful they followed it with an S O S call from the Cunard ship, Aquitania, complete with breaking waves sloshed in a bucket.

ed by Stanley Boxer, a 1978-79 gift from the stu­

However, when the student breathlessly announced

dents ofW illiam Jewell through the College Union

that he was calling his father, a Cunard agent, to

Activities Board with assistance from G reg Wirt,

advise him o f the im pending tragedy, the wind went

project chairm an, and the M issouri Arts Council.

out o f their sails and they were forced to fess up.

Spencer C ourt, given by Helen Foresm an Spencer in 1981, shelters both the bench and the sculpture.

1930: Because guards were posted on Halloween to prevent such pranks, it was a day or two later that D addy Fruit arrived in his third-floor

Pranks Enliven Campus

In his 1993 Achievement D ay address, alumnus H elm ar N ielsen recom m ended em bracing a sense o f “ decent m ischief” as one o f the value-added lib­ erating arts one gains at a liberal arts institution.

classroom in Jewell Hall to find that a cow had somehow been assisted up the steps and awaited his lecture. 1946: President H arry S. T rum an was the com ­ m encem ent speaker. U pon his arrival, a large con-

Deep Wi t hi n


tingent o f students greeted him. To President

from the dining hall for late-night snacks, the m an­

B in ns’ chagrin, many o f the men were strikingly

agem ent cut back on the num ber o f cartons sup­

decked out with a cane and bow tie. In his address,

plied for meals. In protest, students borrowed a

T rum an graciously observed that with an equiva­

horse boarded at the President’s H om e and led it

lent level o f determ ination and effort directed to

into the dining hall where it spent the night quar­

the country’s problem s, they would largely disap­

tered securely in a corner. Why a horse? “ Neither it

pear. H e returned in 1964 to a more refined wel­

nor the dining hall gave milk.”


E arly 1950s: Faculty convening their monthly confronted by the powerful odor o f steam ing lim-

proffered by m em bers o f his dorm by sledding

burger cheese. Anticipating their hasty departure

down the front hill on a cafeteria tray minus the

into the cold, dining hall waiters had turned o ff the

protective aid o f any clothing.

Late 1970s: In anticipation o f Old South week,

turned the radiators back on in the m idst o f the

the K ap p a Alpha fraternity m ounted an equestrian

meeting. U ndaunted, the faculty opened windows

parade with pride-of-the-South riders delivering

and continued their meeting.

invitations to the w om en’s dorm s. Uninvited play­ ers in the dram a, m em bers o f Lam bd a Chi Alpha

securely to his bed, gently lowered out the window,

fraternity dressed as U nion soldiers and, led by

and left to dangle between the second and third

Abraham Lincoln, met the Southerners in front o f

floors until he awakened the next m orning to the

Sem ple Hall and dem anded their surrender. Who

singing o f birds and the twittering o f am azed

won? It all depends on whom you ask.

passers-by. 1954: When the invited speaker failed to appear

1980s: For many years, the front hill o f the cam pus has been identified by The Kansas City Star

for the required chapel service, President Binns

as one o f the five best sledding spots in the city.

chose to read poetry, including his favorite The Bells

When D ean Nay, director o f the cafeteria for many

by E dgar Allen Poe. D uring his reading, a series o f

years, discovered that cafeteria trays were disap­

hidden alarm clocks began to ring in remarkable

pearing rapidly on snowy days, he quietly m ade

synchrony with the repeated refrain “ Bells, bells,

the old and near-to-being-discarded trays very

bells, bells, bells, bells, and bells.”

visible, thus him self contributing to a spirit o f

1957: To diminish the quantities o f milk carried


1960s: O f course, there were som e panty raids, student in the 1960s em braced a financial challenge

1953: A heavy sleeper in New Ely was tied


som e streaking, and an occasional mooning. One

luncheon m eeting in the New Ely dining hall were

radiators, sm eared the cheese over them, and then


decent mischief.




U u r ti e a r t s o n e

u w e 11 s

E arly 1990s: One m orning the faculty received

dem ise o f Old Ely provided an open quad, gradua­

a missive from Panaegis containing am azing gram ­

tion was celebrated out o f doors except for those

matical m isconstructions and great leaps o f ques­

bad or uncertain days that resulted in a last-minute

tionable logic. Panaegis m embers were quick to send

move to G ano and later to the M abee Center.

out a disclaimer. T he perpetrators remain at large.

D uring the 1970s, to accom m odate family and friends, both baccalaureate and graduation were

Graduation: Finale and Reunion

M ay graduation launches seniors into the world

celebrated on Sunday. And in the early 1980s, the M abee Center was firmly established as the venue

and also offers a time for alumni to return, espe­

for graduation with a processional contributing dig­

cially those celebrating significant reunion years.

nity and dram a to the event. Today, the Caledonian

For many years, baccalaureate was held on

Bagpipe Band and APO flag bearers escort students

Sunday at Second Baptist Church while graduation

and faculty in a grand procession around the quad

occurred in G ano Chapel on M onday. When the

and down the hill to graduation. T his is also the day for the pinning ceremony for graduates o f the nursing department. T he graduating class, num bering in recent years at around 325, typically contains twenty-five to thirty Evening Division students. T h e all-time high for graduation occurred in 1989 when 356 students were graduated. As o f graduation 1997 slightly over 14,200 students have received a diplom a from William Jewell. Whatever the ceremony, the m essage is the sam e: William Jewell has educated', trained, and guided

you for four years. You have worked, struggled, and grown. You are prepared. Now go forth and make us proud. Deo Fisus Labora. ________________________________________________


Graduation on the quad was a glorious event.


C A R D I N A L Cardinal


Te ams A r e


by N orris Patterson

l/y illiam Jewell was founded in 1849 as a liberal arts college for men only. In 1917 the first women students were adm itted, and in 1921 the college

the construction o f a new gym nasium , and the encouragem ent o f team contests. Organized athletics were not a part o f college

officially becam e coeducational. D uring the first

life until after the Civil War, when there was a

fifty years, the enrollment did not exceed 200, and

national explosion o f interest in the various sports

athletics was a voluntary activity—indeed som ewhat

that until then had been conducted as “ town team ”

disorganized until the arrival o f President John

sports. In a general atm osphere o f rowdiness, gam-

Priest G reene in 1892. With the appointm ent o f Dr. Greene, William Jewell entered into an era o f curricular change and significant growth in facilities and resources. O f particular interest was the inclusion in 1894 o f two years o f physical education as a requirement for graduation. In the following year, William Jewell built the first separate building for physical educa­ tion west o f the M ississippi River. Dr. Greene, with a strong belief in the classical concept o f “ a strong mind in a strong body,” advo­ cated physical fitness as a fundam ental part o f a lib­ eral arts education. H e encouraged sports and gam es for his all-m en’s college. It was, perhaps, his earlier study at G erm an universities that influenced the inclusion o f physical education in the curriculum,

William Jewell’s first baseball team, 1883.


The baseball team of 1899

bling, and excessive drinking, the contests often

fitness and athletic competition on the cam pus. He

ended in brawls. T h e post-Civil War college stu­

was also the motivating force in building the first

dents were interested in athletic competition

gymnasium. A man o f vision, Professor Rothwell

between colleges, but m ost college

had studied in the G erm an University o f Strasburg

adm inistrators at that time were

and was a pioneer in making physical education an

adam antly opposed to athletic

im portant part o f the liberal arts curriculum at

activities on their cam puses; in fact,

Jewell. Rothwell becam e such a strong force in the

many colleges had rules forbidding

state o f M issouri that he was hired away from

such “ unintellectual” pursuits.

Jewell to be the director o f physical education for

One man,Y.P. Rothwell, the first

the newly developing program at the University o f

director o f physical education at

M issouri in Colum bia. In later years the gymnasium

William Jewell, was probably the

at the University was nam ed in his honor.

greatest single force in prom oting

T h e following pages give a chronological listing o f som e o f the im portant events in the 150 years o f athletics at William Jewell College. 1849-1883—There was no organized program o f athletics or physical education at the college. 1883—T he first organized athletic team appeared on cam pus in the form o f a baseball team arranged entirely by the players themselves. Several gam es were played against “ town team s” or high school teams. After one year, the team was discontinued. 1883-1888—There are no records o f any organ­ ized athletics on the cam pus during these five years. 1888—Jewell’s first football team was organized by students, led by M .D . Eubank, who was the cap­ tain and coach. Very little protective equipm ent existed, and the students furnished their own uni­ forms. T he first team included thirteen players; the m anager o f the team was Luther Greene for whom

Woman’s basketball team, 1920

Jewell’s football stadium , built in 1955, was nam ed.


Dr. Greene becam e a prom inent doctor in

was forced to cancel the season

Richm ond, M o., and M .D . Eubank went on to be a

after two gam es; basketball con­

m edical m issionary to China.

tinued as the popular sport and

1888-1894—T here are no records o f organized athletics during this period.

highlighted the season with a win over the University o f K an sas,

1 8 9 4 -U nder the leadership o f the newly

whose team was coached by Dr.

appointed director o f physical culture, Younger P.

Jam es N aism ith, inventor o f the

Rothwell, athletics becam e a college-sponsored

gam e o f basketball.

activity, and physical education becam e a require­ ment for graduation as an im portant part o f the liberal arts curriculum. 1895-1896—Old Brown gym nasium was built at a cost o f $12,300. T his was the first separate gym­

1903-1904—Financial prob­ lems were solved when the stu­ dents charged an activity fee for athletics which began clamoring for full-time coaches. 1904-1905—T h e first track team was organized

1896-1898—T he college fielded its first college-

and three tennis courts were built. Track and ten­

sponsored football and baseball team s. T here was

nis team s were dem anding full recognition and

opposition by the faculty to such “ ungentlem anly”

financing as varsity sports supported from student

sports. However, with the support o f Y.R Rothwell

activity funds. 1905-1910—W.O. H am ilton was hired as the

by the adm inistration with the stipulation that they

first full-time basketball coach. Ham ilton later

be financed entirely by the students.

becam e athletic director at the University of

1898-1899—Jewell fielded teams in football,

K ansas. Following H am ilton, Alpha Brum m age

baseball, and, for the first time, basketball. Player

becam e head coach o f all athletics. U nder Coach

and Coach E .E . Kirkland led the basketball team.

Brum m age, Jewell becam e an athletic power as

Professor Rothwell left Jewell that year to becom e

football went 7-2 and basketball 10-3. L ed by Roy

the director o f physical education at the University

M artin, the football, basketball, and track team s

o f M issouri. A noteworthy achievement that year

excelled. U pon graduation, Roy played football

was a football victory over the University o f Kansas.

with the “ Canton B u lldogs” -the country’s first pro

1899-1903—T he popularity o f football, baseball, and basketball increased each year until financial problem s beset the program s. T he football team

William Jewell football team, 1899

provided funds for better equipm ent. T he students

nasium building in any college west o f the Mississippi.

and President Greene, both sports were approved

T e a m s A r e Wa r r i o r s

team , which becam e fam ous with the signing o f Jim T horpe. 1911-1912-Football was again attacked by the


faculty as an “ ungentlemanly sport that should be abolished.” T he move to abolish football was led by Professor Charles D urden, a native o f Birm ingham , England, who sought to substitute soc!|,

6 »S »° II

cer for football. T h e effort

cam pus to the football stadium and athletic fields is nam ed for “ D ad .” 1913-1914—T his was another banner year for Jewell athletics in the new athletic conference as the Cardinals won state cham pionships in football, baseball, and track and finished second in basketball.

failed and soccer was aban­

1914-1918—T he next four years were am ong

doned after only one year.

the best in Jewell’s history. T he 1915 baseball team

1912—T his was a banner year in athletics as Jewell joined the M issouri Intercollegiate Athletic A ssociation (M IAA) com posed o f the follow­ ing colleges: Central College, D rury



was undefeated; the track team began a string o f six consecutive cham pionships (C aptain “ Irish” Farrar set a state record in the 880 at 2.06); tennis team s won state cham pionships four consecutive years; baseball won state cham pionships four con­ secutive years (A .C . “ M ac” M cKinney set a nation­ al record by striking out twenty-five o f twenty-seven batters in a gam e against Tarkio. Later “ M ac”

College, Kirksville

struck out twenty-three batters in a no-hit game

N orm al, M issouri

against M aryville); and football was either first or

Valley, Springfield N orm al, Tarkio, Westminster, and William Jewell. With the form ation o f a conference, sports interest reached an all-time high.


“ D a d ” Bowles. T he road that runs through the

second each year. 1917-1918—After the Cardinals won the football cham pionships in the fall, the rest o f the sports were canceled as many athletes joined the military in World War I. 1918-1919—With the war’s end and the service­ men home, “ D a d ” Bow les’ forces quickly returned

1912-1913—R .E . “ D a d ” Bowles becam e Jewell’s

to power as they won state cham pionships in bas­

first full-time athletic director. D uring a career that

ketball, baseball, track, and tennis, and second in

lasted until 1947, “ D a d ” coached football, basket­

football. M yers M ayberry becam e one o f only two

ball, baseball, track, and tennis. M uch o f Jewell’s

five-sport letter winners in Jewell’s history, earning

long athletic tradition was started and fostered by

letters in football, basketball, baseball, track, and


T e a m s A r e Wa r r i o r s

tennis. In addition, he was chosen all-state in football, basketball, and baseball. Probably the m ost exciting event in 1919 was the arrival o f women as full-time students. Shortly thereafter, a wom en’s basketball team was organized that lasted for two years. 1919-1920—State cham pionships were won in baseball and tennis. O .K . “ D im p ” Evans becam e the second athlete to earn five letters in one year. Coincidentally, both M yers M ayberry and “ D im p ” Evans were from Farm ington, Mo. 1920-1921—As the state colleges (Kirksville, Springfield, W arrensburg, and M aryville) grew to becom e m uch larger, the church-related colleges (William Jewell, M issouri Valley, Drury, Tarlcio, Westminster, and Central) form ed a new confer­ ence, the M issouri College Athletic Union (M C A U ). 1921-1924—Football and tennis team s were

and track coach. “ D a d ” Bowles continued with basketball and tennis. Old Brown G ym was

conference cham pions in 1921. Baseball was

destroyed by fire on January 30, 1928. C onstruc­

dropped from the program . In 1924, as a result o f

tion started on new Brown G ym nasium in April.

student pressure, baseball was returned on a limited

T he students collected S I 0,000 toward the cost o f

budget, but after two years it was dropped again

the new gym.

until 1952. 1924-1925—In the first year in the M C A U , the

1928-1929—M arlin D avis, all-conference player and captain o f the football team , left school for a

Cardinals were conference cham pions in basketball

movie career under the nam e Jim D avis, later high­

and tennis.

lighted by his role as “Jock ” Ewing in the T V pro­

1926-1927—Coach Bill Collins, form er Liberty High School coach and M issouri Wesleyan coach,

gram “ D allas.” 1929-1930—New Brown G ym was dedicated in

joined the staff to assist “ D a d ” Bowles, who had

a gam e against the University o f M issouri; the

coached all sports since 1913.

University o f M issouri won 38-22. G o lf was added

1927-1928—Bill Collins becam e head football

Brown Gym

to the sports program for the first time.


coach at M issouri Valley, becam e head football coach at Jewell. In his first three years at Jewell, he defeated M issouri Valley 7-6, 7-6, and 6-0. 1941-1945—World War II caused sharp curtail­ ment o f Jewell athletics. N avy pre-flight school took over the cam pus and the athletic program . 1946-1948—T h e end o f World War II brought a great influx o f veterans and a return to a full sports program . “ D ick” H arp, form er University o f

New Brown Gym

1930-1934—T he tennis cham pi­

K an sas star, becam e head basketball coach, and

onship in 1933 was the only cham pi­

J.E . “ Pat” Bradshaw becam e head football coach

onship during this four-year period.

and athletic director. “ D a d ” Bowles and Coach

Bill Collins resigned as head football coach and “ D a d ” Bowles resum ed his old position. 1934-1936—It was a sad year as H erm an “ Polly” G rant died in a swimming accident trying to save a friend from drowning. “ Polly” was one o f Jewell’s greatest all-time athletes. He

G odfriaux retired from coaching. 1948-1949—After two successful years, Coach D ick H arp left to becom e an assistant to “ Phog” Allen at the University o f K ansas. H arp was replaced by D on Farris, a star football and basket­ ball player o f the late ’30s. 1950-1951—Rookie coaches N orris Patterson

was all-conference for four years in football and

and Jim N elson cam e from Danville High School

lettered four years in track.

(111.) to assum e the football and basketball reins.

1935-1937—T he tennis team won the M C A U cham pionship for the sixth consec­ utive year in 1937; the 1936 football team won a conference co-cham pionship. In 1937, Jewell fielded one o f its greatest track team s as Frank Crane and Coulter Cunningham scored 24 points between them to win the conference meet. 1937-1940—Coach Henri G odfriaux, brother-in-law o f “ D a d ” Bowles and longtime

In winning the first football cham pionship in ten years, Jewell broke M issouri Valley’s fifty-five gam e conference winning streak with a 7-6 victory in a gam e played in the old K ansas City Blues Stadium . W restling was added to the Jewell sports program . 1951-1952—After thirty years, baseball was added to the sports program . T h e football team played in the Corn Bowl in Bloom ington, 111., where they lost to Lewis College 21-12. 1952-1953—Fred M errell set a N A IA record


(which still stands) with a 55-yard drop kick against

M ineral Water Bowl by a score o f

Ouichita College. A1 Conway was selected as

33-14. An interesting sidelight: T he

“ Little All-American,” the leading scorer am ong all

captain and quarterback o f the

colleges. H e gained 1,325 yards in 130 attem pts

H astings team was Tom O sborne,

and was the num ber one choice o f the Philadelphia

who becam e the long-time head

Eagles in the N F L draft.

coach o f the N ebraska Cornhuskers.

1953-1954—Jewell won conference cham pi­

T he basketball team again won the

onships in football, baseball, and tennis, as baseball

cham pionship but lost to D rury in

becam e a conference sport. Cross-country was

district play.

added to the sports program for the first time. 1954-1955—T his was a banner year as the ketball, baseball, and track.

College o f Em poria. Darrel

1955-1956—A new concrete football stadium

Gourley, a successful coach from

was dedicated and nam ed for Dr. Luther Greene, a

Chillicothe High School, replaced

m ajor contributor and a m em ber o f Jewell’s first

Coach Short.

football team o f 1888. N orm an Short, a star ath­

1959-1960—T h is was another winning year as

lete o f the 1940s, was nam ed head baseball coach.

the C ards were conference cham pions in football,

H is team won the M C A U cham pionship in his first

baseball, tennis, and cross-country. T he basketball

year at its helm.

team , after finishing second in the conference, won the N A IA national tournam ent. T h is, without a

tournam ent. T his occurred after winning the con­

doubt, was the crowning achievement in C oach Jim

ference basketball cham pionship and defeating

N elso n ’s basketball coaching career. 1960-1961—T his period saw cham pionships in

second round. Coach N orm an Sh ort’s baseball

football, basketball, and tennis as well as the dedi­

team , after winning the M C A U championship,

cation o f the new on-cam pus baseball field.

baseball tournam ent in Alpine, Texas. 1957-1958—T he Cardinal football team beat H astings C ollege’s undefeated football team in the

Alfred Conway was the leading scorer in the United States zuith 22 touchdowns and 1,325 yards gained rushing and 379 yards passing.

the district play-offs and went to the final four o f

advanced to the N A IA national m en’s basketball

earned an invitation to the first N A IA national

Wa r r i o r s

moved on to becom e head basket­ ball and baseball coach at the

Rockhurst in the district play-offs. Jewell lost in the


1958-1959—N orm an Short

Cardinals were M C A U cham pions in football, bas­

1956-1957—For the first time in history Jewell


1961-1962—Jewell fielded the m ost successful cross-country team in history, winning the confer­ ence and district and finishing fifth in the nationals. T he basketball team won the conference and m ade


its third trip

Between matches on the m en’s team , Carlene also

to the

won the M issouri Valley wom en’s championship.

nationals in

Bill Sum m ers won All-American honors by jum p­

an eight-

ing 6 ’9 3/4” to win first in the N A IA national meet.

year period. Baseball,

won in football, basketball, baseball, cross-country,

golf, and

and track. Ray Ritchey, senior kicking specialist,

tennis were

set an N A IA record when he kicked twenty-nine

also M C A U

consecutive extra points. H is four-year record was

The 1968 NAIA national baseball champions celebrate. cham pions. Dr. David M oore, the head o f the reli­

forty-nine out o f fifty-one tries. M ike Scroggin set

gion departm ent, coached the first golf cham pi­

a college and conference record in the shot put

onship in Jewell’s history.

with a throw o f 51 ’2 ” .

1962-1963—Fred Flook joined the staff as head

1965-1966—T he football team won its fourth

coach o f baseball and wrestling. Cham pionships

consecutive championship. C aptain M ike Scroggin

were won in tennis, track, football, baseball, cross­

received the national scholar athlete award from the

country, and wrestling. Clem Buschm ann, junior

N ational Football Hall o f Fam e Foundation. Jack

halfback, set an N A IA record as he carried the ball

Patterson was the first Jewell baseball player selected

1,303 yards for an average o f ten yards per try. In

for the N A IA All-American first team. In addition,

addition, Buschm ann set new conference track

he was an all-conference football player and ranked

records: 9.7 the in 100-yard dash, 21.3 in 220,

second in the nation with a 48-yard punting average.

and 23.3 in the 220-yard hurdles. Bill “ PeeWee”

1966-1967—Soccer was added to the varsity

Sum m ers set a new high jum p record o f 6 ’9 1/2” .

sports program . Cham pionships included football,

Sw im m ing becam e a varsity sport coached by M ary

basketball, baseball, indoor track, and golf. T he

K inm an.

baseball team won the district and advanced to the

1963-1964—T h is was another exceptional year as Jewell won cham pionships in football, basketball,


1964-1965—Conference cham pionships were

second round o f the national meet. 1967-1968—T his was also an outstanding year

baseball, track, golf, and cross-country. Dave

as the baseball team won the national cham pi­

M oore’s golf team had its greatest year, winning

onship, the only national team cham pionship in

conference and district meets and qualifying for the

Jewell’s 150-year history. Furtherm ore, the football

national meet. Jewell m ade national history when

team was the first undefeated team in Jewell’s history,

female Carlene Basore joined the m en’s tennis team.

finishing with a 10-0-1 record, including a tie o f


T e a m s A r e Wa r r i o r s

The 1971 swim team placed eighteenth in the Nationals.

14-14 with D oane College in the M ineral Bowl. T h at sam e year saw the end o f the coaching career o f N orris Patterson. In eighteen years, football team s coached by Patterson and N elson am assed a record o f 131-34-8, including nine cham pionships, three co-cham pionships, and six second-place fin­ ishes. Jim N elson took over as head football coach and John H ickm an, form er Jewell star and AllAm erican, becam e head basketball coach. 1968-1969—N ew head football coach Jim N elson led the Cardinals to their seventh consecu­ tive football championship. T he baseball team won

where Roger G ench was nam ed All-

the M C A U cham pionship for the fifth time in six

Am erican by virtue o f a fifth-place finish.

years. They won the district but lost to St. C loud, M inn., in the area play-offs. 1969-1970—T h e 1969 football team enjoyed

1971-1972—After forty-five years the old M C A U conference gave way to a new league—the H eart o f Am erica Athletic

another outstanding year with a 9-1 record, the

Conference (H A A C )—com posed at the

eighth consecutive M C A U cham pionship, and

time o f William Jewell, M issouri Valley,

selection to the Am os Alonzo Stagg Bowl gam e in

Central M ethodist, Tarkio, G raceland,

Ohio, where the Cardinals lost a close gam e to the

Baker, Ottawa, and College o f Emporia.

Ohio cham pion, W ittenberg University. T h e base­

For the second consecutive year,

ball team won its seventh cham pionship in eight

Jewell failed to win a conference

years plus the district and area cham pionships to

championship. However, the swim

advance again to the national tournam ent where

team enjoyed a 10-3 record.

they lost in the second round. 1970-1971—For the first time in fifteen years,

favn, Tb 4LL

Tli* g Lib,5

6 rfy>

1972-1973—T his period sig­ naled the arrival o f w om en’s sports

Jewell failed to win a conference cham pionship in

with full varsity standing. In the first year o f

any sport. However, swimming (which was not a

w om en’s sports, Jewell fielded team s in volleyball,

conference sport) did enjoy an exceptional year

swimming, basketball, and tennis. There were not

with a 9-2 record. C oach Larry H am ilton’s swim

yet championship competitions for women’s sports in

team entered the national meet in Clarion, Penn.,

the HAAC. T h e m en’s tennis team won the only



SOOr/ .

(d16) ?8U

cham pionship in m en’s sports. 1973-1974—T his was an out­ standing year for the Cardinal men as they won the conference

a full schedule in the newly form ed AIAW state competition. 1976-1977—Coach Darrel G ourley’s team s won

all-sports cham pionship plus the

the cross-country, indoor track, and outdoor track

sportsm anship trophy; cham pi­

cham pionships. Coach Fred F lo ok ’s baseball team

onships in football and baseball;

won the conference, district, and area tournam ent

second places in basketball, golf,

to advance to the national tournam ent for the sec­

and tennis; and third in track.

ond year in a row. T he Jewell women participated

T he football team was 11-1,

in state AIAW competition in volleyball, field hock­

including a M ineral Bowl victo­

ey, basketball, swimming, and tennis, m aking cred­

ry over St. M ary ’s and a loss to

itable showings in all sports.

Northw est Iowa in the N A IA Carlene Basore with men's varsity

qualify for the national meet. T he women enjoyed

1977-1978—Coach G ourley’s track team contin­

play-offs. T he w om en’s program

ued to dom inate as they won cham pionships in

added field hockey, coached by

cross-country and indoor and outdoor track. T he

tennis team which elected her captain B arb M acke. Nationally the A ssociation o f

cross-country team went on to finish thirty-fifth in

Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) was

the nationals. T he baseball team won the cham pi­

organized to govern wom en’s athletics. T he m edia

onship for the seventh consecutive year. T h e m en’s

were still very slow in publicizing w om en’s sports.

basketball team bounced back to tie for the H A A C

1974-1975—T his was a “ Cinderella” year for the

title with G raceland. While the women did not win

m en’s basketball team as they won the H eart o f

championships, their numbers and quality continued

Am erica cham pionship and the district cham pi­

to improve. In addition, the H AAC now sponsored

onship to qualify for the N A IA tournam ent where

competition in basketball, volleyball, and tennis.

they lost to N orfolk State in the first round.

1978-1979—Coach Jim N elson retired as head

W omen’s sports continued to prosper with better

football coach and was replaced by Stan M cGarvey.

equipm ent, better coaching, and improved budget.

N elson had coached football, basketball, track, and

1975-1976—T his was another banner year as the

tennis in a twenty-five-year period with great suc­

men won five cham pionships out o f seven sports

cess in all sports. T he m en’s track, cross-country,

(basketball, baseball, track, tennis, and cross-coun­

and baseball team s were again conference cham pi­

try). Coach Fred Flook led the baseball team to a

ons. T h e w om en’s program added softball.

conference, district, and area cham pionship to

W omen’s athletics were making slow-but-sure


progress during the 1970s as the m en’s program

wom en’s program came alive, winning conference

grudgingly began to share money and facilities

cham pionships in volleyball, softball, and tennis

more equitably. While problem s at Jewell were

while the men were cham pions in football, basket­

minimal, nationally a struggle was getting underway

ball, and baseball. In addition, the women won

as women sought better opportunities in athletics.

state cham pionships in basketball, tennis, and soft­

1979-1980—T hese years saw construction o f

T e a m s A r e Wa r r i o r s

ball. D onna Brock set a four-year basketball scor­

new baseball, softball, and soccer fields and the

ing record o f 2,013 points and was selected all-state

near-completion o f the new M abee Center, which

in both basketball and softball. T he football

m ade Jewell athletic facilities second-to-none in the M issouri-K ansas area. Cham pionships were won in cross-country and indoor and outdoor track, and the baseball team earned another trip to the national tournam ent. T he crowning per­ form ance o f the year was T im Sch m id’s winning first place in the 10,000 m eters at the N A IA national meet in Texas. T h e w om en’s program added track to its list o f varsity sports. Football enjoyed a good year with a 9-1 record and an invitation to the M oila Bowl in St. Joseph, where they lost to M issouri Western. 1980-1981—M en ’s cham pionships were won in football and baseball. T h e football team par­ ticipated in the N A IA play-offs, defeating Baker

Greene Stadium, built in 1955 and

in the first round and losing to W ilmington College

Cardinals, under first-year coach Vic Wallace, were

o f Ohio in the second round. David Cunningham

11-1 as they defeated Pacific Lutheran in the play­

was chosen first team All-American as he rushed

offs before losing to Austin College in the semi-finals.

for a record 1,419 yards. T he w om en’s basketball

1982-1983—For the eighth time in Coach

team coached by Vic Schultz won the state AIAW

Flook’s twenty years as baseball coach, his team

cham pionship and advanced to the regionals in

was in the national tournam ent. Newly appointed

C edar R apids, Iowa.

Coach D arrel G ourley’s team won the m en’s golf

1981-1982—T h is was a notable year as the

named for Luther D. Greene

cham pionship (the first for Jewell in the H A A C ).



L 4 'I

W , 1/ i *



For the second year in a row, the soccer team won the HAAC championship, 1984

Jew ell’s football

ball. Incidentally, the Cardinal baseball team

team reached

defeated both the University o f M issouri and the

its highest

University o f K ansas. T he Jewell women won

achievement as

cham pionships in cross-country, softball, and

they played for

indoor and outdoor track.

the national cham pionship against Linfield College. After

included soccer, basketball (third consecutive year),

defeating Sul-R oss, Texas, and N orthw est Iowa they

and baseball (nineteenth time in twenty years under

lost the final gam e 33-15. Cross-country, coached

Coach Fred Flook). T h e wom en’s basketball team

by Lee M inor, won both m en’s and w om en’s con­

won its first cham pionship in the history o f the

ference cham pionships.

H A A C conference.

1983-1984-For the fourth consecutive year, the

1987-1988—After six successful years, H ead

Jewell football team m ade the N A IA play-offs, a

Football Coach Vic Wallace resigned to accept a

feat never before accom plished by an N A IA col­

position at St. T h om as in St. Paul, M inn.; he was

lege. They defeated W ilmington College but lost to

replaced by Stan M cGarvey. T he basketball team

Northw est Iowa in the second round. “ Sco o p ”

enjoyed a great year winning the H A A C title and

Gillespie, four-year starter at Jewell, was drafted by

defeating Southwest Baptist, Rockhurst, and D rury

the Pittsburgh Steelers, where he played one year.

to advance to the quarterfinals o f the nationals,

T h e men in soccer, cross-country, golf, and track

where they lost to Auburn-M ontgom ery in a very

won cham pionships. T h e women were cham pions

close gam e. Kim Rivers was selected to be a first

in swimming and cross-country.

team All-American, the first in Jewell’s history. T he

1984-1985—Cham pionships in m en’s sports

baseball team s were cham pions for the twentieth

were soccer, basketball, baseball, and indoor track.

time in twenty-one years. T he wom en’s basketball

T he w om en’s track team , led by senior Andrea

team becam e H A A C cham pions and their coach

Eddy, won the conference indoor m eet and was

Jim N elson was elected Coach o f the Year. T he

second in the outdoor meet. Andrea set seven new

wom en’s cross-country team was again H A A C

school records. K ay Kovar set a new record for


women when she lettered in four sports in the sam e

1988-1989—W omen’s basketball and m en’s golf

year (softball, volleyball, basketball, and track).

were the only conference cham pionships achieved

1985-1986—In m en’s sports, cham pionships

this year. T he year also marked the retirement o f

were won in football, basketball, track, and base­


1986-1987—Cham pionships in m en’s sports

N orris Patterson as departm ent chairman.


1989-1990—T he men were cham pions in cross­


the conference tournam ent and a berth in the

district cham pions in tennis; the women were co­

nationals, where they again reached the Final Four,

cham pions in basketball. M artha Jordan qualified

losing to Bethel (Indiana), the eventual champion.

for the nationals in swimming.

There were no conference championships in 1994-95. 1995-1996—For the third time in four years, the

football, basketball, and cross-country. Women were

Cardinal m en’s basketball team advanced to the

cham pions in basketball. T his year saw the intro­

Final Four o f the national tournam ent. Coach

duction o f w om en’s soccer coached by Fred Flook.

Larry Holley was nam ed the N A IA Coach o f the

1991-1992—Jewell men won conference cham pi­ onships in football and basketball while the women

Year and Brook Russell was nam ed N A IA Division II Player o f the Year. R ussell’s honor was greater

won the basketball championship. T h e m en’s foot­

than that o f any other athlete in Jewell history.

ball team won the district and qualified for the

Because o f R ussell’s remarkable career, the college

nationals, where they lost in the second round. T he

retired his num ber, an honor never before con­

m en’s basketball team went to the quarterfinals in

ferred on a Jewell athlete.

the nationals. 1992-1993—T he m en’s basketball team reached

1996-1997—T he m en’s basketball team won the only cham pionship, which they shared with

the Final Four o f the national tournam ent in Idaho,

Evangel. T he team went on to finish again in the

where Weldon Stubbs was named to the All-American

Final Four o f the national meet. C had Jones was

team. T h e m en’s tennis team , under new coach

selected to the N A IA All-American squad. Sam

Randall M orris, won the district championship. In

Brown resigned as head football coach and was

m en’s track com petition, Brook Russell broke Clem

replaced by Jeff Floyd, ’79 and a star football and

B uschm an n’s long-jump record set in 1963.

track athlete for Jewell. One o f the biggest events

1993-1994—In term s o f win-loss, the 1993-94

o f the decade was the building o f a new state-of-

year was one o f the slim m est in the 100 years o f

the-art running track through the generosity of

Jewell athletics. T h e wom en’s cross-country team

G arnett M . Peters III, a prominent Liberty busi­

won the only championship. They won the district

nessm an and longtime supporter o f Jewell athletics.

and finished twenty-fifth in the nationals. Brook

M r. Peters’ gift o f $250,000 plus contributions by

Russell broke Bill Sum m ers’ high-jump record by

a num ber o f form er Jewell athletes m ade this m ag­

jum ping 6 ’ 10” .

nificent facility available for present and future

1994-1995—Although the Jewell m en’s basket­

Wa r r i o r s

ball team finished second in the H A A C , they won

country, co-cham pions in golf, and conference and

1990-1991—M en ’s cham pionships were won in


Jewell track events.

Brook Russell was named NAIA Division II Player of the Year in 1996.


1997-1998—T h e m en’s basketball team , under C oach Larry Holley, again won the conference cham pionship and advanced to the national tour­ nam ent for the sixth time in seven years. In the past eleven years, Holley’s team s have been in the national tournam ent seven times and have advanced to the Final Four, four times in the past six years. As the 1998 academ ic year drew to a close, a m ajor initiative surfaced which prom ises to have a positive im pact on the future o f athlet­ ics at William Jewell. T h e board o f trustees



approved a multi-year plan to upgrade coaching, facilities, and team opportunities for w om en’s sports. Additional funding has been proposed for women’s golf, as well as increases in the women’s coaching staff, scholarships, operating budgets, facilities, and support staff. With an ongoing com m itm ent to the development o f true scholar-athletes, the winning tradition at William Jewell will continue well into the next century. ________________________________________________







F Cl Wl e

I^\- Yl O 7JJ Yl


P R O G R A M College


recall H erbert’s reply, which

hundreds o f events presented over more than three

was pointed and very m em o­

decades o f the William Jewell College Fine Arts

rable. ‘They will,’ he said.

Program . But for the program ’s founder, Dr.


by D. D ean D unham , Jr.

^7~here have been many highlights am ong the

“ I knew he was right. I

Richard H arrim an, one in particular stands out.

agreed to the fee, and the con­

“ Luciano Pavarotti’s 1973 recital at William Jewell

tracts were signed. In the inter­

was an event that alm ost failed to happen. From

vening year and a half, articles

the beginning the project faced a series o f obstacles.

about the new tenor began to

After I had heard him in an operatic perform ance

appear in m ajor m agazines,

as Rudolfo in L a Boheme, I knew I had to bring

records becam e available, and

him to K an sas City for a recital; but I soon discov­

his spectacular singing in The

ered that he had no Am erican m anager, that there

Daughter of the Regiment at the

was no one to contact to try to arrange such a per­

M etropolitan Opera attracted

form ance. It took many months o f fruitless inquiry

national attention. When the

before I finally m ade contact in 1971 with H erbert

week o f the recital arrived, I

Breslin, then his public relations representative,

was eager and excited about

later to becom e his manager. Herbert agreed to try

this exceptional event.

to persuade Luciano to prepare a recital program ,


Luciano Pavarotti

“ T he recital was to be Thursday, February 1,

but then the next obstacle arose: the fee. Herbert

and Luciano was to fly to K an sas City on Tuesday

nam ed a figure for this new, unknown singer that

afternoon. Tuesday m orning I received a call from

was greater than the fees charged by the m ost

H erbert, ‘I d on ’t know if Luciano will be able to

fam ous tenors o f that time. ‘But no one has ever

perform on T hursday,’ he said. ‘H e has a terrible

heard o f Luciano Pavarotti,’ I protested. I still

cold and can’t sing at all now. H e had to cancel the


Metropolitan last night. He won’t be flying

inflexible insistence on presenting only the best

to K an sas City today.’ ”

have created many other Am erican professional

Pavarotti did arrive on W ednesday and


did recover by Thursday. T h e story from

violinist M axim Vengerov and vocalists June

there is familiar: H e sang on the G ano

A nderson, Ileana C otrubas, Luciana Serra, Carol

Chapel stage; H e kept a large white hand­

Vaness, T h om as Allen, Francisco Araiza, Sergei

kerchief in his left hand throughout the

Leiferkus, and Yevgeny Nesterenko. Cecilia Bartoli

evening, and the William Jewell audience

also counts William Jewell as the program on which

that night saw Luciano Pavarotti’s trade­

she gave her professional recital debut here in the

mark symbol in use for the first time.

U nited States.

“ T h e recital was glorious, the audience

T h e story o f the William Jewell College Fine

was ecstatic ... at the time I thought we

Arts Program is the story o f Richard H arrim an’s

had heard his first Am erican recital; it

more than thirty-five years o f contribution to the

w asn’t until later that I learned it was his

arts education o f William Jewell students and to the

first professional recital anywhere,”

arts experience o f generations o f K an sas City audi­

H arrim an said. H erbert Breslin was correct; audiences did hear

Cecilia Bartoli


recital debuts on the William Jewell program :

ences. It is at heart the story o f his remarkably developed taste and his dedication to excellence. William Jewell students who took classes with

o f him. And it was a proud

him as their classm ate in the early ’50s and who

and significant m om ent for

took classes from him as their English teacher are

Richard H arrim an, the

not astonished by his rem arkable knowledge o f the

man who had the rem ark­

theater arts. N o r are his teachers, Virginia D. Rice

ably developed taste and

’28 and G eorgia B. Bowm an ’34. H e was a comic

prescience to persevere in

actor o f disarm ing finesse, an oral interpreter o f

bringing Luciano Pavarotti

expressive range and thoughtful depth, and a

to the William Jewell cam ­

teacher o f great effectiveness and popularity.

pus. In fact, he brought

Form er students rem em ber his Shakespeare classes

the great tenor to the

with clarity and fondness. They respected his

William Jewell College

authority and understanding o f dram a based on his

Fine Arts series four more

study, his professional education, and his interpre­

times. T h at sam e taste and

tive and pedagogical talents. T rips to New York and



London theaters several times each year put him in

Bloom , Julie H arris, Celeste

the audience for first productions o f the plays of

H olm , Sir M ichael Redgrave,

Eugene O ’Neill, Arthur M iller, Tennessee W illiams,

Jam es Whitmore, and others.

John Osborne, H arold Pinter, Tom Stoppard,





Know n

Even his high school

Edw ard Albee, and A ugust W ilson, am ong others.

friends would not be aston­

Students always knew they were in the presence o f

ished to know the results o f

one who had studied deeply the works by and the

Richard H arrim an’s lifetime

criticism o f Shakespeare, and who had seen all thir­

o f experience in the musical

ty-seven o f the B ard ’s plays in professional produc­

arts. A group o f his teenage

tion, m ost o f them many times over. He was a wit­

classm ates and he m ade it a

ness; he professed the im portance o f the arts.

com m on source o f pleasure

And his knowledge o f plays, dram atic tradi­


Arthur Miller

to attend presenters’ series in

tions, and the theater has informed the Fine Arts

K an sas City: the Town Hall

Program over its years, even though traveling the­

and the Ruth Seufert series. They were

ater com panies are now alm ost a feature o f the

in the audience for many soloists and

past. Richard H arrim an has presented the N ew

groups and for the presentations o f bal­

York-based Acting Com pany a dozen or more times

let com panies. H arrim an continued to

since 1975; the Guthrie Theatre five times during

pursue his love o f m usic and dance on

its touring phase; and the Royal Shakespeare

those trips to N ew York, London, and

Com pany, the Young Vic Com pany, and the

the Continent, mixing theater events

N ational Theatre o f G reat Britain many times while

with operas, recitals, concerts, and bal­

they toured. William Jewell students saw their first

let perform ances on m ost trips. When

professionally acted Shakespeare, their first Ibsen,

he served in the U .S. Army after gradu­

their first G eorge Bernard Shaw, and their first

ating from Jewell, he was

M am et on the series; for K an sas City audiences

stationed in W ashington, D .C ., and

many o f these sam e plays had not been available

m ade weekend trips to N ew York. In

before the Fine Arts Program brought them.

graduate school at Stanford University, he frequent­

Theirs was the opportunity to hear Tom Stoppard,

ed arts events in San Francisco and other West

Edw ard Albee, Athol Fugard, Arthur Miller, and

C oast venues. H e started early, taken to events as a

Arthur K opit speak in person about their art. It

child and youth by his parents, and has continued

was also theirs to see perform ances by Claire

on his own throughout his life.

James Galway


And again, it is an

Jessye Norman

Sir Michael Redgrave


T h e list o f im portant artists also includes the

experienced and informed

m ezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli, who was 23-years-

taste that shapes the high

old and still a “ rising young star” when she was

quality o f the Fine Arts

scheduled for her Am erican recital debut on the

Program ’s history and tra­

Jewell series. H er appearance on the program is

dition o f bringing vocal­

illustrative o f another feature o f Richard

ists, pianists, violinists,

H arrim an’s leadership. H e was, and rem ains,

and other instrum ental­

determ ined that the Fine Arts Program s serve the

ists, cham ber groups, and

educational purposes o f William Jewell students.


In fact, not well known to many concertgoers is the

orchestras to Jewell stu­

Education Series, which often parallels live per­

dents and area audiences.

form ances. T his series brings m aster classes to the

T he list is remarkably

Jewell cam pus. Such opportunities—som etim es six

long, especially when one considers the

or seven in a year—have been exciting and valuable

repeat perform ances o f many artists:

to student perform ers and their teachers; they are

more than four dozen pianists, includ­

the envy o f many m usic students throughout the

ing widely recognized nam es such as

m etropolitan area. Because o f his educational com ­

Jose Iturbi, Em anuel Ax, Philippe

m itment, H arrim an has always been open to sched­

Entrem ont, Alicia de Larrocha, R udolf

uling artists just beginning their careers; indeed, his

Serkin, and Andre Watts; more than a

contacts in m usical m anagem ent organizations have

half-dozen cellists, including Yo-Yo M a

known that he wants to present debuts, in the tradi­

and M stislav Rostropovich; two-dozen-

tion begun with the Pavarotti recital and continuing

plus violinists, including Yehudi

with that o f Cecilia Bartoli.

M enuhin, M idori, Itzhak Perlman, and

To maintain a high caliber o f program m ing, he

Isaac Stern; a good handful o f great flutists, includ­

has had to continually increase his knowledge, just

ing Jam es Galway, Jean-Pierre R am pal, and Paula

as in a scholarly discipline one has to “ keep up.”

Robison; harpists; organists, and guitarists, includ­

R eading The New York Times and Opera News

ing N ancy Allen, Virgil Fox, C arlos M ontoya, and

is but a small part o f his dedicated reading. He

Andres Segovia; and the Academ y o f St. M artin-in-

also listens to recordings and, o f course, attends

the-Fields, the Royal Philharmonic, and the

perform ances. H e first noted Bartoli in a

Philadelphia Orchestra.

Grammophone review o f her first com pact disc,






F a m e Is


not then available in the U nited States. Soon after., her m anagem ent sent him a prom otional tape, knowing o f his possible interest in scheduling her. Vengerov

Because o f his discernm ent, H arrim an did sign her and presented her in the 1990-91 program , another coup for W illiam Jewell students and the K ansas City audience. It was just one more instance o f his experience and knowledge in action. T he potential disadvantage o f his consistent achievement is that he will be taken for granted by the audiences who benefit by his leadership.

o f English cathedrals and o f Oxford

However, in a spirit o f service, Richard H arrim an is

colleges and the D avid Parsons D ance

not troubled by that risk. H e lets the program

Com pany know William Jewell, its student

speak for itself.

audiences, and its K an sas City patrons,

Because o f the program ’s virtues, William Jewell College is well known to m usicians across the

subscribers, and participants. T h e college, the program , and Richard

Western world. Leontyne Price loved singing in

H arrim an are also well known by arts

G ano Chapel for its com plim enting acoustics and

business agents, agencies, m anagem ent,

was on the series five times. M arilyn H orne m ade

and prom oters. T he business sense with

the program an im portant part o f nine o f her tours,

which H arrim an began the program was

and she has since included the Jewell series in her

clearly adept and savvy. Always quiet,

sponsorship o f young artists. M artin K atz, one o f

generally reserved, always courteous,

the very few at the top o f the list o f in-dem and col­

always well inform ed, he has always been

laborating pianists, knows well Richard H arrim an,

firm in insisting on high quality, the best.

the m usic faculty at Jewell, and som e o f the col­

H e negotiated with Sol H urok m anagem ent, with

lege’s students, so often has he been on the pro­

Colum bia Artists, with IC M , and with Shaw. He

gram and m ade him self available to give m aster

worked out o f gum ption and self-assurance right

classes. Phillip G lass lectured in Peters T heater on

from the start; for exam ple, to associate with one

cam pus. T he m em bers o f the St. Louis Symphony

agency would have been an easy way to begin a

Orchestra, Leonard Slatkin, and his successor fre­

series, but it would provide a platform for only that

quently include Jewell in their season. T he choirs

agency’s artists. H e says the tem ptation “ never

Marilyn Horne


Paul Taylor Dance Co.

occurred to m e.” Instead he chose to select each

H arrim an and D ean D unham elaborated their

artist and each year’s program one by one.

hopes into a proposal to the college administration;

According to H arrim an, “ I know which artists I

President H. G uy M oore caught the spirit o f the

want. I look at available lists. I weigh the offers on

dream and moved to support it.

phone contacts from m anagem ent, with many of which I’ve never done business.” As an English teacher who began the Fine Arts

T h e William Jewell College Fine Arts Program has becom e a K ansas City institution. It is accom ­ panied and supported by a Fine Arts G uild, a

Program out o f educational ideals, he showed

Society o f Patrons, and a Second Generation

extraordinary business capabilities. T h e beginning,

organization. T he business and social leaders o f

appropriately enough, took place in Jewell Hall, in a

K an sas City and its region recognize William Jewell

tiny two-teacher office and during one o f those

m ost o f all through this program ; those leaders

conversations that took the m easure o f the distance

choose to com e to Fine Arts events, then to sup­

between perceived reality and arching ideals.

port the program , and then to recognize William









Kiri Te Kanawa

Jewell’s powerful im pact on the community. It is

And after all, the history o f

not lost on them that Richard H arrim an is a leader

the William Jewell College Fine

with whom they enjoy associating, and many well-

Arts Program , in its more than

connected audience m em bers have becom e person­

three decades o f presenting fif­

al acquaintances or close friends. Their lives have

teen, eighteen, twenty events each

been directly affected by what he and the William

year, has been the history o f suc­

Jewell College Fine Arts Program have brought them.

cessive individual persons having

T he judgm ent with which Richard H arrim an

powerful m om ents—som e o f them

has guided the experiences o f so many, whether

peak lifetime experiences—o f illu­

they be initiates or themselves thoroughly seasoned,

mination and even intense joy.

is the expression o f a lifetime o f learning and o f a

They rem em ber specific events

unique persona. It is a powerfully influencing

that m ade a difference in their

sensibility that has m ade and continues to make an

lives. T he Fine Arts Program is

im portant impact.

a m onum ental legacy.

T h ose in the William Jewell community who know Richard as a friend, colleague, teacher, and m entor know him as one who has shaped their William Jewell experience. H e gives much credit to his many staff m em bers, including Charlotte Apple, Janet Hill, Kathy D unn, Anna Roberts Buckner, Carol Croley, and Clark M orris. All acknowledge that they have been strongly affected, shaped, and educated by his leadership. M any students have had striking and significant realizations about the power o f the arts and about the power o f hum an expression. M any have learned profound hum an Itzhak Perlman

meanings. M any have learned about themselves and have been reinforced in following their own

Marcel Marceau

talents and, whether artists themselves or not, have nurtured their own possibilities. Emanuel Ax &Y 0 Y0 Ma


with him in Jewell Hall, I becam e involved in the project. We both worked hard to get the program

By Richard Harrim an

established, but I believe the greater effort was his. T he docum ent that articulated the vision o f the

Reading D ean D unham ’s chapter about the Fine Arts Program reminds me what a kind person he is. His description o f the program is very generous to

Richard Harriman

program was signed by both o f us, but was com ­ posed by D ean. President M oore’s decision to create the Fine

me, but very m odest about his own contributions.

Arts Program coincided with D ean ’s decision to

The record should show that it was D ean ’s idea to

leave the college temporarily to do further graduate

create such a program at William Jewell College.

work. As a result I was appointed director o f the

Because I shared an English departm ent office

Fine Arts Program , and since then my life has never been the sam e. When D ean returned to the faculty four years later, he becam e my greatest source o f support and inspiration. His usual seat at the Folly T heater is directly behind mine, a pleasant reminder that the co-founder is always behind me, lending his counsel and encourage­ ment. H e rejoices with me in the program ’s successes and pretends not to notice the failures. I could not ask for a better colleague and friend.

American Ballet Theatre

Bolshoi Ballet





AT Brave





by G eorgia Bowm an

/ \ lthough the Catalogue statement had been

The trustees of the college

terse and minimal, the announcem ent o f the adm is­

have again decided to admit

sion o f women to William Jewell created ebullience

young women to the Collegiate

in the Septem ber, 1917, issue o f the Student. Read

Department without fully com­

the 30-point headline:

mitting the institution to coed­ ucation.

G IR L S ! G IR L S ! G IR L S ! Our T im e H as C om e At L ast and They Are Now A bout the Hill

By the next year they had backed away from the whole idea, deciding to per­

Actually, the ten young women who first

mit only those already

enrolled were not really on or o f the Hill yet. They

enrolled to continue, but

were assigned to an off-cam pus classroom known

adm itting no others.

as the Annex, under the chaperonage o f a “ M rs.

T h e Student continued

Swinney.” C lasses were held in that location, but

its enthusiastic support for

the girls o f necessity often climbed the hill for

coeducation; however, it

library and laboratory work and to attend their per­

noted that by 1919 the

sonal ethics class taught by the college president,

wom en’s scholastic average

Dr. John Priest Greene.

was 96.07, that o f the men

T h e “ girls” quickly launched into cam pus activ­ ities—the newspaper staff and a basketball team.

First ten “Jewells” on the Hill

was 85.60. So women stayed, and the college grad ually undertook efforts to provide an official dormi

T h e trustees rem ained ambivalent. T he 1919

tory. M elrose Hall was financed by an anonymous

Catalogue read:

donor and built at a cost o f $75,000.


15 o l a


n ra ve ana

1 rue No danger of distraction in old Carnegie Library. Girls were segregated on the glass-brick floored balcony.

Lady o f the cam pus was changed to honor the m em ory o f M rs. Kresse. As the years passed, women took places in every area o f cam pus life. Beauty reigned in 1924 when the Tatler Revue showcased not one but five queens. Brains as well as beauty flourished with M ary M argaret Jesse as the first woman editor o f the Student and four other women, including her sister Ruth, on the staff. By 1926, six N one o f the first ten coeds was the first woman to be graduated. T h at distinction went to M rs.

Mrs. Leona Kresse-the first woman to graduate from William Jewell, 1920

Two sororities appeared in the ’20s: Iota P i-

Leona K resse ’20. M rs. K resse had earned credits

1919 (later moving into national Beta Sigm a

at Central M issouri State Teachers College (now

Om icron, which in turn merged in 1964 with Zeta

Central M issouri State University), and with her

T au Alpha) and T N T (1922), which went national

ministerial student husband enrolled with advance

as Alpha D elta Pi in 1949. Alpha G am m a D elta

standing. Keeping house, heading the new C oeds

arrived in 1946, and D elta Zeta in 1961.

Club, playing basketball, studying, and caring for

Soon other wom en’s organizations sprang up:

the couple’s small daughter were new challenges.

Sigm a Rho,YW A, Beta Lam bd a, and Panaegis.

In addition, M rs. K resse was the first woman stu­

Sigm a R ho’s first eleven m em bers included young

dent assistant. As a senior she also taught a class in

women who were preparing for church or mission

freshman algebra.

work. T he Young W omen’s Association, a branch o f

H er connection with the college remained

the Southern Baptist Convention’s Young W omen’s

close. After graduation, as a teacher at H ardin High

Association, had the dual purpose o f m ission study

School, she encouraged a prize pupil, Wallace

and social activities. Beta Lam bda, a female biology

Hilton, who becam e nationally known in his work

society, later merged with the larger Beta Beta Beta.

as head o f the William Jewell physics departm ent.


women were on the debate squad.

Enduring the longest am ong these was

M oreover, in 1933 M rs. K resse brought her daugh­

Panaegis. Created in 1928 by Professor P. C aspar

ter, Estelle Anna, to enroll in the college. In the

Harvey, it was for half a century the m ost presti­

m id-’90s, the title o f the senior honored as First

gious honor society on cam pus. Lim ited to seven


senior women, its aim was to elevate the status o f


Friday and Saturday evenings

these sam e purposes continue since Panaegis was

7:30-9:50p.m., on the night

received as the Panaegis Chapter o f M ortar Board

before any college holiday, and on

in 1978. Nationw ide, women lost their singularity

completion of their examinations.

in this honor group when government regulations T he G reat D epression curtailed the college in

M elrose Hall o f President

salaries were cut, and student help at 20 cents an

did not mitigate the rigidity of

hour perform ed m ost cam pus services. T hrough

those rules, which were a bone

the diligence o f President John F. Herget, the col­

o f fem ale contention for years. From their

lege survived. So did women students, although

first arrival on cam pus, women had been rele­

their social life was strictly circum scribed by the

gated for their studies to the glass-tile-floored

regulations o f M elrose Hall. T he printed booklet o f

balcony o f the library, and they learned biology

M elrose regulations in the early ’30s read thus:

in girls-only classes with a woman teacher.

Social functions on Sunday are to be avoided in

Women joined the faculty ranks in the

such a way as to make the day one of quiet dignity and

’20s and ’30s. First was M ary Elm ore, assis­

worship. It is expected that all girls attend religious

tant to her professor father, Dr. J.C . Elm ore,

services sometime during the day.

chairm an o f the biology departm ent. N ext

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are

cam e Eleanor Burton, employed to teach

study nights. There will be no dating nor social functions

those segregated w om en’s biology classes.

in Melrose on these nights. During the months of September and October, April

Arriving fresh from a m aster’s degree at the

and May, girls are privileged to walk after dinner, pro­

only a full courseload in the English departm ent,

vided they are in Melrose by study hour—7:30 p.m.

but also developed Jewell’s first and ongoing theater

University o f K an sas, Virginia D. Rice assum ed not

Virginia D. Rice developed the theater department. She taught at William Jewell forty-six years, the longest tenure of any faculty member.

program . Perhaps not insignificantly, her first pro­

towns or cities for the day or part of the day, or go out

duction was Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, which dealt

for meals, without permission.

with the theme o f w om en’s em ancipation. M iss

provided permission is granted by the supervisor.

Mary Elmore- the first woman faculty member,

Even the residence in H erget’s niece, M argaret L ong,

Girls have the privilege of going home any weekend,



many ways. Buildings went unrepaired, faculty

Girls are not permitted to leave town, go to nearby


Girls may receive callers on

women and provide service to the college. M uch o f

dictated that M ortar Board m ust adm it men.


Rice bears the honor o f teaching longevity am ong women faculty m em bers: 46 years. G eorgia


W illiam Jew ell women who served in W orld W ar I I

M adeline Parrott m ade an 1 1,000-mile trip through thirteen states, achieving distinguished records in both debate and individual events.

Jeanne Anderson, SPAR

Florence Knicke, Army nurse

Elizabeth E. Berge, WAC

M ary E. Kugler, WAVE

Annajane Burkhardt, WAVE

Jan e Quick, WAVE

Professor Harvey often declared that “ Any ‘F irst’ is

Kate Byrd, WAVE

M arie M. Tipton, Army nurse

good publicity.” By the time o f World War II there

Wilellen Capps, WAVE

Ann Tripp, WAC

were few cam pus “ F irsts” to be gained by women

R ada M ae Corrigan, WAVE

Ramona Tripp, WAC

students. In the absence o f men gone to war, how­

Lillian M arie Crenshaw, Army nurse

Nellie Turner, WAC

ever, women dom inated alm ost every facet o f cam ­

Mildred Gash, WAVE

Helen VanDyke, WAC

pus life. In fact, Shirley Conkling and Juanita

M axine Hattaway, WAVE

M artha A. Morgan Walby, WAC

E dm ondson wanted to be ready to fight if neces­

Ruth E. Hayes, WAC

M artha Witthaus, WAVE

sary and enrolled in a program to learn to fly spon­

M artha Hoover, WAVE

L a Verne York, service not listed

sored by the Civil Aeronautics Association. Others

When he was director o f public relations,

sold war bonds and contributed to the Red Cross. Am ong the women not in direct military but in Because of the turmoil of the times, an accurate record of women who actually went to war is probably incomplete, but this list is compiled from reports in the college Alumni Bulletin.

Bow m an, com m unication, and Olive T h om as, biol­

allied services were Eunice Wagner and M ildred

ogy, held forth with 4 0 1/2 and 38 years, respectively.

M ason (later administrative assistant to Senator

D uring the thirties, student publications

Henry Jackson), Red C ross; Dorothy Phillips,

showed an ever-increasing num ber o f women in

recreational director, Army Air Force; M ildred

responsible roles: Tatler editors were Lucille Hall

Stoeltzing, civilian engineering aide in airborne

(Chiles) and N elda G reen; the Student staff list read

radio at Wright Field, D ayton; and Dorothy Woods,

like the m em bership o f the two sororities. D ebate

civilian departm ent head for visual aids at the U .S.

circles were equally invaded. Pi K ap p a D elta, the

Com m and and General Staff College, Leavenworth.

national forensics society, had a m em bership o f six women and nine men. M ary Belle Burch and

and students thinned. However, administrative

G eorgia Bow m an team ed to win a state debate

planning provided som e com pensation for the loss

championship. Both later taught at the college.

o f male students. T he Navy awarded the college a

M ary Belle and team m ate G race Prewitt, under

contract for a Naval Flight Preparatory School.

forensics director P. C aspar Harvey, traveled coast


As the war widened, the ranks o f male faculty

Contingents o f cadets moved in and out for

to coast on the longest trip ever taken by a wom en’s

three months o f preflight training. T h ese men were

team. A few years later, Audri A dam s and

quartered in M elrose H all, so the girls were moved


into the nearly empty fraternity houses, and the

a dollar a m onth—every year from the time o f her

rem aining fraternity men were housed in N ew Ely.

first teaching job until shortly before her death.

T he President’s H om e becam e Colonial H ouse;


Active as an undergraduate, she earned an M .A.

Arlington H all; and Phi G am m a D elta H ouse,

from the University o f M issouri Colum bia, a Ph.D.

Harm ony Hall. T h e last cadets left in 1945, and

from C olum bia University, and a professional

cam pus life began to return to normal.

D iplom a o f D ean o f Women. As a dean she worked University o f Arkansas, Little Rock. In a busy

at Jewell becam e internationally known in Baptist

schedule she also found time to serve as the first

circles as executive secretary o f the W om en’s

woman president o f the William Jewell Alumni

M issio n ary U n io n o f the So u th ern B a p tist

Association, 1971-1973.

degree o f hum anities by the college. T h e next dean o f women, M iss Catherine

In the post-war years the Student noted variously that Carrie E. Sprague had becom e a doctor in Bingham ton, N.Y.; that Lucy Herget, daughter o f

Bates, faced the perennial complaint about wom en’s

President Herget, was elected to Panaegis and

hours with at least a partial solution. In late 1950

Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

the good news was that juniors and seniors would

She later becam e a businesswom an in Cincinnati.

have midnight privileges Friday and Saturday

M ary Louise and Elizabeth Derwacter, daughters

nights, and men would be allowed to visit in the

o f Registrar F.M . Derwacter, left their perm anent

M elrose lounge each evening. (The general reaction

mark on the college as successive editors o f the

was “ Big d eal!-H u h !” )

Tatler. T he 1948-49 centennial edition by Elizabeth

Som e young women are leaders as undergradu­

won an All-American rating. Paivi Ahonen came

ates; others becom e leaders as they enter profes­

from Finland so fluent in English she was selected

sions. One o f these was Frances Lindsay. Who but

co-editor o f the Student her sophom ore year. She

a m athem atics teacher could budget a $75-a-m onth

returned to Finland, earned an advanced degree,

salary so as to make a monthly contribution to her

and becam e a high school English teacher.

alma mater? When in m id-D epression Dr. Herget

Tr u e

at both the University o f Oklahoma and the

appeared: M iss Alma H unt, who after her years

Convention. In 1958 she was awarded an honorary


Dorothy T ruex was never a shy little violet.

Sigm a N u H ouse, Hilltop H ouse; K .A . H ouse,

With peacetim e, a new dean o f women


A name appearing often in the campus newspaper

wrote a letter to alumni asking them to contribute

was that o f pretty little M yra Lane: Sigm a Tau

one dollar a month, Frances Lindsay responded,

D elta secretary, winner o f poetry awards, president

and had a record o f contributions—much more than

o f Alpha G am m a D elta and Panhellenic, forensics


Com m ittee and from time to time a teacher in the English departm ent. In yet another field, M ary Jo Sm ith, biology m ajor, debater, and a queen o f the Am erican Royal, found that a doctorate from the University o f Tennessee and co-authorship o f num erous scientific studies have led to a rewarding career in cancer research. T h e law is well represented by Linda French. After a busy four undergraduate years she graduated from law school, served as vice president and general counsel for Payless Cashways, then moved to the First members of Panaegis, 1928

faculty ofW illiam Jewell. As a volunteer for the squad, English assistant, Who’s Who, Panaegis, lead

Red C ross, she is now an honorary life m em ber o f

in the senior play. Arm ed with an M .A . and a

that service organization.

Ph.D ., M yra Lane U nger returned to the college and retired in 1996 after thirty-six years o f teaching in the English departm ent with em phasis on

graduates. From the departm ent o f m usic came

wom en’s studies.

Rosem ary Harrell Jackson. Both actress and vocal­

T he name o f a student who works twenty hours


D epartm ents that emphasize activities and per­ form ance have produced a series o f outstanding

ist, she sang in the Starlight Theatre chorus in

a week as a telephone operator and more hours as a

K an sas City. T his was a forerunner to a successful

psychology assistant does not appear often in the

professional career including teaching at D rury

social items o f a cam pus paper. So it was with Dr.

College. Another m usic m ajor was Suzanne Wolfe.

N eita Frohm uth. She starred academically, however:

Singing professionally in M ilan, Italy, she m arried

D ean ’s L ist for four years, Phi Epsilon, M .A . from

and chose to continue her career there. Cindy

H arvard, and Ph.D. from the University o f

Shepherd, or with proper dignity, Dr. Cynthia

M issouri, K an sas City. N eita Frohm uth Geilker,

Shepherd, becam e professor o f m usic at Howard

wife o f physics departm ent chairm an Dr. D on

Payne University. N ot to be confused with her is

Geilker, has her own enterprise in business com ­

Charleen Shepard, who has continued to charm

munication. She has remained closely associated

with her lovely voice as she teaches at Friends

with the college as an officer o f the W oman’s


Both men and women instructors have helped develop the talents o f students in every departm ent. In the m usic departm ent, Dr. Pauline Riddle has been a role m odel for more than twenty-five years. As director o f keyboard studies, she wrote four fulllength organ study books as well as a series for the keyboard magazine o f the Southern Baptist Convention. She has been vice president o f the Educational Division o f the Southern Baptist M usic Conference and dean o f the K an sas City chapter o f the Am erica G uild o f Organists. Starting as a m odest effort in 1970, the nursing departm ent has grown from ten students and two instructors to a departm ent that in the m id-’90s

Helen Kennedy, and Linda Ehrsam and from

had graduated 584 (nineteen men) state-qualified

debate team s like Rose Ellen Clark and Wylla Ruth

nurses. U nder the leadership o f Dr. Jeanne

D ecker; Joyce Parr and M ary Jo Sm ith; Anita

Johnson, twenty-four years on the staff, the fully

M cPike and N orm a Ruth R osendale; Aloah Burke

accredited departm ent has a remarkably high per­

and Ann Faubion; G eorgia Pearson and Cindy

centage-90 to 100 percent-of success in student

Hoover; and Linda Hopkins and Stephanie Teeter.

certification by the state nursing board. T h is fact,

As Title IX took effect, more opportunities for

along with dem anding instruction by such teachers

women opened in athletics. Leading the way was

as Dr. Ruth Edw ards, has m ade William Jewell

Carlene Basore, first woman m em ber o f the J Club.

nurses popular with area hospitals. A long list o f

A state high school tennis cham pion, she was the

significant honors marks Dr. Edw ards as an out­

M issouri Valley Collegiate champion. H er playing

standing educator.

in the N A IA m en’s divisions brought male protests,

Women are often charged with talking too

Llttle Women D,ama

but she played and won nevertheless, and m ade the

much. T h e departm ent o f com m unication has pro­

D ean ’s List all four years, besides. Another star, a

duced women speakers who are logical, organized,

swimmer, soon arrived. Christie Freem an won

and professionally com petent. Trophies in both

awards in France, England, and Australia, and the

wom en’s and open competition have com e to ora­

w om en’s water ski slalom in France. Well into the

tors and debaters like Ruth Ellen Halter, M ary

‘90s another woman m ade the J C lub, D onna


Brock. She won awards in swimming, but her

W illiam Jew ell women who served as foreign and home m issionaries

greater interest was in basketball, where she was a team mainstay for her entire college career.

Doris Jean Gibson Bellington

Miriam Lou Misner

Lisa Bohannon

Shirley Ann Nowlin Peach

Mildred Ruth Sleekier Brown

Barbara Dee Warren Peterson

scores o f women m issionaries, m inisters, and

M ary Ruth Carney

Wanda Lyvonne Ponder

church-related workers. Ordained ministers include

Bonnie Troop Costa

Amy Jo Perdew Purl

Connie Andress Stinson, Patricia Stuart Jacobs,

Ona Belle Cox Beverly June Stephens Curp Heather Duncan

M ary Jones Quick

M arty M atthews Barr, Jo Ellen Witt; Dr. Judith

From the departm ent o f religion have come

Patricia Reed

C raig (one o f three women bishops o f the U nited

Nona Tremain Renfrow

M ethodist Church) Ruth Ann Stark Sm ith and

Elma Elam

Marcia Lynne Jones Richardson

Betty June W inston Smith (Christian Church), and

Marie Sadler Eudaly

Dorris Ann Fuson Robinson

Betty Stone, (Congregational Church).

Doris Hauk Fowler

Wanda Mae Beckham Schweer

Marjorie Royston Fuller

Darlyne Horner Sears

administrative dem ands to publish or perish,

Janet Harvey Graves

June Tinsley Seat

women faculty m em bers have achieved significance

Shirley Kay Butler Hamer

Jessie Settle

in their fields at local and national levels.

Eunice Listrom Harvey

Helen Mitchell Sherer

Ruth Everley Hayes

Linda Susan Shrimpton Springate

ment, received three college honors in a single year:

Alice June Leavitt Hurst

Shea Strassberger

Advisor o f the Year, the Faculty Developm ent

Barbara Ramona Smith Hurst

Leona Marie Walker Troop

Award, and the Carl F. Willard Distinguished

Elizabeth Ruth Qualls Justl

Diana Sue Wolfe Wade

Teaching Award. T hese were but the culmination

Katya Karathanas

Thelma Edna Williams

o f a long list o f grants, honors, and accom plish­

M arian Louise Kammler Leftwich

Glenda Ruth Burk Wolfe

ments in previous years. D uring two sabbaticals

Vickie Tapp Malott

Sheryl Woods

her specialized studies centered on neurobiology

Helen Iola McClellan Manoogian

Charlotte Worley

and m olecular biology. At the college she has com ­

Em ployed to teach, and unencum bered by

Dr. Judith D ilts, chair o f the biology depart­

puterized the biology departm ent and developed a program o f undergraduate research. With National Science Foundation grants and the N orthland Excellence in Teaching Award, she has still found time to look out into her community. She instigated and organized the popular Liberty Recycling Program.



T hree H um anities Council grants, three faculty


home was Lutie Chiles. T he

Bureau, eight cam pus literary program s featuring

Jackson County native taught

African-American writers, youth leadership work­

first in rural schools, then in the

shop on “ Preparing to L ead in a M ulti-Cultural

K an sas City area. With an M .A .

World” -these are but a few o f the activities o f Dr.

from Colum bia University and

Cecelia Robinson, English professor. She also has

further training at Northwestern

developed a m ajor project, the Pens Across the

University, she becam e director

M etroplex Pen Pal program . T his activity, with

o f elementary education at

A T & T corporate support, links urban and subur­

William Jewell. She originated Elem entary

ban elementary students across econom ic, geo­

Education Day, which annually brought up to 400

graphical, and racial ethnic lines in a letter

elementary teachers to the cam pus for conferences

exchange. M ore than 10,000 children have partici­

and lectures. After retirement, she m ade two trips

pated. T h e end o f the year get-together unites as

to A m m an, Jordan, as a lay volunteer m issionary

many as 3,000 o f them in a day o f fun and celebra­

teacher. For years she m anaged both the children’s

M any Jewell alum nae have traveled far from easily have m ade their mark in New York or

done a good part o f the work.”

T he nightingale voice o f Helen Early could have

Irene L a Frenz stayed on home ground, too. Irene From an, a 1924 graduate, was prom inent on the cam pus when young women were few.

led her to a professional singing career. Instead, she

M arrying Vern L a Frenz, college m athem atics pro­

opted to remain in Liberty as a businessw om an. As

fessor, she too taught m athem atics, at Liberty High

an undergraduate she belonged to every vocal

School. H er husband said, “ She sent me good stu­

group on cam pus. Thereafter she shared her talents

dents.” She was also a strong contributor to the

freely, and was a m em ber o f the Second Baptist

activities o f her church and college organizations.

Church choir for seventy-three years; other church

Helen Early receiving her Citation for Achievement

and adult libraries o f the Second Baptist Church. so long I can’t rem em ber, but Irene L a Frenz has

to speak, and should be classed as “ H om e Stars.”


Asked how many years, she m odestly replied, “ Oh,

Liberty in their professions. But som e who might California have stayed “ right here in River City,” so


Also reaching out from

papers, scholar lecturer for the Am erican Speakers’

tion on the William Jewell cam pus.


Lutie Chiles ’ leadership in the elementary education department brought national recognition to William Jewell.

Christine Griffey Pugh stayed at home, m arry­

work, officership in the D aughters o f the Am erican

ing history professor U .R. Pugh. H er twenty-four

Revolution, and m em bership on the Alumni Board

years at Liberty High School were not limited to

o f G overnors are am ong her activities.

teaching English. H er form er students know she


was one o f the best. H er good friends call her

Soroptim ist International o f Liberty, an elder o f

“ M rs. President,” the professional office holder.

the Presbyterian Church, William Jewell’s M rs.

She has been president o f the Fortnightly Study

Alum na, and an Achievement D ay honoree.

C lub, Am erican Association o f University Women,

Vivian Green O ’Dell, like Lucile Davis, followed

Baptist Women and W omen’s M issionary U nion in

the business route. The Liberty Shopper News, under

Liberty, D elta K ap p a G am m a, and the K an sas City

her m anagem ent, began as a small free-distribution

Browning Society. Work on several state boards has

publication and grew to becom e a m ajor newspaper

not kept her from serving on the Liberty cemetery

in Liberty. Her civic involvement includes service to

and library boards and on college alumni committees.

the Liberty Cham ber o f Com m erce, as a leader in

Lucile Hall Davis em erged as a prominent

helping establish a Liberty sister-city link with

Liberty businessw om an when few women were

Diekirch, Luxem bourg, as the Soroptimist Club

found at m anagerial levels. She owned the Lucile

president, and as a sponsor o f a new Northland

Davis Shop, an exclusive store for w om en’s wear.

Soroptimist Club. Immediately upon retirement she

Active in civic affairs, she worked on city boards

enlisted in the Peace Corps for a two-year stint teach­

and com m issions, was a six-term director o f the

ing small business management in Lesotho, Africa.

Liberty Cham ber o f Com m erce, president o f

Although not a native o f Liberty, Juarenne M oore H ester has stayed here and m ade notable contributions to the community. After busy under­ graduate years, this 1956 graduate earned a gradu­ ate degree from the University o f M issouri at K an sas City and taught in both the public schools and at William Jewell. Now retired, she has been general chair o f the Sesquicentennial Committee. Previously she has served as president o f the Liberty H ospital Board, as a m em ber o f the Liberty City Council, o f the A ssistance League, P.E.O., D aughters o f the Am erican Revolution, and William Jewell Alumni Association. Perhaps her m ost challenging and successful activity came as

Women's basketball team, 1919

chair o f a bond and levy cam paign for Liberty public schools.







Becky Speaker D em psey m ust have felt quite at home when she entered William Jewell, whose alumni involved her aunt and both o f her parents. Becky’s triple fields o f activity involved extensive church work, service to the college, and dram a. A talented character actress, she is a cast m em ber and officer o f the Liberty Com m unity Theatre. Who would think o f an art teacher concerning

Anita Gorman

herself with the entire athletic program o f a college? T h at is N ancy Chrism an Jones, a latecom er am ong women “ firsts.” As a m em ber o f the alumni board o f governors, she chaired or co-chaired its athletic commission for six years. This group has rejuvenated alumni interest in the athletic program and devel­ oped an alumni athlete “ parenting” program . N ancy Jones has contributed hundreds o f hours on college phone-athons and in locating lost alumni through com puter search. T he spring o f 1977 saw the election o f Anita M cPike G orm an as the second woman president o f the alumni association. L ess than twenty years later, she was selected as a m em ber o f the board o f trustees. In those intervening years this K an sas City N orthland citizen has led million-dollar cam ­ paigns for civic and m ajor service projects. One o f her m ost challenging tasks was, as chair o f the K an sas City parks and recreation board, leading the successful cam paign for a $50 million upgrade o f the K an sas City Zoo. She has been called the “ fountain lady,” because o f her prom otion o f fountains in the K an sas City area. One particular

Audri Adams and Madeline Parrott travel 11,000 miles on a debate trip and are interviewed on NBC.


Citations for Achievem ent Ms. Ruth Weyand

Miss Helen Cairnes Early

Mrs. M ary Lou Manring Chapman

Dr. Georgia Bowman

Mrs. Dorothy Ray White

Mrs. Jacqueline Williamson Hollis

Dr. M ary Elmore Sauer

Mrs. Rosemary Harrell Jackson

Dr. Judith Craig

Dr. Dorothy A. Truex

Miss Virginia Dougherty

Mrs. Aloah Burke Kincaid

Mrs. M ary Margaret Jessee Mayfield

Mrs. Ruth Jessee Strange

Dr. Carol Rowland Hogue

Mrs. Virginia Stuart Ditzen

Miss Alice Ann Biggerstaff

Mrs. Marilyn Chandler Barth

Mrs. Ora Gaunce Thornberry

Dr. Carol Ann Reece

Mrs. Clara Jones Lowry

Mrs. Lucille Hall Chiles

Dr. Joyce Parr Schaie

Mrs. Linda J. French

Mrs. Verlia Short Russell

Mrs. Francine Coffey Morin

Dr. Linda Ehrsam Voigts

Mrs. Eleanor Burton Harding

Dr. M ary Jo Smith Evans

Miss Joyce E. Shriver

Mrs. Margaret Davidson Lee

Mrs. Esther Tateishi Sato

Mrs. Marie Duff Stewart

Dr. Carrie Sprague

Mrs. Zena Payne Page

Mrs. Nancy Warren Fuchs

Miss Everley Hayes

Mrs. Dorcas Hauk Fowler

Mrs. Patsy Ruth Beltzer

Mrs. Cyrena Morris Tucker

Dr. Charlotte Potter Darnell

Mrs. Deborah DeLong

Mrs. Elva Allen Stokes

Mrs. Anita McPike Gorman

Miss Wanda L. Ponder

Mrs. Lucile Hall Davis

Mrs. Augusta E. Hayes Mrs. Irene Simon Thomas

Dr. Constance Burkhardt Nelson

Dr. Gladys Ward Ritchie

Mrs. Diane Betts Adams

Mrs. Mildred Halferty Bland

Dr. Lois Schille Eikleberry

Ms. Shirley Williams

Mrs. Ramona Tripp Livingston

Miss Lutie Chiles, special citation

Mrs. Karen McGuigan

Dr. Rita Dossey Ryan

Mrs. Jeannie Freeman Maddox

Ms. Dorothy Sword

Dr. Edna M ae Mitchell Steiner

fountain area has been nam ed Anita G orm an Park

be m entioned here. T h e list o f those who have offi­

in her honor. She has served as com m issioner o f

cially received Citations for Achievement represent

the M issouri D epartm ent o f Conservation and as a

the wealth o f talent and accom plishm ents o f

board m em ber o f the Salvation Army. H er awards

William Jewell women.

and citations num ber more than a dozen.


Other outstanding women by the dozen could

M any influences bear on young people as they emerge to adulthood-som e are individuals, som e



are groups. Often students never realize what

H er assistant, M rs. Pat Dillon, rem ains after thirty-

forces have had a part in shaping their thinking or

nine years as o f 1998, a wealth o f knowledge and

providing unseen support or stabilizing their envi­

helpfulness to students in the registrar’s office.


quented by students, but when one appears, the

m ean much to the sm ooth functioning o f college

greeter was for many years M rs. Joan Lawrence.

life. M iss Opal Carlin, librarian for thirty-five years,

For thirty-three years the

dream ed o f a new facility. She saw the demolition

myriad details o f the busi­

o f old Carnegie Library and planned the transfer,

ness o f four college presi­

by 450 students, o f 90,000 volumes from the old to

dents have passed through

the new building. With the opening o f Curry

her flexible hands—E.W.

Library, w om en’s library segregation was gone for­

H olzapfel, T h om as S.

ever, but M iss Carlin did not live to know that. She

Field, J. G ordon Kingsley,

died before the 1965 dedication.

andW. Christian Sizemore.

“ C am pus h ostess” describes M rs. G ladys

Equally efficient in arrang­

D avidson. For ten years she and husband Ralph

ing administrative affairs is

were houseparents at the m en’s dormitory. After

M rs. N ancy Sherrick.

Mr. D avidson’s death, “ Davey” becam e house­

Acting as a bulwark for

mother successively for Arlington H all, T N T , and

twenty-six years against

Beta Sigm a Omicron. When all the sororities moved

students dem anding to see

into Sem ple H all, she was appointed hostess at

the academ ic dean at once

Yates College U nion, and a gracious one she was as

is M rs. Ardi Sharp. M rs.

she completed thirty-seven years of college affiliation.

Ruth Turnage in the student affairs and adm issions

voice o f M rs. M abel Lozier, helpful switchboard operator for seventeen years, plus another nine as



T he college president’s office is not often fre­

Aside from actual instructors, staff m em bers

M em orable to many students was the cheerful


offices has helped guide several generations o f stu­

Joan Lawrence, Jewell’s “Ambassador” to the President’s office, with Dr. Sizemore, 1997

dents into the college. For years, housem others were the ones who

efficient mail clerk. And there was M rs. D eola

sent coeds back to their room s for boots and coats

Gairrett, registrar for thirty-two years. In the early

in bad weather, who frowned and chided at

days o f somewhat cum bersom e com puter service

unseemly noises, and who gave out dem erits for

she once noted that she could issue grade reports

rule infractions. M any have come and gone. Four

by hand faster than the early com puter could do it.

particularly popular housem others retired the sam e


year, 1953. T hey were M rs.

Alma H unt, Dr. Catherine Bates, M rs. Dorothy

A.G . Byrns, M rs. Frank

Patterson, and M iss Johnnie H um an. T hen, no

Fristoe, M rs. G race Stanley,

more. Women deans gave way to on overall dean o f

and M iss M ary Mitchell.


Carolyne G eer Hester,

Carolyne Geer Hester

along with husband Dr. H .I.

much thought to who keeps the cam pus running.

Hester, chairm an o f the reli­

Many women are behind the scenes, largely unknown

gion departm ent, presided over

personally to the men and coeds whose dorm s and

M elrose Hall as houseparents.

classroom s they clean, and whose m eals they serve,

From M rs. H ester, a girl

and who plant the flowers that brighten the campus.

learned to be a lady. N o girl

W ithout the housekeepers, food service staff, and

dared to use loud or boisterous

grou n dsk eepers, the college just w ould not work.

language or run through a cor­

Ex-officio friends behind the scenes include

ridor. N o girl might appear in

Betty Shouse ’48, who found her career in the

the dining room in robe or

K an sas City Public Library. M ore im portant to

bedroom slippers or hair

William Jewell have been her many financial contri­

curlers. One cam e to meals

butions, always geared to student improvement.

properly dressed. At each long

Involved in the life o f the college for many o f

table, covered with a white cloth, girls took turns as

her more than ninety-nine years was M rs. Florence

hostesses, passing the bowls o f food prepared by

Bowles. O f Belgian descent, she becam e the

mistress-of-the-kitchen, M rs. Elsie Keller—“ M a.”

charm ing bride o f young football coach R .E.

Lights out at midnight (controlled from a central

Bowles. Active in church work and Faculty Wives,

switch). And woe unto the girl whose bed was

she reared five children. All are William Jewell

unm ade or whose “ secret” coal oil lamp was not

graduates, as are two daughters-in-law and two

hidden in a closet on M onday m orning room

grandsons. Im pacting strongly on students has


been her son, Dr. Richard P. Bowles, for many

G one long before the nineties were such rules, and so, too, were motherly housem others, replaced


While they are in school, students may not give

years the college physician and a m em ber o f the board o f trustees.

by young resident directors. However, deans o f

N o prizes were awarded to her when in 1963

women abided for many years. T h e list includes

M rs. J.L . Downing was the oldest person ever to

M iss Ruth Lindsey, M iss Ruth M cD aniel, M iss

earn a degree at the college. T h is she accom plished


after a career as a m issionary in Brazil. Three women who never attended William


Kim zey D avis (C olorado W omen’s College), wife o f

adequate library, laboratory, and dorm itory facili­

physics Professor John D avis, was sponsor o f T N T

ties. Two items were lacking—a dean o f women and

sorority, and continued after its affiliation with

a full athletic program for women. T h ese deficien­

Alpha D elta Pi. When she died in 1967 she left a

cies were rem edied with the appointm ent o f M iss

son, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a grandson and

Ruth Lindsey as dean o f women in 1936, and

his wife, and two granddaughters as Jewell alums.

employment o f M iss Lois Wisler in 1941 as the full­ time director o f girls’ physical education. As individuals can have large influence on peo­

M rs. M iriam Derwacter (Vassar). Dr. Derwacter

ple and events, so can individuals when they are

taught G reek and was the college registrar. T he

allied in groups.

couple had as one o f their projects the sponsorship

At the time o f World War I, faculty wives found

o f Phi Epsilon, the local equivalent o f Phi Beta

a place for themselves in the Faculty Wives Club

K appa. M rs. Derwacter also sponsored Sigm a Rho.

under the leadership o f the college president’s wife,

With the haunting m usic o f her parents’ native

M rs. John Priest Greene. Ultimately, the group

Russia in her soul, Victoria Unruh Harvey (Fort

evolved into the W omen’s Auxiliary, which included

Hays State College) was a poet whose words sang.

both faculty wives and women faculty mem bers.

N o t at all overpowered by the strong personality o f

Women o f the secretarial staff organized

her husband, P. C aspar Harvey, English professor,

C O R E -C o llege Office Related Em ployees (as one

forensics coach, alumni secretary, and public rela­

m em ber laughingly explained, “ We didn’t want the

tions director, she had a career in writing all her

word ‘w om an’ in the title because som e day the

own. It was as the faithful sponsor o f Iota Pi, then

adm inistration might hire a male postal clerk or

Beta Sigm a Om icron, then Zeta Tau Alpha, that she

som ething.” ). T his ongoing group holds monthly

left her lasting im pression on the many young stu­

luncheon meetings and workshops and has pu b­

dents who loved her. In addition, the Harvey home

lished and marketed two cookbooks.

was for years the regular meeting place o f Sigm a Tau D elta literary society. T hese three women, along with other college and university graduates in Liberty, carried on a


lege by the Am erican Association o f University Women. M ost qualifications had been met, such as

ties, especially the M others’ and Alumnae Clubs, was


persistent effort to obtain accreditation for the col­

Jewell also had a profound influence. M rs. Sylvia

Working closely with M rs. Davis on T N T activi­


One day in 1965 several women were enjoying coffee at the home o f M rs. Polly Quick Bowles. “ We ought to have som e kind o f a women gradu­ ates organization on the Hill,” som eone remarked.


T h at was the beginning o f the W oman’s

N o t a faculty mem ber, not an advisor, not a

Com m ittee, form ed to provide service, enhance

group m em ber, and never a student, one other

cam pus appearance, and foster interest in the col­

woman deserves final mention. H er last name all

lege. First president was M rs. Polly Bowles (always

but forgotten, she was always known as “ Aunt

a leader, she was First Lady o f the cam pus her sen­

Kitty.” She presided over Vardeman D ining Hall in

ior year). Other founding m em bers were Louella

the 1890s. At the door she rang the bell for meals

Reppert, M arilyn Halferty, Dixie Pollard, Irene

and chided those who cam e late. She brandished

T h om as, Elise Cooper, N orm a Ruth Guilfoil,

her rolling pin at the boys who teased her, ruled

Carole Johnson, M ary L o u Chapm an, and Gertrude

over the young men who cut 300 slices o f her

Bell. M ajor projects have included annual w om en’s

bread for every meal, and bossed the “ preacher

scholarships and gifts o f cultural and artistic acqui­

boys” who waited tables. Sm all, wiry, and energetic,

sitions. M em bership includes alum nae, m others o f

queen o f her kitchen, Aunt Kitty was William

students, and women friends o f the college.

Jewell’s “ First Lady.”


GREEK Loyalty,


LIFE Allegiance,



True 1978 homecoming float

by John T ruex and K it T ruex M air

yVjTemories o f alm ost 128 years (1871-1999) o f

Christmas caroling ... writing a

life as a G reek at William Jewell conjure up many

Tatler Revue sk it... practice for

nostalgic m om ents o f various activities in which

Tatler Revue ... winning Tatler

sororities and fraternities engage during the year.

Revue ( or not) ... Tatler Revue

Such a listing is form idable by any standard and

Queens ... Pan-Hellenic ... Inter­

would include (but is not limited to):

fraternity Council... Greek Sing

...summer rush parties ... preschool return to cam­

Competition ... Quad Games I & I I ... CUA Activities Fair ...

pus and preparation for rush week ... house and meet­

date dashes ... snowball fights ...

ing room spruce-up ... rush week parties and presenta­ tion ... “hot boxes ” with rushees ... legacies ... bids for

picnic dinners ... conviviums ... White Rose Form al...

new pledges ... silent period ... Pledge Day ... Greek ral­

week ... Killarney B a ll... Cow Chip Bingo ... Ronald

lies on the square ... formal pledging ... pledge duties ...

McDonald ... Special Olympics ... Hay daze ... Black

pledge parties for the actives ... “Hell Week ” (no longer

Diamond B a ll... Tahiti Sweetie ... Gay Nineties Party

in vogue) ... initiation to active status ... solemn rituals

... Battle of the Bands ... intramural football... softball

... intramural athletics ... Homecoming floats and house

... basketball... graduation activities ... tearful good­

decorations ... open houses and chili suppers ... informal

byes ... alumni dinners ... class reunions ... at five-ten-

Founder’s Day ... Fiji Weekend ... Old South ... Crown

dances at the house ... pinnings and serenades ... study

twenty-five-fifty years-even sixty and seventy years-

sessions ... Chapter GPA ... Pledge Fathers ... Big

when sorority sisters and fraternity brothers return and

Sisters ... Little Sisters ... Fall formals ... bridge games

... remember when!!

... chess games ... Hearts ... phone-a-thon competition ... car washes ... picnics ... trick or treating ... charita­ ble projects at Thanksgiving and Christmas ...

1977 Homecoming Queen, Dee Ann Henry

And this listing—as incomplete as you alone will recall—includes no time set aside for classes, library,


chapel, eating, sleeping, dating, studying, or any o f the other necessities o f life at William Jewell! But these activities help bind together a

With the m eager resources o f both students and facilities one can be assured that this society was an extracurricular activity. It was spawned by natural competitiveness for both excellence and freedom

group o f individuals into a strong force o f good

from classroom discipline, organized by students

for each other and for themselves. T he friendships

but carefully guided and supported by the faculty.

m ade last a lifetime as letters, phone calls, and get-

In reasonably short order, a com peting group,

togethers forge an even tighter bond o f fraternal

the “ Excelsiors,” was form ed in 1857—no doubt by

love with each contact. And now the emergence o f

a num ber o f dissident students who were not invit­

the Internet and e-mail opens up an even greater

ed to becom e Philomathians. Both o f these groups

opportunity to stay in touch over the years.

had mottoes, colors, flowers and mascots. Naturally, com petition becam e keen between the two groups—


both for m em bers and in the fields o f oratory, debate, readings and music. In essence, they were

T h e earliest Am erican society bearing a G reek letter nam e was Phi Beta K ap p a, founded in D ecem ber 1776 at the College o f W illiam and

literary societies that helped improve the speaking and presentation skills o f many students and aided a great num ber o f ministerial students in the art

Mary. T h is had been preceded by a society o f

o f pulpiteering. Each group had a meeting room,

somewhat uncertain nature called T he Flat H at,

ornately furnished, on the third floor o f Jewell Hall

which saw birth in 1750. While that first fraternity

and convened on Friday evenings with reasonable

(BK) had all the characteristics o f a present-day

em phasis on social functions so that female com ­

chapter, it becam e, in about 1820, a school honor

panions might be invited.

society—focusing on scholarship. C om m on interests and secret societies have prevailed throughout history, and so it was not unusual that the men o f W illiam Jewell would organize groups for both scholarly and social purposes. T h e earliest group on the Hill was a literary

T hese two organizations generated the basic thrust o f school spirit along with the obvious benefits o f public speaking. Both o f these groups rem ained active until the early 1920s but gradually dw indled in m em bers and influence as other cam pus groups becam e formalized. Som e o f these other organizations included D er D eutsche K lub,

society called the “ Philom athians” founded in

J C lub, Buttinskies, K een Spitters, Quo Vadis,

1853, four years after classes were first begun.

Square and C om pass, state and city clubs and, o f

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma

course, the senior elite Sons o f Rest. At William Jewell College the fraternity system

fraternities, when properly organized and conducted. They were determ ined to becom e a chapter o f

was brought to the cam pus from the University

som e college fraternity and bring into practical

o f M issouri about 1871. One o f the six charter

operation “ the ideals which they had conceived.”

m em bers was J.C . Arm strong ’74, who later

T h u s on January 20, 1887, a charter was granted

becam e college librarian and was known as “ Ole

by K ap p a Alpha Order to Alpha D elta chapter.

Pussyfoot” (probably because he enforced the

While som e accounts indicate that “ the Phi G am s

separate study areas for men from women). Zeta

entertained the K A s at a banquet which was

Phi was a secret society o f an exclusive nature, with

returned in kind,” other accounts suggest that

each m em ber given a name o f a great man o f the

“ T he Fijis instantly accused the initiative o f this

past, (e.g., “ Francis Bacon,” “ Carlyle,” “ M irabeau,”

chapter ... and rivalry between the two orders

“ D israeli,” “ Bunyan,” etc.). Since this was the only

becam e intense. For a girl to date a m em ber o f

organization o f this type on cam pus, the chapter

K ap p a Alpha m eant that her name was immediately

grew and em braced generally the best students.

taken from the Fiji invitation list.” N ow there were

M eanwhile, the founder o f Zeta Phi, Professor

two national fraternities on the Hill. T h e third national fraternity, Sigm a N u , had its

o f expanding his fraternity but he soon becam e

origin from a local club known as the PheYodhs,

more interested in getting his two chapters o f Zeta

Hebrew letters for “ F J,” which form ed the initial

Phi to be taken in as chapters o f a national, Phi

letters o f the fraternity motto. T he PheYodhs existed

G am m a D elta. T his occurred on April 24, 1886.

for a year, 1892-93, and then form ed a resolve to

T he national office perm itted the Jewell Chapter

affiliate with Sigm a N u , which had three chapters

to becom e Zeta Phi o f Phi G am m a D elta, thus

in M issouri—at the University o f M issouri, M issouri

becom ing the first fraternity o f note to emerge at

Valley College, and Central College (currently

William Jewell.

Central M ethodist College). So in a private dining

A bout this time there was a “ loose” organiza­

room o f the historic C oates H ouse in K an sas City

tion o f non-fraternity men known as the “ Invincible

on January 6, 1894, Beta X i chapter o f Sigm a N u

Twenty-Three,” whose avowed purpose was antago­

was chartered at William Jewell College.

nistic to the existence o f G reek letter fraternities in


tem, cam e to the conclusion that there was good in

probably began with the Zeta Phi fraternity, which

Oren Root o f the University o f M issouri, thought


In 1897 a fourth fraternity was established on

the college (i.e. Phi G am m a D elta). N ine o f these

the Hill, that o f K appa Sigm a, Alpha Omega chapter.

men, after closer study o f the college fraternity sys­

T h is was the first chapter to be established in


Phi Gamma Delta Chapter house, 1948-

M issouri. K app a Sigm a left the cam pus during the

o f ministerial students in the student body. In the

G reat D epression in 1936 and has not been rechar­

fall o f 1915, the m ajor portion o f the inhabitants

tered. Nonetheless, we include their forty-year his­

on New Ely (Third Floor West found themselves

tory because o f the num ber o f

bound by a community o f interests. M oved by no

men who becam e affiliated and

loftier purpose than a feeling o f fellowship and fra-

their im portance in the early

ternalism, the nine men founded a secret society

years o f this century.

“ Zeta C h i” and for two years existed sub rosa. They

Four national fraternities

held regular meetings, pledged and initiated men

rem ained for eighteen years,

and, for all intents and purposes, were a fraternity,

all during the presidency o f

housed on Third West, decorated in blue and

beloved President John Priest

white. By 1917, they had grown to a mem bership

Greene. Jewell was still an all

o f thirty-one, had developed a constitution and

men’s school with a large number

complete ritual and em blem s, and on Friday, April 13, 1917, they petitioned the faculty to be recog­ nized as a social fraternity. T his request was granted a week later and the official stam p o f approval by the college acknowledged the fifth fraternity—albeit a “ local” organization. T his situation—five fraterni­ ties—rem ained until 1936 when K app a Sigm a lost its charter. T hen in 1942, after several possible affiliations with national fraternities had been pursued, Zeta C h i’s gained acceptance by Lam bda Chi Alpha. Interestingly, Zeta Chi came into exis­ tence while the country was engaged in World War I (1917) and L am bda Chi Alpha during World War II (1942). One might have thought this a m ost unlikely occurrence since many o f the men were going into military service. And so this brief synoptic history outlines the

Fiji brothers on bid day, 1997

beginnings o f fraternities at William Jewell College. Since then these five fine organizations have collec-


Loyalty3 Allegiance,

tively initiated more than 6,075 men who have an

mystery to its doings ... no one ever got into the

added connection to their loyalty to William Jewell

secret order who did not have a high standard

C ollege—a special bond o f brotherhood that has

morally and also a good scholastic record ... no one

grown stronger over the years.

seem ed to know who, when, or where they met,




what they did or were trying to do.” Perusal o f the Phi Gam m a Delta

Phi G am m a D elta was founded in April, 1848,

William Jewell Student from 1881 to 1887 shows only minimal reference to any activities o f Zeta Phi,

at Jefferson College in C anonsburg, Pa. T he badge,

although this publication was primarily literary in

known as the founder’s badge, is lozenge shaped,


black with a white star above the G reek letters Phi G am m a D elta. T h e color is royal purple; the flower is the purple clematis. T he pledge pin is a white

Phi Gam m a Delta- Zeta Phi Chapter

In the m id-1880s both the University o f

five-pointed star. T he flag is rectangular in shape

M issouri and William Jewell Chapters o f Zeta Phi

with a white star in the upper right-hand corner

were considering petitioning larger national frater­

o f the royal purple background which displays the

nities. T he University o f M issouri (Alpha) chapter

fraternity’s Greek letters. International headquarters

joined Beta T heta Pi and Sigm a joined Phi G am m a

are in Lexington, Ky.

Delta. Both asked to use the name o f Zeta Phi as the chapter designation. Both requests were approved,

Zeta Phi

thus perpetuating the old pioneer fraternity.

As stated earlier in the Prologue, the Zeta Phi

T he Phi G am m a D elta charter at William Jewell

fraternity was the first social fraternity established

was granted on April 24, 1886, followed by a formal

at William Jewell College. T his (Sigm a Chapter)

installation on M ay 29 in Excelsior Hall. There

was a branch o f the mother chapter at the University

were fifteen charter m em bers o f this, the fifty-fourth

o f M issouri and was chartered in N ovem ber, 1871,

chapter o f Phi G am m a Delta.

with six charter members. T he chapter was installed

T h e first meeting hall rented downtown burned

at the Arthur H ouse Hotel on the southeast corner

about a month later. Other locations were rented

o f the “ square” —considered at that time to be the

on the square and in town for the next few years

finest hotel west o f the M ississippi. Accounts o f the

until the first home owned by the chapter was pur­

meetings o f Zeta Phi include: “ Our meetings were

chased in 1913, located at 203 E ast M ississippi

held in such vacant room s as we could find, and

Street. T h at house served the fraternity well except

usually in darkness ... it was surrounded with a

for two brief periods, one o f renovation in 1934-35


following the great Liberty fire o f A ugust 10, 1934,

ated with the Tatler Revue, which was founded by

and the other following the use by Jewell women

Lowell Ditzen ’33. For nearly forty years o f skits at

during World War II. In 1948 the form er K appa

Tatler Revue the Fijis used a dance line o f brothers

Sigm a residence on South Leonard Street was

a la “ the Rockettes” and in so doing received more

acquired. It housed the fraternity while plans were

than their share o f top awards at Tatler Revue prim a­

com pleted for a move to the new fraternity com plex

rily under the alumni supervision o f Ray Barr ’33.

on cam pus.

“ Fiji Week” evolved from the older initiation “ Hell Week” with its hazing and pranks. T his week now becam e a focus on the history o f the fraternity and chapter and the responsibilities o f an active member. Special em phasis was placed on local social projects to help the disadvantaged. Since Phi G am m a D elta was the first fraternity on the Hill, the early days saw an extra num ber o f achievements in various areas o f the m en’s college. At one time the president (Herget), English professor (Fruit), and the venerated librarian (Armstrong) were all Phi G am s. D epartm ents have been endowed and nam ed in honor o f Dr. Fruit, Dr. Sem ple, and Francis Antoine ’ 17. Chairs have been endowed by A. M ajor Hull ’38 and in honor o f Wallace A. Hilton ’33. Am ong the several alumni advisors to Zeta

Fiji “Rockettes,” 1973

Over the years the Phi G am s have established num erous traditions. One o f the earliest was the

Withers ’27, Frank H ester ’67, M ike Fligg ’61, and

“June Banquet, a gala social occasion which meant

Jim Berry ’57. A complete history o f the chapter

fifty cents and a buggy for two or a carriage for

was written in 1936 and updated in 1961 by Dr.

four.” T his gave way to a ’Possum Supper, which

Wallace A. Hilton ’33, honored professor o f physics.

was replaced with the N orris Pig Dinner, an evening


Phi Chapter have been John E. Davis ’07, Conn

T h e White Science Center as referenced in

o f fun, fellowship, and reunioning by alumni that

Chapter 3 was nam ed in honor o f John F. White

continues to this day. Another tradition was associ­

’67, a chairm an o f the college board o f trustees.

L o y a l t y , All egiance, Alma

As o f February 1998 1,556 men have been

C ollege’s form er historical

legion o f men who have served their college and

m useum once boasted as an

fraternity well.

exhibit a hand-written letter from General Lee to the

K app a Alpha Order was founded in D ecem ber


Convivium. William Jewell

initiated into Zeta Phi at William Jewell, a proud

Kappa Alpha Order


Robert E. Lee, spiritual founder of the Order

college’s “ Excelsior Society.” Lee wrote the note in 1868

1865 at Washington and Lee University in Lexington,

accepting a proferred m em ­

Va. T he current badge consists o f one gold shield

bership in that society.

superim posed on another with a G reek cross o f gold within the circle with the gold letters K A above on a black field. T he colors are crim son and

Alpha Delta Chapter

As indicated earlier,

old gold; the flowers are the m agnolia blossom and

Alpha D elta o f K app a

the red rose. T he flag consists o f three bars o f

Alpha was chartered at

equal width in crim son, white and old gold with a

Jewell on January 20,

crimson G reek cross on the middle white bar.

1887, to nine men for­

International headquarters are in Lexington, Va.

merly o f the anti-Greek

T h e four founders o f K app a Alpha were great

“ invincible twenty-

adm irers o f the university president, General

three.” Charter was

R obert E. Lee. They, along with Brother Sam uel

accepted at the Arthur

Zenas Am m en, conceived a ritualistic foundation

H ouse, similar to the

and pattern o f tradition em bodied by General Lee,

Phi G am chartering.

who was then accepted as the “ spiritual founder” o f

Subsequently the chap­

the order. B aird’s M anual states, “ with A m m ens’

ter began m eeting in the

complete revision o f the ritual, K app a Alpha Order

office o f D r. W illiam H. Buckley, a dentist who

was given an identity which set it apart from any

re-entered college and becam e a charter m em ber

other collegiate organization at that time and which

o f Alpha D elta.

still sets it apart.” L e e ’s image as a “ Southern gentlem an” has

Kappa Alpha Chapter house, 1929-

After several years o f meeting in the dental office and rented halls, the chapter rented in 1896

been an enduring symbol to K app a Alphas, who

“ Hawthorne Institute,” at the northwest corner o f

traditionally observe his birthday on January 19 at

Water and M cC arty Streets, which “ pioneered the


Jewell chapter house activity am ong

“ Knights o f the Order Ball.” Nonetheless, tradi­

the fraternities at William Jewell.”

tional songs about m agnolias, Southern sweet­

Over the next twenty years K A s lived

hearts, and “ D ixie” continue to be vocalized from

in seven different rented houses. In

17 South Jewell to this time.

1916, they becam e the owners o f property at 715 M iller, where they

Chiles ’07 when he was elected Knight Com m ander

rem ained until 1921 at which time

of the entire K ap p a Alpha Order and served from

the South Jewell property was pur­

1917-1925. H e later served in World War II as a


lawyer at the N urem berg trials in Germany. Other

T he house at 19 South Jewell

Knight Commander Henry C. Chiles, 07

K A s who have served as advisors or m ajor benefac­

burned from an overheated furnace

tors include Glen Alspaugh ’35, Clyde Williams

in the spring o f 1929. Out o f the

’38, Arthur R eppert ’38, Bob Kirkland ’38, Fred

ruins rose the first fraternity house to

Benson ’53, and in recent years Eric Lon g ’90,

be constructed at Jewell, admirably designed for fraternity usage and architecturally Symb0jic Qf Southern chivalry. T his house has served for the last seventy years as the setting for

Chad Wright ’94, and Bob Steinkam p ’67. Active at the national order level have been Vance Ecton Rule ’49, Bob Steinkam p ’67, and Bill Dreyer ’60. A chair in the departm ent o f m usic was

dances, teas, conviviums and other social occasions

endowed by R obert H. M cK ee ’52 and in the

but mainly as a fraternity residence for chapter

departm ent o f econom ics and business adm inistra­

m em bers. Originally built to house twenty-six

tion, by Dr. John W. Boatwright ’27. For many

men, the third floor was added to accom m odate a

years Jewell’s athletic director R .E . “ D a d ” Bowles,

total o f thirty-six in 1949.

father o f four K A s, used his shotgun to announce

A m ajor social event over many years was the “ Old South B all” in which m em bers obtained Confederate uniform s, horses, and buggies and

new pledges. To this day, many K A s have the car­ tridge o f their pledgeship. As o f February, 1998, 1,559 men have been

escorted their appropriately dressed Southern

initiated into the Alpha D elta Chapter o f K app a

Belles up the front walk for an evening o f dancing.

Alpha at W illiam Jewell, all proud knights o f

On m ost o f these occasions a large Confederate flag

Southern chivalry who have loyally served their

was constructed across the entire front porch o f the

order and their alma mater.

house to add to the atmosphere. T h e Old South Ball has been significantly altered and is now the


A special honor was accorded to Henry C.

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma



Sigma Nu brothers display portrait of Terry Straeter

S ig m a N u Sigm a N u was founded on January 1, 1869, at the Virginia M ilitary Institute in Lexington, Va.,

Sigma Nu Chapter house, 1904-1968

which is now the home o f its international head­ quarters. Organization proceeded from V M I’s Legion o f H onor dedicated to the eradication o f hazing and other immature practices. H onor has

form ed a local society known as the PheYodhs,

been the cardinal principle over the years, along

Hebrew letters for “ F J,” which form ed the initial

with truth and love. T h e badge is a five-armed

letters o f the grou p’s motto (Friends o f Jewell,

cross resem bling the French m edal, the legion

maybe?). After a year as a local club, Joseph E.

d ’honour, the serpent, crossed swords, and gold

Culver led a resolve to have the group affiliate with

letters display the governing code. T he colors are

Sigm a N u , which then had nearby chapters at the

black, white, and gold and the flower is the white

University o f M issouri, M issouri Valley College,

rose. T he flag consists o f three horizontal bars o f

and Central M ethodist College. T h u s on January

black, white, and gold with a coiled golden serpent

6, 1894, the Beta X i chapter, the forty-third in

in the center.

Sigm a N u , received its charter in installation cere­ monies at the historic Coates H ouse in K ansas

B e ta X i C h a p te r With two national fraternities at the college in 1892 (Phi G am s and K A ), a group o f Jewell men

City. Beta X i’s first m eetings, like those o f the other fraternities, were held in rented quarters downtown on the square, in a hall over a store on

• *-' v

J' ^



E ast K ansas Street. After five years, the chapter moved to the M ajor Alvan Lightburne house on N orth Water Street,

and K ap p a Sigm a send to the stranded brethren o f Beta X i. Greatly was this food appreciated. In dem onstration a banquet did the brothers o f Beta

a G eorgian ante-bellum residence reputed at one

X i give to the three fraternities when quarantine

time to be the oldest fraternity house west o f the

was lifted, and forth from this mellowness and

M ississippi. Legend over the years also had sug­

friendliness emerged the Pan-Hellenic C ouncil”

gested a tunnel from the sub-basem ent o f the

(later changed to the Inter-fraternity Council which

house to the M issouri River, which was part o f

exists to the present time).

the slave “ underground railroad” operating dur­

In 1969 the form er N orton-Craw ford house on

ing the Civil War period. Older m em bers indi­

M oss Avenue on the west side o f Liberty, near the

cate this part o f the house was also used for part

site o f the Old Liberty Ladies College, was pur­

o f the initiation ceremonies. For more than fifty

chased by the Sigm a N us. T his large home served

years, this home served the fraternity in the vari­

as the chapter house until 1996 when it was deemed

ous functions o f the chapter until it finally

necessary to move to other quarters. It had become

becam e unsafe for student housing. A m ajor contribution to the overall fraternity picture at William Jewell came

evident by 1989 that a move would soon be neces­ sary and efforts began under the leadership o f Terry Straeter ’64 to purchase an alternate site

as a result o f a sm allpox epidem ic that

close to the college. T h e result o f his efforts and

broke out in 1900. One o f the Sigm a

beneficence led to the decision to build a fraternity

N u brothers was stricken and the

com plex for all fraternities on land owned by the

health authorities o f Liberty sought to

college. Because the Sigm a N us had begun their

place a quarantine on the house. T he

plans early on, the Beta X i Chapter H ouse was

1931 Tatler states: “ A few hours later the

constructed in 1997 and occupied in January 1998.

entire chapter had been installed several miles

It is a magnificent edifice, located north o f the

from town in a tent. In a tent the chapter lived

college on property given to W illiam Jewell by

for several weeks, at first waiting for others to

Will P. Browning ’06, a Sigm a N u and a long-time

be stricken, finally relaxing from the tension to

trustee and m ajor benefactor o f the college. His

enjoy the freedom from classwork pro­

name is honored on Browning Hall and Browning

vided by this change o f habitat. Foods

T heater, and the part o f the cam pus donated by

o f many kinds, perhaps even fine drink,

him includes the baseball field, the soccer field,

did K app a Alpha, Phi G am m a D elta,

and golf course.

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma



A high point for Beta X i cam e in 1936 and 1937 when in consecutive years it received the G allagher C up for achieving the highest schol­ arship o f all Sigm a N u Chapters. T his was fol­ lowed in 1939 by the selection o f M aurice Winger and John Breckenridge as the two U nited States intercollegiate debaters to debate in England at Oxford and Cam bridge. T his was the crowning forensics achievement o f P. C aspar Harvey ’ 10, venerable English profes­ sor, debate coach, and public relations director who was a long-time Sigm a N u advocate and who was later m ade an honorary initiate. Another trustee and benefactor was H ubert

toward the left and enclosing a m onogram o f the G reek letters AXA. T h e center o f the crescent bears the G reek letters A ll in gold on black enamel. T he

Eaton ’02, who founded Forest Lawn Cem etery in

colors are purple, green, and gold. T he flower is

L o s Angeles. Eaton Hall is nam ed for his father

the white rose. T he flag consists o f a purple ground

who was a professor at William Jewell College for

displaying, between three five-pointed stars in

nearly thirty years.

chevron, a cross bearing a shield and the Greek

Loyal alumni advisors over the years have

Lambda Chi Alpha Chapter house, 1958-1996

letters AXA behind which is a waxing crescent moon.

included Frank Ham ilton 1898, Sam Church ’26, Frank M illen ’33, and in recent years, Larry K anning ’66. From its founding in 1894 to February 1998,

Zeta Chi

T h e original Zeta Chi, the forerunner local fraternity to L am bd a Chi Alpha, is strictly William

1,210 men have been initiated into Beta X i Chapter.

Jewell in nature. In the fall o f 1915 nine men

They are a loyal and honorable group o f alumni o f

housed on T hird Floor West o f New Ely Hall

the fraternity and the college.

founded a secret society which existed sub rosa as a “ C lu b ” for nearly two years. Zeta Chi held regular

Lambda Chi Alpha

Lam bd a Chi Alpha was founded at Boston University on N ovem ber 2, 1909. T h e badge o f the fraternity is a pearl-set crescent with horns turned

m eetings, pledged men, initiated them in their blue and white colors, and imitated the four national fraternities then on cam pus o f this all-men’s college. On Friday April 13, 1917, the Club petitioned


the faculty for perm ission to exist openly as a fra­

with William Jewell’s Citation for Achievement.

ternity on the Hill. T his was granted on April 20, even in the m idst o f World War I and the loss o f many men to the military services. At the beginning o f that school year, the chapter

Lambda Chi Alpha (Epsilon Nu Chapter)

In the fall o f 1941, after a thorough investiga­ tion o f other options, the m em bers o f Zeta Chi

moved for three years to a rented home which had

petitioned the G rand High Zeta o f L am b d a Chi

previously been rented by the K A s and K ap p a Sigs.

Alpha for m em bership, which was consum m ated

T he chapter then moved to 225 N orth Lightburne

in impressive ceremonies on M ay 22-23, 1942.

Street, a property which the chapter purchased and

Som e eighty-five undergrads and alumni were

rem ained in for the duration o f Zeta Chi.

initiated, one o f the largest charter groups o f

From the outset, this group o f men were recog­ nized for their scholarship even though they partici­

L am bd a Chi Alpha. D ue to World War II, the next four years were

pated in a full social program . T he chapter regularly

bleak in many respects; at one point there were

led all other fraternities in grades and in the num ber

only three active m em bers. T h e Navy cam e to the

o f student assistants. An early m em ber, O .K .

cam pus and took over the dorm itories, forcing the

“ D im p ” Evans ’20 was the first athlete in William

women to move into other fraternity houses, and

Jewell’s history to receive letters in five m ajor sports.

the Zeta Chi house becam e “ hom e” for the rem ain­

Later, his widow endowed a chair in the education

ing K A s and Fijis. Finally, the limitations o f

departm ent.

rationing and other wartime restrictions greatly

D uring the twenty-five years o f its existence as a “ local” fraternity, Zeta Chi initiated about 300 men

ham pered the norm al social activities. After the war, good times returned and m em ­

who were loyal to the ideals o f both the fraternity

bership increased to the extent that new dining

and William Jewell. One o f the key alumni was

and sleeping facilities were added. Nonetheless, a

Kyle Bales ’ 18, who was the first pledge o f Zeta

bigger house was needed, and in 1958 the chapter

Chi and later becam e alumni secretary and directed

moved to a house at 449 E ast K an sas, closer to the

the nationalization o f Zeta Chi into L am bd a Chi

cam pus. T his house, even though cram ped at the

Alpha. Another prom inent alum nus was G arnett

time (as were all others), served the chapter well

M . Peters II ’29, who donated the Peters Theater

until a fire in 1996 destroyed it. Following the fire,

in Brown Hall. John and William Linville, two Zeta

the fraternity m ade plans to construct a new house

Chi alumni noted for their scholarship and excel­

at the fraternity com plex on college ground north­

lent careers in science, were the only twins honored

west o f the baseball field.


C am pus and alumni honors have been num er­

against the wicked governor

scholarship, an obvious legacy from Zeta Chi. At

o f the city. On D ecem ber

one point in the late ’60s, Epsilon N u had captured

10, 1869, three men at the

the inter-fraternity scholarship cup for eighteen out

University ofV irginia who

o f twenty-one years. Between 1977 and 1986, the

had studied at Bologna estab­

chapter achieved four G rand High Alpha awards,

lished K app a Sigm a in the

the highest honor in L am bd a Chi Alpha. Being eli­

U nited States with a strong

gible for the award only once every three years, the

tradition o f Jeffersonian

chapter is one o f the few L am bd a Chi chapters to


M entioned earlier in Zeta Chi was the influence Chi Alpha. One o f the prominent alumni is Dr.

ters KX the general surface

Richard H arrim an ’53, an English professor and

being convex in form. On the

co-founder o f the W illiam Jewell Fine A rtsProgram .

crescent, a skull and bones

H e has served as alumni advisor for over thirty

are above the star, crossed

years and was recognized by the International

swords are on one side, and

Fraternity in 1984 with its highest service award,

crossed keys are on the other

the Order o f M erit.

side. T he pledge button is a triangle bearing the

form er Zeta Chi m em bers. T he chapter has a


surm ounted by a five-point star within which are the let­

initiated into Epsilon N u , which includes som e


T h e badge is a crescent

o f Kyle B ales who led the chapter into L am b d a

As o f February 1998, 1,071 men have been


in A.D. 1400 for protection

ous over the years with prim ary recognition o f

win the award four consecutive times.


caduceus surm ounted by a circle with the letters KX enclosed.

Marlin (Jim) Davis ’29, Kappa Sig, “Jock ” Ewing of the “Dallas ” TV series in the 1970s and ’80s. He is arguably Jewell’s most recognized alumnus.

T he colors are scarlet, white, and green. T he

proud heritage o f brotherhood that has flourished

flower is the lily o f the valley. T he coat o f arm s

into a strong and distinguished group ofW illiam

includes a shield with a five-starred bend sinister

Jewell alumni.

and a crescent m oon, a circle-surmounted caduceus over the shield and the letters AEKAB on a ribbon

Kappa Sigma

K app a Sigm a was established as an extension of, and was nam ed for, a secret organization at the

under the shield. T he flag consists o f three equal width vertical bars o f scarlet, white, and green with the coat o f arm s on the middle bar.

University o f Bologna in Italy, which was organized


Alpha Omega Chapter T h e fourth national fraternity estab­ lished on Jewell’s cam pus was the Alpha O m ega chapter o f K ap p a Sigm a in 1897, the sixty-first chapter o f

Hall. T he vine has graced that wall for as long as any readers o f this chapter can remember. T he department o f chemistry was named in honor o f another K appa Sig, Jam es Andrew Yates ’27. Another m em ber o f the K ap p a Sigs was M arlin

the fraternity. T here were seven charter m em bers.

(Jim) D avis ’29 an outstanding athlete at Jewell

Like the other fraternities before them, the

who went on to a career in Hollywood and then

K ap p a S igs’ first home was on the courthouse

becam e “Jock ” Ewing o f the “ D allas” T V series in

square, as were their next two. Between 1897 and

the 1970s and ’80s. H e is arguably Jewell’s m ost

1931, Alpha Om ega moved ten times, a William

recognized alumnus.

Jewell record. T he final move was to 155 South

Though this chapter ceased operations in 1936,

Leonard Street, later to becom e “ hom e” to the

the 379 men who had worn the badge were proud

Phi G am s.

patriots o f their country, college, and fraternity.

As indicated earlier, this account is more abbreviated than the others, because the chapter

Several m em bers are still living who rem ember their fraternity days at William Jewell with great pride.

ceased operations in 1936. However, up to that time 379 men had been initiated into Alpha


O m ega including many young men o f prom i­ nent Liberty families. Outstanding alumni were Clarence Cannon ’04, later a U .S. C ongressm an and

When one considers that William Jewell was a “ men only” cam pus for the first seventy years o f its 150-year existence, it is refreshing to see how much

confidant o f President Trum an. M anley O.

“ added value” women brought to the cam pus and

H udson ’06, who edited the first Tatler in

how sororities have enhanced the overall quality of

1905, went on to becom e dean o f the

life on the Hill in the last eighty years. One can

H arvard Law School, legal secretary o f the

only feel sympathetic for those fellows who con­

League o f N ations, and the only Am erican

stantly yearned (and prayed) for the college to

judge on the World C ourt at Geneva.

becom e coeducational, although there were many

M r. H udson also left a legacy to William

men, both students and alumni, who opposed

Jewell that remains legendary to this day. In 1906,

coeducation. In fact, essays in the Student as early

as class president, he planted at C lass Day

as 1880 were openly advocating the advantages o f

Exercises an ivy vine on the north side o f Jewell

a coeducational existence, and the Tatler o f 1909

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma

includes pictures o f two sororities, Beta Sigm a

its beginnings in junior colleges, even som e high

Omicron and Eta Epsilon G am m a, without any

schools, with prim ary em phasis on “ the genteel

notation or explanation. (They were from the

arts o f being a lady: m usic, painting, elocution,

Liberty Ladies College.)

dress-m aking, rather than academ ic subjects.” T he

It is not surprising that once the college opened

the national D epression o f the ’20s and ’30s, World

o f World War I) those who enrolled felt a need to

War II, and active competition from other larger

organize a group dedicated to com m on goals and

groups, found Beta Sigm a Omicron in 1963 with

ideals and, perhaps, begin to “ change som e o f the

only twelve active chapters.

So it was that Iota Pi was form ed in 1919 when

In order to preserve the existence o f the sorority, Beta Sigm a Omicron decided that the best course

there were fewer than fifty coeds on the Hill. Even

o f action would be to merge with sisters o f Zeta

so, it took until 1920 for the group to receive faculty

Tau Alpha, an organization founded in 1898 at

approval, and for two years it was the only sorority

Longw ood College in Virginia. T h at m erger was

on the cam pus. Iota Pi rem ained a local until

completed in August, 1964, and Zeta Tau Alpha has

Septem ber 1931, when it becam e affiliated with

been on the W illiam Jewell cam pus since that time.

Beta Sigm a Om icron, a national sorority that had

With the entrance o f women into Jewell, enroll­

its origin in the state o f M issouri in 1888. In fact,

ment increased from that source as well as from the

a chapter o f Beta Sigm a Omicron was active for six

return o f soldiers from World War I. T he “ roaring

years at Liberty Ladies College, a w om en’s college

’2 0 s” brought change to the cam pus: a new presi­

that existed on the hill at the then west edge o f

dent, new buildings, and a new sorority.

Liberty. T h at building burned in 1913 and, despite

T N T was organized as a club in 1922 by seven

several unsuccessful attem pts to reopen and

Jewell women who were also residents o f Liberty.

rebuild, the college ceased to operate. N o doubt

T his local influence persisted strongly throughout

this was a prime im petus for the official adm ission

the early decade o f T N T in which two-thirds o f the

o f women to W illiam Jewell, since the majority o f

m em bers were graduates o f Liberty High School.

students at Liberty Ladies College were residents o f

Tr u e

evolution from junior colleges to senior colleges,

its doors to adm it women (in 1917, during the peak

old traditions o f the college.”


T he “ club T N T ” existed for three years before

Liberty or nearby towns. In any event, num erous

it was officially acknowledged as a sorority; thus, in

Beta Sig alumni in town were helpful in the transition

the 1920s there were two local sororities on campus.

of Iota Pi into Beta Sigma Omicron, Alpha Psi Chapter.

T N T thrived, along with the Iota Pi/Beta Sigs, but

Beta Sigm a Om icron, a national sorority, had

decided that it would be better to be affiliated with



a perceived need for another sorority on cam pus. D elta Zeta came to cam pus in 1961 and was the final sorority to be established at William Jewell. T his brought the num ber o f sororities to four, m atching the num ber o f active fraternities. T his equation facilitated cam pus social activities such as H om ecom ing, C am pus Sing, Tatler Revue skits, and other events. M eeting rooms for sororities have been provided by the college since the late 1920s when M elrose dorm itory was com pleted and all women from out o f town were required to live in the dorm.

The AD Pis ’ and Phi Gams ’ skit—sporting a huge newspaper with moveable headlines—captured Tatler Revue’s second place trophy in 1964.

a national sorority. T he chapter had been “ courted”

An early exception was the “ quasi-house” o f

by several organizations over the years and finally

th e T N T s in 1929. T hen from 1948 to 1957 with

agreed in 1949 to becom e G am m a N u chapter of

the large increase in students, and a lack o f

Alpha D elta Pi.

wom en’s dorm itory space, the college acquired

T h e close o f World War II, the activation o f the

three houses adjacent to the cam pus, which were

G .I. Bill, and the general acceptance o f college

designated as sorority houses for the A D Pis, Beta

education as a standard saw m ost institutions o f

Sigs, and Alpha G am s.

learning increase dramatically in the late 1940s.

Following com pletion o f Sem ple Hall in 1957,

With the enrollment o f male veterans in unprece­

each sorority was provided a wing and a meeting

dented num bers, it was only natural that more

room for which furnishings are provided by each

women would com e to college. T his was also true


at Jewell. It was also the right time for sororities

Since 1919, the num ber o f women initiated into

to expand as nationals sought new cam puses to

sororities totals approximately 4,779. T h e com m on

expand their chapters.

bonds o f sisterhood serve to enhance their loyalty

T h u s, in 1946 Alpha G am m a D elta was

and allegiance to their alma mater.

established with ten charter m em bers, the first totally new G reek organization in thirty years. As enrollment at William Jewell steadily increased and the ratio o f women to men also grew, there was


ZetaTau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (Fraternity) was founded on O ctober 15, 1898, at Longw ood College, Farm ville,

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma

Va., and chartered by the Virginia Legislature on

five pearls. T he flower was the red rose and the

M arch 5, 1902.

colors, red and white. T he sponsor was M rs. P.

T he badge is a shield with a sm aller black shield raised upon it. In the center is a five-pointed

C aspar Harvey, in whose home m ost o f the meetings were held.

crown, flanked by the initials ZTA. T h e colors are turquoise blue and steel gray. T he flower is the white violet. T h e “ open” motto is “ Seek the noblest.” Z etaT au Alpha at William Jewell is descended from two previous organizations.

B e ta S ig m a O m ic ro n (1931-1964) In 1931 the Beta Sigm a Omicron chapter president was M iss G eorgia Bessie Bowm an, who was instrumental in leading Iota Pi into becom ing a m em ber o f a national organiza­ tion. As m entioned earlier, Beta Sigm a

Io ta P i (1919-1931) Iota Pi was form ed in 1919 at a time when

Omicron had been founded at the University o f M issouri in 1888 and had established the Omicron

there were less than fifty coeds on the Hill. While

Chapter at Liberty Ladies College in 1908. Its

the m aintenance o f a high standard o f scholarship

Liberty existence on an active basis ended when the

was primary, the second ideal was to provide social

Ladies College burned in 1913, but there were

and cam pus activities for its m em bers, which it did

many alum nae in Liberty and nearby surround­

in singular fashion. T he initial crest o f Iota Pi

ings who were both interested in and able to

form ed a shield divided into four sections. In one

help take Iota Pi into Beta Sigm a Omicron, the

section was a heart, in another a rose; a third con­

twenty-third chapter active at that time.

tained an open vessel in which burned a flame,

Installation took place in a two-day ceremony

while the fourth contained a ship’s anchor.

including a gala dinner at the Party Place. M iss

By 1927, the crest had been revised to a trian­

Bowm an becam e the Beta S igs’ first president o f

gle on which was displayed a set o f balan ced

the Alpha Psi Chapter and has rem ained as a loyal

scales under which was a closed lam p with flam e;

advisor and counselor for alm ost seventy

the open rose sym bol was above the triangle with

years. T h e G eorgia B. Bowm an chair in

a scrolled Iota Pi at the bottom . By that time

com m unication was established in 1993 in

there were twenty-three m em bers and pledges

honor o f her distinguished teaching career at

and eighteen alum nae in the city o f Liberty.

the college.

T he pin was the letter II in gold over which the

As the only national sorority on cam pus

I in black enamel was superim posed and beset with

until 1949, when th e T N T s becam e A D Pis,



the Beta Sigs captured their share o f pledges, cam pus honors, queens, and other recognition for

Zeta Tau Alpha - Delta Chi Chapter T he toll o f the G reat D epression and World War

the next thirty-three years. Besides M iss Bowman

II, plus the active competition o f sororities with

’34, Anita G orm an ’53 and N orm a Guilfoil ’52

more chapters, found Beta Sigm a Omicron in 1963

were especially active in advising and counseling

with only twelve active chapters. After difficult and

the chapter. M iss Bow m an was active at the

emotional review o f their situation, the G rand

national level, serving as editor o f the Urn from

Council recommended a merger with Zeta Tau Alpha.

1936 to 1942 and as national president from 1942

Dr. Bowman was chair o f the special committee.

to 1946. N orm a Guilfoil was first vice president of

So D elta Chi becam e the 119th chapter o f Zeta

the Grand Council in 1963-64 when the Beta Sigma

Tau Alpha and has continued during the last thirty-

Omicron sorority united with Zeta Tau Alpha frater­

five years to be a cam pus leader in the many activi­

nity on August 6, 1964. From 1931 until then, the

ties o f G reek women on the cam pus.

Alpha Psi Chapter had initiated 688 women into

Since 1964, 859 women have been initiated into D elta Chi Chapter o f Zeta Tau Alpha, includ­

its membership.

ing women from Beta Sigm a Om icron and Iota Pi.

Alpha Delta Pi T he first secret sisterhood for college women was Alpha D elta Pi, founded in 1851 at Wesleyan Fem ale College in M acon, G a., the oldest wom en’s college in the world. Originally chartered as the Adelphean Society, the name was changed to Alpha D elta Phi O m ega in 1905 in the Superior C ourt of G eorgia, Bibb County. T his presented a problem for several years because a m en’s fraternity had the sam e nam e. T h e women again petitioned the court. On April 11, 1914, the sorority becam e Alpha D elta Pi. T he Adelphean founders chose as their open motto, “ We live for each other,” and their avowed Alpha Delta Pi house


purpose was that o f bettering themselves “ morally,

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma



mentally and socially.” M any o f the traditions and much o f the ritual o f Alpha D elta Pi are the sam e today as in 1851. Alpha D elta Pi encourages serv­ ice projects on both levels, collegiate and alumnae. For many years the sorority heavily supported the N ational Crippled Children’s Association. D uring the past eighteen years Alpha D elta Pi has aided and supported the Ronald M cD onald H ouses as its national philanthropy and service project. T h e badge is a diam ond o f black enamel over gold displaying at the top portion clasped hands. At the east-west points is a star and beneath are the letters A A II.T h e pledge pin is gold bearing the G reek letters BYA , surm ounted by a demi-lion,

“ club” before it was officially recognized as a soror-

that is, the head and shoulder portion o f the lion

ity by adm inistration officials. T h e Taller o f 1931

with the front paws raised. T he colors are azure

carries the following historical com m ent: “ There

blue and white, and the flower is the single purple

is, quite likely no more than a vague psychological

woodland violet. Perm anent headquarters for

relation between the m eaning o f T N T ’s nam e, and

Alpha D elta Pi are in Atlanta, G a., but from 1948

the m eaning, com position, and functions o f trini­

to 1954 the offices were in K an sas City, M o. M rs.

trotoluene, but it is also conceivable that without

Joy Scarborough Crouch o f Liberty, M o., served as

the widespread use o f trinitrotoluene during the

Omicron Province President from 1963-1971.

World War I, the sorority o f T N T would not now

ADPi Homecoming, 1964

be so designated. Traditionally guarding the secret T N T (1922-1949) T he forerunner o f Alpha D elta Pi at Jewell was a local sorority organized in 1922 by seven women

o f its nam e, there was a time when speculation as to its m eaning was w idespread.” T h e sorority (club) designated the violet as her

who were also residents o f Liberty. T N T possessed

flower (psychic perhaps since that is also the flower

an early tradition that was much a part o f Liberty

o f Alpha D elta Pi) and her colors were lavender

High School, from which it drew a majority o f its

and purple. T h e first sign o f a pin or crest

earliest mem bers.

appeared in the 1924 Tatler as a shield upheld by

For the first three years, T N T existed as a

olive branches topped by the head o f an arm ored


knight. T his was

war bond sales, and participated fully in parades

changed in 1926-27 to

andT atler Revue. Traditionally, th e T N T s rode on

a beveled triangle o f

the Liberty fire truck in the H om ecom ing parade.

black enamel with one letter inscribed in each

during Rush Week and with the traditional

angle and the G reek

M other’s D ay Teas and other special occasions.

word A ’per N in the

Sponsors o f T N T included M rs. Sylvia D avis, M rs.

middle. T h e crest

M iriam Derwacter, M rs. Myrl Rem ley as well as

includes four stars, a

loyal, local alumnae Lucille D avis and Helen Early.

scroll topped by a

Alpha Gamma Delta house

An active alumnae chapter assisted the women

With m ost men in military service during World

crown and upheld by

War II the social life o f the cam pus was heavily

the R om an num erals

dependent on sorority activities. Following the war,

° f thfi founding From the initial seven m em bers, T N T steadily

as the veterans returned, more women students cam e to the college and national sororities began to

grew in num ber and activities as well as com peti­

expand to other cam puses. T N T had been courted

tively as a local sorority on the Hill. Teas, break­

by several national sororities and in 1949 becam e

fasts, receptions, parties, and dances becam e routine

affiliated with Alpha D elta Pi.

despite the D epression years and the varying chal­ lenges o f World War II.

U p to that time T N T had initiated 414 m em ­ bers into the William Jewell Chapter.

T h e T N T s possessed a “ quasi-chapter house” on M iller Street in 1929-30. Chapter meetings and

A lp h a D e lta P i - G a m m a N u C h a p te r

a few social events were held there. But in the fall

(1949-p resen t)

o f 1930, the college required that all non-Liberty coeds reside in M elrose Hall and chapter room s

T N T becam e the seventy-fourth chapter o f Alpha

were provided for the sororities. T hese room s were

D elta Pi in installation ceremonies on April 23,

furnished at the sororities’ expense, as they are today.

1949, shortly before the centennial o f William

T N T women were active in all aspects o f stu­


In its twenty-sixth year on the Jewell cam pus,

Jewell and only two years prior to the centennial o f

dent life, serving as officers o f clubs and honor

Alpha D elta Pi. G am m a N u has had the distinction

groups as well as editors and business m anagers o f

o f seeing one initiate serve as G rand President of

student publications. Naturally, they had their

Alpha D elta Pi. She is M argaret M acD onald

share ofT atler, H om ecom ing, Carnival queens and

Bundy, who graduated from William Jewell in 1964.

Loyalty, Allegiance3 Alma



Since 1949, 1,037 women have been initiated into G am m a N u Chapter at William Jewell.

Alpha G am m a Delta Alpha G am m a D elta was founded as a sorority on M ay 30, 1904, at Syracuse University by eleven young women who had the vision to see the need for an organization that could make a difference. T he badge is a m onogram design o f the three G reek letters, AFA, with the delta plain, the gam m a engraved, and the alpha superim posed upon the two and set with pearls or diam onds or unjeweled. T he pledge pin is on a shield, parti per pale or and vert per fess executed in red, buff, and green enamel. T h e colors are red, buff, and green; the flowers, red and buff roses. International headquarters are in Indianapolis, Ind.

Alpha Gamma Delta sisters

C ontact with Alpha G am m a D elta was soon established and the chapter at the University o f

Epsilon Epsilon Chapter T h e third sorority to be chartered at William

M issouri was visited by Pat and several others who had becom e interested. T h e national requirement

Jewell was Alpha G am m a D elta on O ctober 26,

that there be ten m em bers was quickly satisfied and

1946, the fifty-third chapter o f the sorority. T his

approval was granted by both the national sorority

occurred following World War II as both male veterans

and the college. O f the ten charter m em bers o f

and females entered colleges in record num bers.

1946, eight were alive and well in early 1998.

There were obvious limitations as to the practical

Recognition o f the first addition to the Greeks

size o f the two existing sororities and so the oppor­

in alm ost twenty-five years was celebrated by a

tunity existed for another organization.

dance at the Sigm a N u house given by the

M iss Pat D avis, one o f the outstanding debaters

Panhellenic and Inter-fraternity Councils. T he first

o f that time, began investigating other sororities

installation o f new pledges was held in January,

that might be interested in com ing to the Jewell

1947, at a Feast o f Roses banquet. Six new initiates

cam pus.

and two honorary m em bers were initiated and the


Delta Zeta D elta Zeta was founded at M iam i University, Oxford, Oh., on O ctober 24, 1902. T he badge is a R om an lamp resting upon an Ionic colum n, hang­ ing upon each side are three wings o f Mercury. T h e official jeweling is a diam ond in the flam e, with four pearls at the base o f the lamp. T he lamp bears the sorority’s G reek letters, AZ, in black enamel. T he diam ond-shaped pledge pin o f black enamel bears the Rom an lamp in gold. International headquarters are in C olum bus, Oh. T h e colors o f D elta Zeta are old rose and green; the flower is the Killarney rose. A contem ­ porary m ascot for the sorority is the turtle. October 1946 initiation for sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta


Ai v 11 j u Alpha G am s were well underway to becom ing a com plete addition to the history and culture o f William Jewell College. At the national level Alpha G am s have been

D elta Zeta was organized at William Jewell College in 1961 by a local sorority that decided to becom e national. T he sorority, the latest Greek

very active in supporting the E aster Seal Society

organization to come to campus, balanced in number

and the Association for Children with Learning

the national sororities with the four fraternities,

D isabilities, both Am erican and Canadian. T he

which simplified cooperation with counterpart

Founders M em orial Foundation gives scholarship


grants at the graduate and undergraduate level. Since 1946, Epsilon Epsilon Chapter has initi­

i *s

Zeta Rho Chapter

T he William Jewell chapter is nam ed Zeta Rho. In keeping with the areas o f em phasis em braced by

ated 957 m em bers, all true to the ideals o f Alpha

D elta Zeta nationally, the William Jewell chapter

G am m a D elta and William Jewell College. Epsilon

prom otes several philanthropic events each year.

Epsilon Chapter has continued to be a strong and

T he speech and hearing impaired community is the

active chapter, owing to the hard work and dedica­

international philanthropy o f D elta Zeta. Local

tion o f its undergraduate m em bers as well as the

charities are promoted each year through the chapter

active involvement o f its alumnae.

as well as events to support G allaudet University.

Loyalty, Allegiance, Alma

Delta Zetas on bid

T he Zeta Rho w om en’s social activities include the


fall Shindig and a spring form al, known as the Killarney Ball. Zeta Rho chapter has been successful in its

From the earliest days o f collegiate organizations, the fraternity system has

province, and has received the Outstanding Chapter

been under attack from various angles—

Award given to the m ost successful chapter in the

students, faculty, adm inistration, com m u­

state. In 1996, the chapter received the highest

nities, and even state legislatures.

award given Delta Zeta nationally, the Council Award.

A 1923 publication on “ College

T his award is presented to chapters who repeatedly

Fraternities” includes som e com m ents on

achieve a level o f excellence (both on the state and

the Basics of Past Opposition to Fraternities:

national level) in academic achievement, philan­

“ T h e real cause o f opposition to the student

thropic support, standards development, and socially.

secret societies o f this time was the atm os­

In recent years, several D elta Zeta women have been selected as K an sas City Chiefs cheerleaders. Since 1961, 731 women have been initiated into the Zeta Rho Chapter o f D elta Zeta.

phere o f distrust and narrow sectarianism in which the faculty m inds had been reared. When they had been students, there had been no such thing as individual liberty or


Tr u e

others are vigorous in their defense. Generally speaking, however, this has not been a serious issue at William Jewell.” In the W illiam Jewell Bulletin o f O ctober 15, 1929, is found this statement: “ T he chapters o f these fraternities and sororities have m eant much to W illiam Jewell and m ean a great deal at the pres­ ent time. They are controlled and governed under specific and rigorous faculty regulations, and all the popularly considered excesses o f fraternity and sorority life have been eliminated from our cam pus— William Jewell is proud o f its fraternities and sorori­ 1987 Pledge Class of Delta Zeta

individual responsibility; and they still believed that

ties, and they in turn are proud o f William Jewell.

the new generation should conform to the restrict­

T hese work together to establish an esprit de corps

ed conditions as they themselves had done a gener­

which produces great benefits to the entire enroll­

ation before.”

ment o f the student body.”

Criticism o f the fraternities (and sororities) was categorized and discussed under these headings:

Dr. H ester continues: “ T he record will show that through the years the men and women belong­ ing to the G reek letter organizations have given a

Snobbishness, Irreligious, Clannishness,

good account o f themselves. They have dem onstrat­

College politics, Extravagance,

ed a loyalty to the College while students and many

Preference to athletes, Indolence, Immorality,

o f them have shown continued interest in the college

Scholarship, D iscipline

after graduation. In this num ber are many men and women who have attained prominence and

Organizations at Jewell have not been immune to criticism, as would be particularly natural for a school allied with Baptists. In his book, Jewell Is


who give time, thought, and financial support to their alm a mater.” “ Fast forward” to 1980 in a report to the college

Her Name , published in 1969, H .I. H ester writes:

board o f trustees prepared by the student affairs

“ T he question o f fraternities and sororities in college

staff. T h is docum ent lists nine educational values

life has always been one on which there are differ­

and needs o f students met by the fraternities and

ences o f opinion. Som e are opposed to these;

sixteen specific services to the college and com m u-

nity. Excerpts from this report include the follow­

Returning to the affirming part o f the 1980

ing statem ents: “ T h e fraternity system at William

report: “ T h e greatest service which fraternities

Jewell College offers a viable and absolutely neces­

provide is directed to the individual m em ber to

sary option for the student body. It is easy, and in

m ature socially and intellectually. It is here that the

many cases, very im portant to identify with the ide­

student learns to assum e responsibilities for his own

alism o f the brotherhood and group acceptance for

actions while showing concern for others. T he rela­

the individual. Any college social structure m ust

tionships in a fraternity house enrich this learning

maintain at least the option to allow students to

process far beyond the capacity o f a dorm itory

choose som e type o f group identity. T he fraternity

residence. T he incredible capacity o f fraterni­

system as a general rule helps in retaining students.

ties is in the area o f personal development.

T h e system is an organized fashion for students to

M any leaders, once reticent and relatively inac­

serve the com m unity and the college.”

tive, arise to plan large events, m anage money,

D espite these many advantages, the report

and deal effectively with peers. N otably less dra­

indicated that the fraternities “ create problem s for

m atic, yet possibly m ost im portant, is the fact

the college,” for exam ple, lower housing standards,

that one finds through the fraternity sincerely good

violation o f college policies, and abrasive standards

friends—friendships that may last a lifetime. T he

o f conduct to the community.

sam e man in all probability would be poorer in

However, with the establishm ent o f a fraternity com plex on college property in 1998, and with the

this area without his fraternity.” And these same comments apply equally to

Sigm a N u s occupying the first house, it is believed

the sorority system at William Jewell, save for

that these negatives will be eliminated or mini­

the substandard housing, since sorority hous­

mized. T he substandard living conditions are being

ing has been provided in college dormitories for

replaced by magnificent $2 million-plus houses,

the past seventy years.

half funded by the college. T his contribution, along

M ay the G reek system continue to positively

with the negotiated leases, indicates a willingness

contribute to students for the next 150 years o f

on the part o f both groups to upgrade the system

William Jewell College.

and enhance the overall image o f the fraternities at William Jewell.

Loyalty, allegiance, alma mater true.





Wo r k i n g ,


Onward by D aniel Lam bert

O n the eve o f its sesquicentennial William

college so much enjoyed early on has today given

Jewell stands am ong the finest o f A m erica’s liberal

way to the reality o f its obligation to surrounding

arts colleges. Its program s are highly regarded by

communities. As a result, greater K an sas City now

its peers, and its graduates have im pacted the world

looks to William Jewell to affirm those values that

well beyond what their m odest num bers might sug­

are essential to humanity: com passion, dignity,

gest. It is a good college.

justice, and hope. It turns to the college, too, for a

William Jewell has also distinguished itself as a

perspective on its place in history, for its sense o f

contributing m em ber o f the com m unities it serves

beauty and vision and, if cities can be said to have

and as an effective corporate partner in civic and

one, for its very soul.

cultural affairs. T h is critical dim ension o f institu­ tional life evolved gradually. In its early years,


mostly set apart from its host community, the college identified alm ost exclusively with its Baptist

evolving community role without reference to its

gown considerations. However, as the college

Baptist ties.

m atured and its people becam e active in the local

A creature o f the church, William Jewell

community, the college em braced this as its m ost

nonetheless was secured for Liberty by forward-

im portant constituency. T h u s, while loyal to its

thinking citizens who were not overly concerned

religious heritage, William Jewell assum ed an

with theological distinctions. T h u s, the college’s

increasingly greater role in community affairs.

location and ultimate success turned at least as

After World War II, the college slowly


It is hardly possible to recount the college’s

constituency and seem ed driven very little by town-

much on the efforts o f non-Baptist neighbors as it

emerged as an im portant force in the rapidly

did on the support o f the faithful throughout the

expanding m etropolitan area. T h e isolation the

state and, indeed, the nation.

Working, T r us t i n g , Onward

In general, Baptists were late contestants in the

with local white Baptist congregations (o f which

race to plant colleges on A m erica’s expanding fron­

the Second Baptist Church o f Liberty has been the

tier. But as their num bers grew and their leaders

m ost significant) established a sectarian perspective

weighed future prospects, Baptists entered the col­

with considerable and enduring im pact upon the

lege business in earnest and eventually only the

community. Even today, and not always fairly,

Presbyterians, M ethodists and Catholics would

those who appreciate the college and its religious

establish more institutions o f higher learning than

tradition som etim es believe that influence has not

the Baptists.

always been helpful to the com m unity’s overall

Until the late 1850s many within the denom i­ nation felt that their college was too close to the

progress. Prudently, those who fram ed the institution’s

rough edges o f nineteenth-century civilization. It

charter m ade no provision for Baptist control. As

was, in fact, a concerted effort by Clay County

Frank E. Atwood o f the M issouri Suprem e Court

locals that resulted in a significant endowment for

observed: “ Whatever may be the reason for this

the college and, not incidentally, the sandbagging

om ission, it is in favor o f intellectual and religious

o f the efforts o f one N oah Flood who was bent on

freedom and is too conspicuous to have been unin­

relocating the school to the mid or eastern—and

tentional.” Intentional or not, this principle left

more gentle—part o f the state. So moved was he

adm inistrators and trustees free to seek out a level

by this largesse that the Reverend M r. Flood pro­

o f interaction with M issouri Baptists appropriate to

claimed: “ Out o f debt, out o f debt. G od m ust be

the time and, more to the point, to the educational

in it, I surrender, and henceforth I am for William

and intellectual m ission o f the college.

Jewell College at Liberty.” T his was the second instance, and in som e


ways the m ost dram atic, o f the com m unity’s sup­ port for the school. Perhaps as importantly, it

Today W illiam Jewell College is a part o f a

clearly dem onstrates that particularly in the early

vibrant and diverse m etropolitan com m unity and

years the econom ic benefits o f the town-gown m ar­

serves a variety o f worthwhile constituencies. But

riage were not lost on either o f the partners.

its m ost intimate relationship from the beginning

It is likely that Baptist influence in Liberty

has been with that little town that helped bring it

would have been rather substantial even without

about and that often, especially in the early years,

the college. But the presence o f the school with its

did what was necessary to sustain the college and

strong denom inational ties and the natural bonding

ensure its well-being.


One suspects that as long as William Jewell exists, its graduates will em brace the Liberty o f their own time. Returning to it over the years, they

On the whole, in its infancy William Jewell was not dissim ilar to other colleges founded in the

its progress, but m ost will savor the bittersweet

mid-nineteenth century. Contem porary handbooks

m em ories o f the younger, less com pli­

discouraged students from too much time in town

cated time they walked its streets. T he

save for church attendance and, perhaps, other

cam pus and town o f m em ory becom e

necessities. Youthful disregard could at times be

inseparable. Old grads easily forget

consequential as when young M r. Wiley was shot

how creative they were in avoiding the

dead (som e say by Jesse himself) as the Jam es gang

cam pus library. But to many, the old

m ade its getaway from the fam ous Liberty Bank

Plaza Theater, or the bowling alley, or

robbery. And a little later there was the other college

the truck stop, or just an uncontested

in town. D oubtless, Liberty Ladies College, stand­

parking spot on the low road are per­

ing as it did on the com m anding hill to the west,

fected in time and becom e holy ground.

was a pervasive distraction to the horm onal young

Early on, the presence o f the college

men on the other side o f town. Fortunately, as we

marked Liberty as a frontier town o f

have seen, the town square was mostly off limits to

prom ise. T hough a fledgling village

students from both colleges and it stood im penetra­

built in part by the rough river trade,

ble, a preserver o f strong Victorian proprieties. U nquestionably, the well-being o f college and

thought a college an im portant orna­

town have been inextricably bound since 1849.

ment for a community on the move.

N onetheless the relationship between the two has

T he new little college was expected


Liberty, but at a safe distance.

will be moved and at the sam e time be regretful at

Liberty had a grand vision o f itself and

The old Plaza Theater was demolished in 1985 to make way for improvements to the Clay County Justice Center. Generations of William Jewell students mourned its passing.

tion provided an advantageous view o f goings-on in

not always been particularly close and, at times,

to be set apart. T he people who inhab­

even strained. One graduate recalls a chapel talk

ited it were different and worried a lot

by President Walter Pope Binns, an im passioned

about the im proper influence sure to be

speech occasioned by a public altercation between

found am ong the local townsfolk. So like many

two fraternities. “ We may becom e a part o f the

colleges o f the time, William Jewell valued isolation

town,” Dr. Binns said. “ We need to get along with

and its founders were happy to find their school a

those people. T he police are old and we should not

home on one o f Clay County’s highest hills. There

tax them with pranks o f college students.” While

they enjoyed an aura o f separation, and the eleva­

this grim perspective may have been shaped for

Wo r k i n g , Tr n s t i n g , O nw a r d

effect, it does reflect a certain aloofness in collegetown relations that prevailed well into the 1960s and early ’70s. In any college town community the annual tribal rites o f undergraduates often shape attitudes. Traditional m usic and religious observances on the cam pus typically heightened the neighbors’ enjoy­ ment o f the holiday season. Unfortunately, this good will could be offset for neighbors whose Scottish pines m ade excellent Christm as trees for fraternity house celebrations. And few flower gardens were safe in the late spring as the various G reek houses improved themselves for spring formals. T hese excesses eased as cam pus organiza­ tions began taking their formal events to local hotels; there was a marked improvement in com ­ munity relations as a consequence. It is unlikely, though, that the cam pus and city hall could ever fully agree on matters o f decorum . Typically, undergraduates are privileged and intelligent people whose m istakes are those o f judgm ent, not intellect. Since it is good judgm ent that m akes good neigh­ bors, students occasionally cross over the line. T he influx o f veterans following World War II forced dram atic change on college and university cam puses across the country. They simply never were the sam e. Traditional prohibitions against drinking, dancing, and ribald behavior in general were largely ignored by young men (mostly, though som e women) who, having confronted far greater tem ptation, thought themselves well beyond such

restraints. William Jewell had an early taste o f this revolution as it hosted the Flight and V-5 naval program s through m ost o f the war. T h e students in these program s reflected the maturity and seriousness o f purpose that their post-war com rades would bring back to Liberty. C oeds, introduced at William Jewell just after World War I, som etim es were placed in frater­ nity houses to make room for the Navy men on cam pus. T his brought instant improvement in neighborhood relations, but was a brush with scandal doubtless too close for som e young women o f the time.

Liberty Ladies College

It was also about this time that Liberty began the dram atic transform ation that continues to this day. As a county seat, the town enjoyed a certain prominence that was not diminished by the larger justice center in K an sas City. T hen, as now, a pan­ theon o f keen business and legal m inds was gath­ ered around the county courthouse in the Liberty square. T his included William Jewell men like Robert Sevier ’30, Arthur Roy Kincaid ’32, Bill Waters ’37, and Francis Hale. College graduates City Hall, Liberty

T h e social awareness o f students soon began to play a role in community relations. Even into the

Art R eppert ’38 to the north, Conn Withers ’28 to

early 1960s Liberty was sharply segregated. M any

the south and G arnett Peters ’29, a m ajor philan­

who cam e to town were shocked to see “ white

thropic force both on the cam pus and around the

only” public facilities and to learn that it was only

square, to the east. It is not surprising, then, that

after World War I that the U nited States flag, a

relationships forged in undergraduate days on the

symbol o f deep division within the post-Civil War

hill often becam e a building block for progress in

community, regained its prom inence on the court­

the community.

house square. William Jewell students, like m ost


were pillars on which the town square rested, with

As the town grew due to the post-war prosperity,

students o f the time, lacked an enlarged social

its public officials were persons o f substance and

conscience. T h at began to change dramatically in

ability. T h e college’s relationship with Liberty offi­

1961 when Bill “ Pee-Wee” Sum m ers becam e the

cials, especially with mayors and city adm inistra­

first full-time African-Am erican student on the hill.

tors, strengthened substantially in the 1970s and

H is friends becam e aware o f the inaccessibility o f

subsequent decades. Liberty cam e o f age attracting

barbershops and the old Plaza T heater where blacks

a series o f very able mayors and professional

were relegated to the balcony. T he presence o f a

adm inistrators who led the town in times o f exten­

popular and engaging African-Am erican for the

sive and rem arkable change. M ayors such as Sam

first time personalized that injustice for many stu­

Carter ’82, R uss Weathers, G lcnna T odd, Robert

dents and they, though in small and different ways,

Saunders, Bill Kersten, Steve Hawkins and city

influenced the com m unity and eventually helped

adm inistrators Chuck Anderson, Lloyd Harrell ’66,

force an end to such overtly exclusionary practices.

David Warm, and G ary Jackson had very different


leadership styles but each was a person o f vision

to involve the college in political initiatives o f any

enlist the community behind som e truly m onum en­

sort. B ut that tradition was abandoned, for the

tal tasks. In 1997 yet another Jewell graduate,

m om ent at least, when President J. G ordon

Stephen Arbo ’84, took over as city administrator.

Kingsley testified at a public hearing before the Clay County Com m ission. There he presented

continue to shape Liberty’s development well into

com pelling argum ents for leaving the justice center

the next century.

in downtown Liberty. H is speech m ade a differ­

T h e Clay County C ourthouse for years has

ence. Later the presiding county com m issioner

occupied the city square and, both symbolically and

adm itted that Kingsley’s testimony led him to cast

economically, dom inated the lives o f Liberty citi­

his deciding vote in favor o f the town square.

zens. M uch o f the business o f the inner city hinged

Things began to happen. First, a new city hall

upon the presence o f this and related facilities as

and m unicipal jail were constructed. T hen, follow­

well as the hundreds o f persons who animated them.

ing a series o f difficult but successful bond elec­

It was the need to improve these facilities that

tions, the county’s justice center and related facili­

precipitated one o f the m ajor crises in Liberty’s his­

ties were built or refurbished, giving downtown

tory. There were those across Clay County who felt

Liberty an astonishing rebirth.

that the county as a whole would be better served if

H ad events gone differently, the viability of

the justice center were pulled from the center o f

Liberty would be questionable. Fortunately, the

Liberty and placed on the town’s edge. T h at, they

will o f Liberty citizens and the forcefulness o f their

claimed, would make county services more accessi­

leaders kept county justice facilities in place and

ble and provide far greater convenience for those

rejuvenated Liberty—an unusually strong city, one

doing business at the county seat.

whose future appears bright because its core indus­

City leaders instantly recognized the potential


Traditionally, college officials have been hesitant

with political acum en and the essential ability to

A series o f events in the 1970s and the ’80s will


try rem ains in place. T he benefits to the college,

for disintegration should the anchor business leave

which from the very beginning lent unreserved sup­

Liberty’s town square. Other cities across the

port to the city and county efforts, are incalculable.

country were at risk as their central core eroded.

T h e college’s direct financial contribution to

M obilizing as never before, and with the single-

Liberty is substantial. With an operating budget o f

m indedness and tenacity seldom seen in com m uni­

over $25 million, William Jewell boasts a total eco­

ties o f any size, Liberty fought for its very life. T he

nomic im pact o f well over $80 million annually.

college played a critical role in that effort.

Beyond that, the college’s education program s and,



M abce Center for Physical Activity, com pleted in

more than 5,000

1980, gave William Jewell students one o f the finest

graduates reside

facilities o f its kind anywhere. Its swimming pool

in and contribute

and indoor track are popular with all age segments

to the economy

in Liberty, and were especially im portant to the

o f the larger m et­

city’s senior citizens prior to the construction o f the

ropolitan area.

new community center. And only five years later,

T he adm inis­ tration is alert to

development, was built on the northwest corner


o f the cam pus. Residents there have full access to

that will enhance

cam pus facilities and program s and are able to

the fiscal health

participate to the extent they wish in virtually every

o f both the col­

aspect o f college life. Other program s also serve to

lege and the community. In the early 1960s the

bring town and gown together to share the college’s

D allas Texans moved to K an sas City as the K an sas

resources. Since 1953 the annual Science Night

City Chiefs and for over thirty years the cam pus

has attracted teachers and students from across the

served as the sum m er home o f the N F L franchise.

region. And, more recently, the new E .S . Pillsbury

Routinely, the cam pus provides facilities for a vari­

O bservatory has offered a monthly Open H ouse to

ety o f skill cam ps. T hese and other events draw an

provide community access to its 14-inch Celestron

estim ated 140,000 people annually and visitors


spend a significant am ount o f money in Liberty and the surrounding area. While data can be used to dem onstrate the

O f special note in community relations is the work o f the college’s Woman’s Committee. Over 200 members including alumnae, faculty, and friends

m agnitude ofW illiam Jewell’s econom ic im pact,

support the college through a variety o f projects, and

they cannot adequately capture the college’s form a­

its scholarship program offers three to four scholar­

tive role in helping to create within its host com m u­

ships each year for deserving female students.

nity a quality o f life that is by any standard rare. It


College Place West, a twenty-home retirement

Few decisions are m ade on the Hill that do not

is difficult to imagine a Liberty without the cultural

take into account the feelings and needs o f friends

sustenance provided by the Liberty Symphony

and neighbors in Liberty. T he relationship between

Orchestra, the Peters Theater, the Stocksdale Gallery

the town and its college generally has been congenial

and, more recently, the G rand River Chapel. The

and, indisputably, mutually rewarding. T h e Clay


County Justice Center and Liberty H ospital bring

relatively low profile and the general public’s result­

im m easurable benefits to the city and its people.

ing ignorance ofW illiam Jewell’s location and

But it is likely that in generations to come Liberty

exceptional academ ic quality.

will still be best known as the home ofW illiam Jewell College.

And then there was T H E R IV ER . T hroughout the region’s history the M issouri River has been one o f the great divides o f A m erica’s M idwest.


Even with improved bridges and roadways, the river rem ained a significant psychological barrier, felt

William Jewell’s connections in Jackson County,

N orthland region. To enhance its

would becom e K an sas City, M o., date to the col­

significance throughout the region,

lege’s earliest days when som e o f the area’s leading

William Jewell had to deal head-on

families, bearing such nam es as Wornall, Pugh, and

with this form idable obstacle.

Later other prom inent families replaced them,


Founded in 1965, the Fine Arts Series gives William Jewell special status in metropolitan Kansas City. Here, director Richard Harriman, is shoivn with donors Beth and Bob Ingram.

keenly by K an sas C ity’s entire

especially those with the younger community that

Reynolds, served as trustees and financial supporters.

Tr u s t i n g ,

T h e college’s move center stage o f m etropolitan life was aided sub­

but none has had more im pact than Charles F.

stantially by several forces. T he m ost

Curry. A realtor, developer, and banker, Curry

powerful was, and rem ains, the col­

served as a trustee from 1943 to 1968, half that

lege’s superb Fine Arts Program

span as board chair. H is influence was felt long

founded by D rs. Richard H arrim an

afterward through two business associates (and

and D ean D unham in 1965.

Jewell graduates), Carl Willard and G ene M oore, whom Curry brought to the college board. T hese strong ties notwithstanding, until well after World War II the college struggled to define its role in the greater K an sas City community. T his task was m ade more challenging because the col­ lege’s image in the im m ediate region had been tainted from time to time by media accounts (fair or not) o f internal conflict, sectarian bickering, and perhaps just im prudent m anagem ent o f public rela­ tions. But more dam aging by far was the college’s

Former presidential candidate Michael Dukakis visits with students at William Jewell in 1993.

Walter Pope Binns with President Lyndon B. Johnson

Thomas Coleman ’65 served Missouri’s 6th District in the U.S. House of Representatives for sixteen years.

Its standing am ong cam ­

T hrough the years Achievement D ay honorees have

pus-based perform ing

done a great deal to define the college in the public

arts program s rarely dis­

eye and to raise its profile as a significant com m u­

puted, the William Jewell

nity resource.

series brings affordable

It is not surprising that graduates who have

access to the leading

achieved unusual prominence in their fields have

perform ing artists o f the

also shaped the college’s standing. At least three

time. T h e greater K an sas City area has come to

W illiam Jewell alumni served the U nited States

em brace the William Jewell Fine Arts Program and

C ongress during the twentieth century.

Dr. H arrim an as their own. T h e halo effect o f their

Representative Clarence Cannon was by far the

excellence has, perhaps more than any other fac­

m ost prom inent, for it was he who eventually

tor, enhanced the prestige and visibility o f the

chaired the powerful H ouse Ways and M eans

entire college.

Com m ittee. Representative Pat Williams ’63 was

Achievement Day, the invention o f Professor

elected to C ongress in 1976 where he served for

P. C asper Harvey, was begun in 1944 as a platform

alm ost twenty years. Also entering C ongress that

for recognizing outstanding William Jewell gradu­

year was E. T h om as Colem an, a 1965 graduate

ates. T h e form at calls for an annual speaker o f

who had served in the state legislature and as an

national or international note. T his feature has

assistant attorney general for the state o f M issouri.

expanded the event’s appeal to the general public.

William Jewell graduates in M issouri’s Sixth C ongressional D istrict were proud to have one o f their own sitting in C ongress, and anyone or any­

President Chris Sizemore has emphasized the importance of information technology and carried this into the community. Here (left) he appears with other leaders in “Liberty Links ” a cooperative venture between the college and community that capitalizes on emerging technologies.

thing related to William Jewell was always afforded special attention when visiting the congressm an’s Washington office. T h e list o f other public servants related to the college over the p ast h alf century is long and d is­ tinguished. It includes M issouri Suprem e C o u rt Ju stice A1 R endlen ’41, M isso u ri C o u rt o f A ppeals Ju d g es R obert U lrich ’63 and W illiam E. T urn age ’47, and individuals such as A.J. W ilson ’63, city m anager o f K an sas City, and D ennis


Wo r k i n g ,

Trusting> Onward

L am b ert ’63, who becam c m inority staff director o f the H ouse Com m ittee on Agriculture. O f special note is the contribution o f Anita M cPike G orm an ’53, who becam e the cham pion of the N orthland area and later a leader throughout K an sas City and the state. A person o f incredible will, she has been a gentle but irresistible force in prom oting interest in K an sas City’s N orthland and always in her alma mater. H er im prim atur m ade it com fortable for others, non-Baptists, non-William Jewell people, to becom e enthusiastic about the college’s prospects and to support its program s.

Anita McPike Gorman

M rs. G orm an now serves on the college’s board

brought an imperial bearing and a powerful pres­

o f trustees.

ence-unusual even at a time when those attributes

T hese and so many other William Jewell people

were considered attractive in a college president.

enhanced the college’s reputation through their

Indeed, it is likely that it was his courtly, aloof

own perform ance and m ost could be counted upon

dem eanor that caused the college’s trustees to seek

to assist the college in every appropriate way.

him out; they would, he later observed, overlook his

At one time or another virtually every m em ber

propensity for black cigars and perhaps even appre­

o f the college community has the opportunity to

ciate his habit o f wearing white linen suits while

help determine William Jewell’s image. But it is the

bass fishing. N either were they concerned that the

president who bears the prim ary responsibility for

B in ns’ Cadillac seldom acknowledged stop signs in

shaping how its contem porary publics view the

Liberty, and that friends and neighbors were careful


to give it a wide berth.

Over the last half o f the twentieth century,

Dr. Binns was a profoundly sensitive man who

variously talented men o f integrity have served

always placed first the needs o f the college and the

William Jewell as president. Inevitably, the college’s

community that it served. However, he carried with

relations with the community have tended to reflect

him from Virginia the traditional view that college

the personality and leadership style o f the sitting

and community were best held at arm ’s length from


each other, and he seem ed always suspicious o f the

When he cam e to the office, Walter Pope Binns

big city and the m ischief he knew was possible


there. As a result, he

quence, his im pact on the college’s position in the

did not consider it

community was minimal. However, students

particularly im portant

viewed him with genuine affection, and especially

to position the college

appreciated M rs. M yron M oore who opened the

more advantageously

President’s H om e to both cam pus and community

in the greater m etro­

and m ade it a familiar and yet always special place

politan area; in fact,

for undergraduates to visit.

he saw its relative

1986 Yates Medalists included (from left) Anita B. Gorman, James M. Kemper, Jr., Josph T. McGujf, President J. Gordon Kingsley, Mary Prichard, Frank White, Jr. and John F. Prichard, Jr.

geographical isolation

nation in 1968 were difficult and did very little to

as one ofW illiam

enhance William Jewell’s standing within the com ­

Jewell’s chief assets.

munity. While the college was without a perm anent

H e him self was well

president, the dissent that was then buffeting all o f

known and highly

A m erica’s higher education institutions reached

regarded by leaders in the city and across the coun­

Liberty. But friends in the K an sas City area were

try. As The Kansas City Star opined at his death,

probably more am used than alarm ed when a small

“ H e was always the quiet, considerate southern gen­

group o f students, taking up the cause o f a term i­

tleman in the best sense o f the term. M any persons

nated professor, predicted the school’s dem ise

in K an sas City which had no connection with either

because beer could not be consum ed in Greene

the college or the Baptist faith will recall Dr. Binns

Stadium and certain four-letter words were prohib­

for his fine addresses to civic and religious groups.”

ited in the classroom . Fortunately, Dr. E.W.

And tellingly, the sam e writer continued, “ H is real

Holzapfel, long a mainstay o f the college, emerged

contribution was on the William Jewell cam pus

as acting president and restored a sense o f decorum

where the Binns era left an indelible m ark on one o f

and self-confidence.

the fine small colleges in the M iddle West.” H . G uy M oore cam e to the presidency having


T he two years subsequent to Dr. M oore’s resig­

T his prepared the way for the administration o f T h om as S. Field, who cam e to the college in 1970,

held the pulpit o f the prestigious Wornall R oad

the fourth president for those seniors who would

Baptist Church in K an sas City. There he had estab­

graduate in the class o f 1971. A gregarious and

lished good relations with som e o f the city’s m ost

self-confident m an, President Field was an excel­

influential people, a few o f whom served the college

lent representative for the college, a good public

as trustees. It was disappointing to many that his

speaker, and always dressed immaculately. N o t a

tenure lasted only a few years and, as a conse­

professional educator, he prudently relied heavily

Wo r k i ng ,

upon his staff and deferred to faculty colleagues on

and literature, Kingsley was the first

issues o f educational program m ing. U nder his

William Jewell president in m odern

leadership an initiative called “ Achievement ’7 0 s”

times to come from the professoriate

reshaped the college’s curriculum and extracurricu­

and this perspective distinguished

lar program s and laid the groundwork for William

him from his im m ediate predeces­

Jewell’s emergence as a regional leader in higher

sors. H e had a m uch broader vision


ofW illiam Jew ell’s educational

Dr. and M rs. Field enhanced the President’s

enhanced role in the affairs o f the

events. As in all things related to the school, the

m etropolitan area. H e was, for the

discerning and cultured taste ofV irginia Field was

quiet little college in Liberty, a revo­

ever apparent.

lution in presidential leadership: intellectually astute, open, engaging,

money from time to time. Tom Field was the first

charm ing, playfully irreverent, and

to hire a director o f development and make fund

with a wonderful talent for not taking him self too

raising an integral part o f the college’s adm inistra­


tion. H e was by nature an effective salesm an and

to new trends and began building strategies to posi­

throughout the business and philanthropic com m u­

tion the college as K ansas City’s own. H e was aided

nities. Pillsbury M usic Center, M abee Center for

in this effort by the appeal o f the college’s Fine Arts

Physical Activities, and the Binns Lectureship are

Series, especially among financial and cultural leaders

legacies o f the Field administration. But it was the

and through carefully orchestrated appearances that

M abee Center that was “ his” project, one that was

placed him before the K an sas City elite. H e skill­

born largely out o f his enthusiasm and his ability to

fully exploited Fine Arts activities, events like “ T he

persuade trustees. T h e center stands even today as

City C om e A gain” Christm as service at G race and

a symbol o f his com m itm ent to the college and its

Holy Trinity Cathedral, and luncheon talks before

larger community.

the leading service groups in the city soon m ade

college’s president in 1979 was a watershed in William Jewell’s long struggle to define itself within the metropolitan area. Trained in both theology

President Gordon Kingsley

Kingsley sensed the possibilities. H e was alert

that skill did much to prom ote William Jewell

T he emergence o f J. G ordon Kingsley as the


m ission, one that called for a greatly

H om e as a center for both cam pus and community

O f course, every college president has to ask for


him the m ost visible and sought-after college presi­ dent in the metropolitan area. Kingsley was gifted at constructing pithy, m em ­ orable capsules, repeating them frequently, and


gearing them to his audiences. Soon people

m ajor priority. Soon after arriving in Liberty he

believed. H e was a critical, indeed the essential,

took a seat on the board o f the Liberty Cham ber o f

element in the college’s emergence in the 1980s as

Com m erce and the Clay County Developm ent

the premier liberal arts school in the K an sas City

Com m ission. While other college officers had previ­

region. With his enhanced visibility cam e incre­

ously been active in these organizations, Sizemore

mental growth in philanthropic support from the

was the first ofW illiam Jewell’s presidents to serve

leading foundations and individuals o f the region.

these im portant community functions. H is influ­

T h e generosity o f the Hall Fam ily Foundations and

ence was also felt in expanding the m em bership o f

M uriel K auffm an ’s endowment for the Fine Arts

the board o f trustees to include non-Baptist alumni

Series are com pelling evidence o f Kingsley’s

and other business and professional leaders, as well

unprecedented access to K an sas City’s civic and

as including faculty and student m em bers on

philanthropic leadership.

trustee committees. His wife, Anne Sizem ore, has

President Kingsley’s untimely resignation in

also helped m old the college’s image under her hus­

1993 took a heavy toll on the gains within the com ­

b an d ’s leadership. T he President’s H om e is again

munity that the college had m ade under his leader­

central to undergraduate life and an elegant focal

ship. Even so, the W illiam Jewell story was out and

point for alumni and community interaction.

m ost within the larger community, though lam ent­

As the future unfolds into a new millennium,

ing Kingsley’s absence, understood the treasure

William Jewell College has earned an enviable rep­

that is the college in Liberty.

utation as a quality institution that has served its

T his insight did much to assist President W.

community well. Such privilege brings with it a

Christian Sizem ore when he assum ed William

sense o f fragility and an awareness that it m ust be

Jewell’s presidency in the sum m er o f 1994.

earned in every generation.

A sserting his own educational perspective, President Sizem ore m ade community relations a

We wish her well, those o f us who owe so much to the little college on the Hill.


JEWELL We W i l l


2 0 0 0






by W. Christian Sizem ore

T h e sesquicentennial ofW illiam Jewell College provides unique opportunity to celebrate and honor the past, experience the present, and anticipate and invest in the future. T his is a time to rem em ber those who have given o f themselves to make William Jewell a quality institution that has focused

“ We may not live in the past, but the past lives in us. We should know our history. The people that despise their past are ignoble and there is no hope for them in the future; and the people that are ignorant of their past will not only make great blunders, but must also lack courage and inspiration in present and future struggles ” -John Priest Greene

on the im portance o f value-centered education. A revealing story is told about John Stewart M ill, the great English philosopher and econom ist o f the nineteenth century. It is said that early one

enjoyed the benefits that accrue to those willing to

m orning, Mill awoke with a strange and over­

think in different terms. Because the leadership,

whelming feeling—in his words, a sense that “ the

including the board o f trustees and faculty, has

answer to the question o f the ages” had come to

been willing to think in different term s, William

him som etim e in the m iddle o f the night. But, try

Jewell has successfully met the challenges o f change

as he might, M ill could not rem em ber what the

for a century and a half. With a solid base o f

answer was.

accom plishm ents, the college approaches the twen­

So, the following night, he placed a pen and a

ty-first century with unparalleled opportunities as

sheet o f paper on the table next to his bed. A few

one o f the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges that

m ornings later when he awoke with the sam e feel­

features both strong academ ics and strong

ing, Mill looked at the paper and found—in his own

Christian identity.

handwriting—the simple phrase, “ Think in different term s.” For 150 years William Jewell College has

As our world approaches the year 2000, there is growing excitement about the idea that we will be experiencing a rare, historical m om ent with the


conclusion o f a century and the birth

tion, more than any other, provides a student the

o f a new millennium. T his pivotal

background to continue to learn and to assimilate

m om ent coincides with the sesqui-


centennial anniversary ofW illiam Jewell College, thus providing us

tion and com m unication, we are prone to point out

with the perfect opportunity to

how much smaller the world has becom e. Indeed,

reflect on where we have been, on

this has always been a small world, and its future

who we are, and what we hope to

will continue to be shaped by individuals of

becom e.

strength, character, and vision like William Jewell

T he basis o f the core m ission o f

and Alexander Doniphan. Their dedication and

William Jewell College has always

leadersh ip created W illiam Jew ell, aided by

been a broad background in the lib­

hundreds o f trustees, faculty, and alumni leaders

eral arts. T h e liberal arts provide the

who have sustained William Jewell College as an

basis for leadership, and leadership is

institution o f quality.

a perform ing art that requires com ­ Dr. W. Christian Sizemore has made academic quality a cornerstone of strategic planning. He is shown here on the quad with Dr. Nina T. Pollard, provost and vise president for academic affairs, who was recruited in 1997 to provide new leadership for Jewell’s many academic initiatives.

With today’s am azing advances in transporta­

m unicating clearly, solving problem s,

In the next century William Jewell and its coun­ terparts will focus intently on the goal o f creating

making rational decisions, living ethically, rendering

and sustaining quality, for it is this characteristic

service, and accom m odating change. T he liberal

more than any other that will enable higher educa­

arts will continue to be the best preparation for a

tion to meet the needs o f our society. Creative,

rapidly changing world.

quality education encom passes efforts to help a

Every generation has noted the changes and challenges which it faces, but our generation is con­ fronted with the m ost radical rate o f change in his­ tory. In addition, the dawning o f a new millennium symbolizes the dram atic im pact o f technology and globalization on our present and our future. In the m idst o f this change, a strong liberal arts-based education like that provided by William Jewell College is especially im portant. T h is type o f educa­

person develop spiritually, socially, morally, and physically, as well as intellectually. Our m ission statem ent calls for William Jewell College to: 1. Provide students a liberal arts education o f superior quality, 2. Serve com m unities beyond the cam pus educationally, culturally, and socially, 3. Be an institution loyal to the ideals o f

We W i l l


Thee, Praise

Christ, dem onstrating a Christian philosophy for

in order to meet the challenges o f our rapidly

the whole o f life, and expressing the M issouri

changing global community.

Baptist heritage which is the foundation o f the College. Elton T rueblood, a m odern prophet who has

T he college’s future will include increasing em phasis on the teaching o f leadership, global citi­ zenship, ethics, and spiritual values which will aug­

often called our generation back to the real values,

ment William Jewell’s already strong liberal arts

reminds us that, “ the only reasonable way to judge

foundation. T h e future also requires a cohesive

a college is not by the size o f its cam pus or by the

education program that involves students actively in

abundance o f its financial resources or by the num ­

the teaching-learning-serving process. T he leader­

ber o f books in its library or even by the publica­

ship o f William Jewell will meet the challenge o f

tions o f its professors. T he college is to be judged

providing financial and physical resources adequate

by the quality o f its hum an product. T h e test o f a

to sustain this vital mission.

successful college education is not to be found in

A few years ago a research study predicted that

the am ount o f knowledge which graduates take

early in the new millennium our nation’s colleges

away with them, m ost o f which will be forgotten in

and universities would appear more and more alike,

any case, but rather by the appetite to know, by the

pressed into conformity by declining resources and

determination to continue the educational process,

a headlong rush to be a part o f the herd. T here is

and by the ability to think and act maturely. T he

no question in my mind that William Jewell College

purpose o f a college is the production o f persons

will avoid this destiny. We will continue to fulfill our

who are both more civilized and more civilizing.”

legacy and achieve our true m ission through an

As we prepare for the twenty-first century, there

unasham ed em phasis on values and an unrelenting

is no shortage o f futurists predicting the many

quest for quality. Values and quality, in short, will

changes we may expect to see first. Predicting the

ensure that William Jewell m aintains its integrity

future is a precarious endeavor, and the truth, o f

and its distinction while m eeting the needs o f a

course, is that no one knows. However, we know

global society in a rapidly changing world.

that technology is increasingly im portant to our

T he twenty-first century will be called the “ age

present and our future. William Jewell College and

o f creativity” and the “ age o f im agination” and the

all institutions o f quality m ust incorporate the tools

“ age o f inform ation.” Capitalizing on this new age

o f technology, com m unications, and transportation

o f enlightenment will require the sam e pioneer spirit



that empowered Jewell and D oniphan to establish a college on the nation’s frontier 150 years ago. In the twenty-first century we will be pushing to new frontiers, reaching across disciplinary boundaries, and reinventing the future. T h e C ollege m otto, “ D eo F isu s L a b o ra ,” is translated “ T ru st in G o d and Work.” Inspired by this m otto, the leadership o f W illiam Jewell College has attained inspiring achievements during its first 150 years. With broad-based support from all o f its current constituents, W illiam Jewell will continue to be a national m odel for educational leadership and service. Deo Fisus Labora.

Dr. W. Christian Sizemore assumed the top leadership role at William Jewell in 1994. His initial priority was formulating a sound strategic plan to guide institutional decision-making and re-positioning Jewell as one of the most competitive liberal arts colleges of its type.





Donald J. Hall

David O. Moore


Chapter One: History of William Jewell

B.A., Dartmouth College

B.A. Ouachita University; Th.M., Ph.D., Southern Seminary

Donald J. Hall serves as chairman of the board for Hallmark Cards, Inc. the famed greeting card company founded by his father, Joyce C. Hall, 88 years ago. After graduating from Dartmouth College, Hall joined the U.S. Army, serving most of his military career as an officer at a small post in Gifu, Japan. His career at Hallmark has included service as assistant to the president, administrative vice president, president and chief executive officer. He stepped down as CEO in 1986, but still serves as chairman of the company and provides leadership to numerous civic and philanthropic organizations in greater Kansas City. As the scion of a famous family with deep roots in Kansas City, Hall has a unique perspective on William Jewell’s “town and gown” connection. In reflecting on how the history of Jewell and Kansas City have intertwined for 150 years, Hall says he gained “a deep appreciation for Jewell’s tremendous impact on the Kansas City region—both in educating civic and professional leaders and in offering cultural programs to the city at large.” The college, he says, “is one of the assets that makes Kansas City so special.”

Dr. David O. Moore served as professor and chair of the religion department from 1956 to 1986. He remains active in the life of the college by visiting with faculty colleagues and alumni, attending athletic and cultural events, and maintaining trustee friendships. To research his chapter, he spent well over a year surveying past issues of the college newspa­ per, trustee minutes, and various writings about the college. After completing his research efforts, Moore commented, “One sees in the study of this history the tremendous growth of Jewell in the era of the last half-century. I enjoyed re-living the great number of experiences that have helped Jewell become a better college.” Doran McCarty Chapter Two: Christian Heritage

B.A. William Jewell College; B.D., Ph.D., Southern Seminary Doran McCarty ’52 is president of McCarty Services, a not-for-profit organization that offers training seminars for ministers. He served as a pastor of churches in Missouri, Kentucky, and Indiana, and was a faculty member of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary


and Golden Gate Theological Seminary. He started the Northeastern Baptist School of Ministry, with a main office in New York City and branch offices in Boston, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh, and was executive director of Seminary Extension out of Nashville, Tenn. Dr. McCarty enjoyed reviewing William Jewell’s religious impact. “The college’s spiritual legacy is providing an atmos­ phere where individuals can have a moving religious experience and encounter God. William Jewell allows students to maintain their religious interests in a refreshing manner.” Jerry Cain Chapter Three: Campus Buildings

B.S. Eastern New Mexico University; M.A. Baylor University; additional studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, St. Paul School ofTheology, Oxford University Currently president of Judson College in Elgin, 111., Jerry Cain served William Jewell College for 20 years as college chaplain; in 1985 he was named collegiate vice president. A well-known preacher and teacher, Dr. Cain left a legacy of student servants and service learning at William Jewell. In reviewing the history of campus buildings, he learned that “books and bricks serve as lasting legacies to heroes of the past who wanted to provide teaching tools for professors and students of the present generation.”


Myra Unger

Chapter Four: Faculty and Administration B.A. William Jewell College; M.A. Washington University; Ed.D. University of Kansas Myra Unger ’60, professor of English Emerita at William Jewell, served as a member of the William Jewell faculty from 1961 to 1994. Currently, she is a freelance writer and community volunteer. Three of her sons graduated from William Jewell: Roy Cozad ’76, Scott Cozad ’77, and Kanon Cozad ’92. She and her husband, Brian ’73, have a son, Blair, who is to graduate from high school in 1999. In working on this project, Dr. Unger was reminded of how crucial faculty members are, both to a college’s educational mission and to students’ individual lives. “As Henry Adams said, ‘A teacher affects eternity.’ ”

two years of intensive reflection and goal-setting during the 1996-97 strategic planning process. In addition, she has served William Jewell as a professor of English, associate dean, Oxbridge senior tutor, “Foundations” program coordinator and overseas study coordinator. Currently, she is enjoying retirement. As she prepared to write the chapter on academics, she especially enjoyed “studying old catalogs and reports to trace both continuity and change in the college’s understanding of itself and of what it could offer its students.”

Neita Geilker Chapter Five: Student Life

B.A. William Jewell College; Ed.M. Harvard Graduate School of Education; Ph.D. University of Missouri Kansas City Neita Geilker ’56 is a “grammar guru,” teaching communication skills as a trainer, consultant, and professional speaker with her own company, Geilker and Associates. She was an adjunct instructor in Jewell’s English department for 20 years. She is married to William Jewell physics professor Don Geilker ’55 and is the mother of Jewell graduates Emily ’82 and Eric ’85. Working on this project allowed her to take a stroll down memory lane: “I thoroughly enjoyed contacting a wide array of alumni to gather information about their activities and memories of college days; I also enjoyed the excuse to wander through many old yearbooks, both to reminisce and to encounter amazing insights about college life in other eras.” Ann Marie Shannon Chapter Six: Academics

B.A. Agnes Scott College; A.M. Radcliffe College-Harvard University; Ph.D. Emory University As assistant to the president for planning, Ann Marie Shannon guided the college through

Norris Patterson Chapter Seven: Cardinal Athletics

B.S. Missouri Valley College; M.A. University of Missouri Kansas City; Ed.D. Columbia University Before beginning his legendary run as Jewell’s most suc­ cessful head football coach with 13 conference championships, Norris Patterson served five years in the U.S. Navy in Europe during World War II and was discharged as Lieutenant Commander in 1946. His long tenure at William Jewell began in 1950 when he was named department chair and head football coach, a post in which he served until 1968. He returned to Jewell to chair the department from 1975 to 1989. Norris Patterson, author of A Century of Cardinal Sports, is considered the reigning authority on William Jewell athletics. He says he enjoyed the opportunity to research Jewell’s post-war athletic history in greater detail. “I enjoyed reviewing this period of history—about 40 of theses years were mine, so it was fun. Seeing the changes over the years amazed me.”


D. Dean Dunham, Jr.

Georgia Bowman

Chapter Eight: Fine Arts Program

Chapter Nine: Women at William Jewell

B.A. Hastings College; M.A. University of Arkansas Fayetteville; Ph.D. University of Nebraska Lincoln Dr. Dean Dunham, who has taught English at William Jewell for 33 years, co-founded the William Jewell College Fine Arts Program along with fellow English professor Richard Harriman. More than 30 years ago, the duo recognized a need among fine arts patrons in Kansas City for a program to bring acclaimed artists to the city. What began with a couple of events has blossomed into one of the Midwest’s finest series, annually bringing to campus such artists as Luciano Pavarotti, Itzhak Perlman, the American Ballet Theatre, and The King’s Singers. “Richard and I saw the need for our students to gain access to the performing arts. Under Richard’s guiding hand, the program has grown into something beyond our expectations,” he says. “Writing this chapter on the Fine Arts Program gave me occasion to celebrate two things: the college’s opportunity to create an extraordinary educational program, and the success of a valued colleague in making the most of that opportunity.”

B.A. William Jewell College; B.J. School of Journalism, University of Missouri Columbia; M.A., Ph.D. University of Iowa. Dr. Georgia Bowman ’34 edited two quarterly journals and wrote a brief monograph, The Distaff Side, chronicling the history of women at William Jewell. A fixture of the William Jewell faculty for 40 years, she served as director of forensics, supervisor of the Student and the Tatler, manager of the college radio station, and chair of the department of communication. The annual first-year student speech contest is named in her honor. For six years she was a member of the alumni board of governors. Dr. Bowman had but one regret in writing her chapter: not enough space. “My reaction to developing the chapter on women brought both joy and frustration because space limita­ tions necessitated omitting material on so many women who have contributed so much to the college.”



John F. Truex and KitTruex Mair Chapter Ten: Greek Life

John F. Truex

B.A. William Jewell College; M.A. Northwestern University; Ph.D. Stanford University The Truex connection to William Jewell dates back to 1880 when JohnTruex’s uncle Harvey came to the Hill. In all, 13 members of the Truex family have been William Jewell stu­ dents. John ’47, who was an active member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity, has served the college as a trustee and trustee emeritus as well as president of the national alumni association. He spent 34 years with TWA, eventually as a corporate vice president. For the last 17 years, he has been a consultant for the executive search firm Morton, McCorkle and Associates. For John Truex, the best part of this project proved to be gaining new insights. “This project enhanced my knowledge of the various Greek organizations—their ideals and the significant contributions of each chapter and alumni.” Kit Truex M air

B.A. William Jewell College KitTruex Mair ’77 is the 12th member of the Truex family to attend William Jewell College. During her years at

William Jewell, she was involved with many campus organiza­ tions, especially the sorority Zeta Tau Alpha. Professionally, she has worked in the fields of education, government and business, including 13 years at Marion Merrell Dow. Currently, she is a business consultant and a distributor for The Peoples Network. “The Truex family is truly an inter-fraternity family, with six different Greek organizations represented through the gen­ erations,” she says. “Helping to write this chapter with my father was fun and has raised my appreciation and awareness of the role each fraternity and sorority has played in people’s lives.” Daniel Lambert Chapter Eleven: Jewell and Community

B.A. William Jewell College; M.A. Northwestern University; Ph.D. University of Missouri-Columbia Dr. Lambert ’63 enjoyed a long career with William Jewell College, serving as dean of student affairs, executive assistant to the president, vice president for planning and development, and finally as vice president of the college. Since 1987 he has been president of Baker University in Baldwin City, Kan., along with his wife, Carolyn ’65. He approached this project with both joy and sorrow: “The college whose history this is, very early helped shape my life. The opportunity to tell some of its story has been a rare, if at times melancholy, privilege. Walking through the memories of youth is always a bit sad.” He believes the college’s greatest contri­ bution to the community is as an intellectual and cultural force.


W. Christian Sizemore

Juarenne Hester

Chapter Twelve: Jewell 2000

Chair, Sesquicentennial Committee

B.A. University of Richmond; B.D. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.S.L.S. University of North Carolina; Ph.D. Florida State University.

B.A. William Jewell College; M.A. University of Missouri-Kansas City

Dr. W. Christian Sizemore assumed the presidency of William Jewell in 1994, after a lengthy career as a college president, chief acadcmic officer, and professor. A native Virginian whose academic specialty is library science, Dr. Sizemore also has a divinity degree and long history of involvement in Baptist leadership and church relations. As a student of William Jewell history, he was “amazed and impressed” at the variety of facts and anec­ dotes that surfaced during the compilation of this book. Also, he says, “It was an honor for me to articulate a vision for William Jewell’s future. The college’s history and traditions provide a magnificent basis for future success. Nothing but great things lie ahead, and I am excited to be a part of this continuing, distinctive and compelling story.”


Juarenne Hester ’55 is currently one of Liberty’s most active community volunteers. An English teacher in the Liberty public schools for 34 years, she was a finalist in Missouri’s statewide “teacher of the year” recognition program. Since leaving the classroom, she has been active promoting bond and levy campaigns to benefit the local schools. At William Jewell she has been a part-time instructor, an officer of the alumni board of governors and co-chair of the alumni board’s communications commission. As chair of the Sesquicentennial Committee, a communitywide group comprised of several dozen civic and educational leaders, Mrs. Hester devoted countless hours to ensuring proper recognition for the college’s 150th observance. This book, a key component of that celebration, was made more affordable to alumni and friends due to a generous gift from Juarenne Hester. The book is dedicated to her late husband, Frank Hester. Mrs. Hester took an active interest in updating Jewell’s history because of her profound love for the college. “William Jewell really nourished me as a person, and I want to do my part to ensure a quality educational experience for all who come in future years. I am confident that the next 150 years will be as interesting and inspiring as those chronicled in these pages.”

John Young

Raymond C. Jones

Chair, Sesquicentennial

Editorial Coordinator, Sesquicentennial Publications

Publications and Historical

and Historical Research Committee

Research Committee

B.A. William Jewell College; M.A.L.S. University of Denver; M.P.A. University of Missouri Kansas City. John Young ’64 serves the college as assistant professor and director of Curry Library. He began his career with William Jewell’s library in the summer of 1964, less than a month after graduation. He started at the circulation desk and moved through various staff positions in the former Carnegie Library and then to the new Charles F. Curry Library, assum­ ing the position of director of the library in March of 1969. He says working on this project made him feel “connect­ ed” to William Jewell history in a more meaningful way. “Being a part of the process of recording memories, and working closely with the authors, made me feel like I too was becoming a part of that history.”

B.A. Dickinson College; M.S. University of Illinois; Graduate Diploma, Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies. Raymond C. Jones, executive director of collegc relations at William Jewell, took over as book coordinator when Jerry Cain assumed the presidency of Judson College. Before coming to William Jewell in 1997 he had a lengthy career in the news­ paper business, and also served as the top public relations official atWinthrop University, Monmouth University and Dickinson College. He enjoyed this project because it provided a “fast learning curve” on the history of his newly adopted college. “I enjoyed working with the authors, and was impressed by both the depth of their knowledge and their extraordinary loyalty to William Jewell.”


Charles Durbin Editor, Cardinal Is Her Color

B.A. William Jewell College As a student, Charles Durbin ’60 served as editor of the Student, which was later renamed the Hilltop Monitor. During his tenure, the paper changed from a semi-monthly publication to a weekly one. His youngest daughter, Monica Cross, graduated from Jewell in 1990. During the last 38 years, he has been the mortgage vice president and assistant secretary in the investment department at Business Men’s Assurance Company. His hobbies include photography, particularly wedding pictures, and he put that talent to use in the pages of this book. “I anticipated that a project of this nature would be chal­ lenging yet rewarding, and the high level of cooperation, enthu­ siasm and responsiveness has proved this true. I must thank my bride of 38 years, Judy, for helping me in the editing, review and opinion process and for offering constant support. “The authors have invested much time and talent in the creation of these pages and they are truly remarkable people. The information herein is revealing of the many facets of life at William Jewell, and the vast number of Jewell connections which have been woven throughout this country and indeed the world in 150 years.”


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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